Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 61 A blizzard is about to sweep across the world

Xiaoyu, who is already 80 centimeters tall, is not only becoming more humane, but also getting heavier.

Xiaoyu, look what this is, why can't it be put into a virtual mall or store!

Su Yuan opened the chat history and showed the video screen in front of Xiaoyu.

Master, this is dimensional crystal. It is a very unique energy crystal. Dimensional crystal is formed under very special circumstances. Although we can see and touch it, it is not a substance and is not made of any atoms. constituted.”

When the owner sets up a virtual mall or shop, he chooses material exchange, not energy exchange! The owner can upgrade the virtual mall or shop in the future and add energy exchange!

Dimensional crystal? What can it be used for? Su Yuan was confused.

Master, we live in a multiverse. There are countless dimensional spaces. Some spaces have no life but are rich in materials. Some spaces have very powerful lives but scarce materials.

The energy of dimensional crystals can open dimensional space and obtain materials. The owner can purchase dimensional mines and use dimensional crystals to obtain resources.

With the size of this dimensional crystal, the owner can open a dimensional well, allowing the owner to continuously obtain water resources, and it can be used for at least 10,000 years.

Ni Ma, 10,000 years, then there will be no need for water storage equipment.

Su Yuan didn't expect such an advanced thing to exist.

So weren't the previous ancient civilizations more awesome? Were they left behind by the dinosaurs?

Su Yuan didn’t feel like it.

Huadu's gift was a bit big. Su Yuan thought about it and thought that when the time came, he would give some antiviral medicine as a return gift.

Master, all kinds of grains, vegetable seeds and acceleration potions are almost used up and need to be purchased!

Xiaoyu is usually responsible for planting and is very aware of the consumption of seeds.

Grain and vegetable seeds need to be purchased in the system mall. If you use the grain you produce as seeds, not only will it have no cold or drought resistance, but the yield will also decrease.

Good seeds need to be specially cultivated.

Su Yuan had no intention of cultivating seeds now, so he directly spent 1 billion survival points to buy seeds and acceleration potions and put them in the warehouse.

Su Yuan then planned to buy an upgraded cannon.

Because the cooldown time of the two giant cannons is too long, and facing the dinosaurs, Su Yuan needs to launch attacks continuously. Only by increasing the number of giant cannons or continuously upgrading can the cooldown time be reduced.

A total of 10 giant cannons can be mounted below the survival base, and Su Yuan can also mount 8 additional giant cannons.

Su Yuan directly bought 4 smart giant laser cannons and 4 smart giant freezing cannons, spending a total of 960 billion survival points.

After deducting consumption and adding in the survival points Huadu obtained from purchasing dinosaur technology materials, Su Yuan still had 315.78 billion survival points in hand.

Ni Ma, your survival points are used up so quickly!

Most of the large amount of survival points I just earned were used up in the blink of an eye, which was not enough to continue upgrading 10 giant cannons.

Su Yuan looked forward to Midu and other survival bases to quickly buy the dinosaur people's technological information.

Before I knew it, it was night.

The survival base has entered the land of Hongdu and has flown over the largest freshwater lake in Blue Star.

The water resources here have also been contaminated by nuclear weapons and need to be purified several times before they can be drunk.

The water storage device in Su Yuan's hand can automatically purify it, so he doesn't have to worry about this.

Directly purchasing pipelines and large-scale water pumping equipment, Su Yuan suspended the survival base above the freshwater lake and began to pump fresh water.

Niu Dali and others took turns flying out of the survival base to prevent alien beasts from damaging the water pumping pipes.

After finishing his work, Su Yuan finished his dinner and turned on the disaster warning machine to check the situation of the past seven days.

The disaster warning aircraft was operating, and the mechanical roar was deafening, lasting for more than a minute.

The red light flashed on the display screen, and after a moment, the situation for the next seven days was displayed.

After 1 day, the temperature has dropped significantly, so wear more clothes.

After 2 days, the global temperature will continue to drop. Stay away from home to prevent colds.

Three days later, widespread snow fell in Midu and other survival bases.

Four days later, the snowfall continued and expanded to the world.

Five days later, blizzards swept across the world, with ball lightning disasters and even extreme thunderstorms occurring in some places.

Six days later, an extreme cold wave arrived, with local minimum temperatures around minus 150 degrees.

Seven days later, the extreme cold wave expanded to the entire world, the oceans froze, and some deep-sea beasts came to land.

Ni Ma, the zombie virus is not over yet, there is another global blizzard, how many people will die!

Su Yuan thought for a while and decided that he should still be reminded.

He didn't want everyone to die, no way to cut leeks, and no one to exchange supplies with him.

Opening the chat forum, Su Yuan once again posted a warning anonymously.

The two previous well-intentioned reminders were regarded as stupid, but this time, people actually believed them.

Fake, what's there to be afraid of in the blizzard? It's better to freeze those terrible zombies to death!

What you said upstairs makes sense. At worst, don't go out and save some food!

Don't let electricity prices soar, otherwise people will still be able to live!

It seemed that people were used to disasters, there were all kinds of comments, and Su Yuan was too lazy to explain.

He then browsed the online posts.

The most popular ones are still antiviral agents.

Many rich people are asking why there is no antiviral drug exchange today.

This was done intentionally by Su Yuan, who wanted to give the wealthy people the illusion that the production of antiviral medicines was limited and even those with money could not buy them.

Okun, the chief officer of Midu, promised various benefits to the wealthy people of Midu, and finally managed to get sponsorship to purchase antiviral drugs.

But after waiting for a day, I found that there was no news about the sale of antiviral drugs.

The beautiful female secretary Martha has knocked on the door several times. There are important meetings that Okun needs to host.

Farke, let them discuss it themselves!

It's morning in Midu, and Okun is in a bad mood because he didn't buy any antiviral medicine.

Martha walked quietly to Okun, smiled charmingly at Okun and said:

My dear Mr. Chief Officer, you don't have to worry. Mr. Philip has already started preparing a generic antiviral drug, and the results will be available soon!

You know what the heck, how can imitations be genuine?

Like Okun, there are many others who are eyeing the virtual mall and snap up purchases as soon as there is news.

Su Yuan plans to sell 80 tubes today, and has raised the price of 25 million kilograms of supplies and one tube of antiviral medicine.

It’s still exclusive to rich people.

Within seconds of being put on the shelves, it was sold out.

Many people did not rush to buy because they did not have enough supplies.

Okun cursed angrily:

Farke! Farke, why did the price increase?

If the price continues to increase tomorrow, won't he have to attract more sponsorships?

The more Okun thought about it, the angrier he became. He pushed the disheveled Martha away, slammed the door and walked out.

Su Yuan sells one antiviral potion and 25 million kilograms of ordinary materials. After recycling, he can get 2.5 billion survival points. 80 pills can get 200 billion survival points.

The harvest was the same as yesterday, but 20 less antiviral medicines were sold.

Su Yuan felt more and more like an evil capitalist.

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