Global Catastrophe: Open with 1000 Acres of Survival Base

Chapter 73 Catching the Giant King Octopus

Happy also knows that the major survival bases are greedy. She said that the dinosaur people can help humans build a perfect survival base that can prevent all disasters.

And we are willing to provide biotechnology to help humans improve food seeds and feed more humans.

But if you want to obtain these scientific and technological information and gain her friendship with Happy, you must launch nuclear weapons at Su Yuan.

The major survival bases continued to bargain with Hapili.

Su Yuan had a busy day and returned to the bedroom after dinner.

Ni Ma, have you worked hard in vain today! Su Yuan complained.

The giant king octopus should have been blown to ashes, but it had no survival points, which was inappropriate.

Xiaoyu, is the giant octopus not dead yet?

Master, he is probably not dead. The system cannot make a mistake!

It's not dead, so where can it go? Su Yuan asked Niu Dali and others to search for a long time, but they couldn't find the giant octopus.

In fact, the giant king octopus has long chosen to survive by cutting off its arms.

It knew it would be difficult to escape, so it cut off one of its tentacles.

The tentacles burrowed into the ground, like a python, sneaking into the Haicheng survival base.

After the giant king octopus was blasted to pieces, its tentacles regenerated at a super speed and turned into a giant king octopus again, but its size was severely reduced to more than two meters.

It crawled silently along the ground and quietly slipped into a dormitory building.

In the dormitory, there were ordinary people who were in shock. The men were holding shotguns and the women were holding kitchen knives.

They have been notified that most of the strange beasts in the outside world have been cleared away.

Don't come out yet, the guards are still cleaning the carpet for the last time.

As they chatted, they were thankful that they were still alive, and their eyes glanced at the door and the surrounding windows from time to time.

Suddenly a child boy screamed in panic.

There is a strange beast!


All eyes looked towards the boy's finger. There was nothing in the dark crack of the door.

Looking back, one of the tentacles of the giant king octopus had penetrated in, like a python, and swallowed a man.

Then he heard a few clicks, and all the bones in the man's body were broken.

Then he swallowed the man alive.

At this time, people picked up shotguns and kept shooting.

The bullet pierced the tentacles of the giant octopus, but in the blink of an eye, the wound was completely healed.

The giant octopus outside the door, with eight tentacles, attacked four dormitories at the same time, devouring their lives.

Then, not satisfied, he continued to devour.

Each time it devours a person, its body grows a little larger.

Ho ho ho, I finally got something to eat! The giant octopus roared excitedly.

Soon the abnormality here triggered the alarm, and teams of guards rushed here desperately.

While the guards were moving ordinary people to evacuate, they fired machine guns at the giant king octopus.

But the giant king octopus didn't care about machine gun fire at all, and its eight tentacles went around devouring people without any scruples.

The guards used grenades and rockets, but they still couldn't do anything to the giant king octopus.

The body of the giant king octopus grew bigger and bigger as it ate, and soon it grew to more than ten meters.

The Haicheng Survival Base couldn't do anything about the giant king octopus, so they had to notify Su Yuan.

When Su Yuan learned the whereabouts of the giant king octopus, he jumped up from the sofa.

Ni Ma, nothing can be said to make it run away this time!

Later, Su Yuan asked Niu Dali and others to catch the giant octopus.

The giant king octopus is now smaller in size and greatly reduced in strength. When it sees Niu Dali and others, it directly avoids and pounces on crowded places.

Su Yuan had no choice, and he couldn't use the giant cannon to destroy the Haicheng survival base.

We can only ask Niu Dali and others to evacuate the crowd and surround the giant octopus.

But the giant king octopus is very cunning. When it sees no one around, it burrows underground.

Mouse Man and Lightning Rabbit also quickly followed the Giant King Octopus.

The giant king octopus sprayed venom at Mouse Man and Lightning Rabbit, while using its remaining tentacles to keep digging holes, trying to return to the deep sea.

Not to be outdone, Mouse Man and Lightning Rabbit directly used laser machine guns to shoot at the giant octopus.

On the other side, Niu Dali, Da Mao and others also used Mouse Man's positioning to dig up the dirt on the giant octopus's only path and wait for the giant octopus.

The giant octopus changed the direction of the hole several times during the process, and Niu Dali and others also changed places.

After a lot of struggle, I finally caught the giant octopus.

Su Yuan specifically told Niu Dali and others to catch the giant octopus completely and not let the giant octopus escape again.

So, the cow vigorously grabbed the four tentacles of the giant octopus and walked in the front. The big cat followed behind and also grabbed the four tentacles.

Bajie is carrying the body of the giant king octopus in the middle.

Mouse Man, Lightning Rabbit and Stupid Sheep are standing around to prevent the giant octopus from trying to survive by breaking its arms or trying to escape from its shell.

The giant king octopus kept struggling, but with its current strength, it was completely unable to break free from the hands of Niu Dali and others.

And once it tries to spray Niu Dali and others with venom, it will be shot by the laser machine guns of Mouse Man and others.

Before the venom could be sprayed out, its head was shot into a sieve by the laser.

Soon, the giant king octopus was carried to an open space.

Xiaoyu, tell me how to kill the giant octopus completely without giving it a chance to escape!

Su Yuan looked at the giant king octopus on the ground in the survival base through the multi-functional satellite picture.

Xiaoyu sat next to him, put her chin with her hand, thought for a while, and said:

Master, this terrifying giant octopus has nine hearts, which are located in its eight tentacles and body. Master, you can try to use a laser gun to shoot its heart at the same time to see if it can regenerate at super speed!

If it can still regenerate at super speed, then we can only use the old method and consume it bit by bit!

Then try it first!

Due to lack of manpower, Mouse Man, Lightning Rabbit and Stupid Sheep could only shoot six hearts, leaving three hearts missing, even if they shot with their left and right hands at the same time.

And Niu Dali, Da Mao and Bajie control the giant octopus and cannot make a move.

Su Yuan was ready to put on the auxiliary mecha and do it himself.

Although there are no strange beasts around now, Su Yuan still took Chris with him for safety, and used 1.5 billion survival points to buy an intelligent attack robot.

Hiss, master, I am Battle Number 7!

A red python appeared in front of Su Yuan.

Su Yuan was so frightened that he took a step back.

I'll go, there's a snake robot!

Hiss, yes master, I am also a powerful attack robot!

Looking at you, you look like a large spicy stick. From now on you will be called spicy sticks!

Hiss, good master!

Su Yuan then spent another 4.2 billion survival points to directly upgrade Latiao to level 3.

Su Yuan put on the auxiliary mecha, picked up the laser gun, and came to the ground.

Ho ho ho! The giant octopus kept roaring at Su Yuan. One of its tentacles struggled violently and stood up towards Su Yuan, but was quickly pulled back by Niu Dali.

Ni Ma, it's already this time and you still despise me!

Ho ho ho, if you have the ability to fight one on one!

The giant king octopus roared provocatively.

Su Yuan understood the roar of the giant octopus and said disdainfully:

Tch, I'll let you challenge us all!

The giant king octopus glared at Su Yuan angrily.

Su Yuan didn't care about the giant octopus's eyes, so he asked Mouse Man and others to prepare, pick up laser weapons, and prepare to shoot the giant octopus together.

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