Global Master

Chapter 324: Reunion in the Black Rock Cave

Leaving everything in her hand, she quickly ran in the direction of Ro Ke. She knelt down next to Ro Ke and shouted Ro Ke's name.

Her voice began to become hoarse, and her voice echoed in the cave. She screamed hard, but the person in front of her did not respond.

Her voice became louder and louder, and the frequency of her yelling became more and more frequent, and then she delivered her aura to Roco.

When Ro Ke heard the yelling, his mind gradually changed from being confused to being sober, and then he slowly opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, Luo Ke saw Zhou Xuan by his side and shouted his name loudly.

Tears were still streaming from the corners of her eyes, her voice trembled slightly, and her voice had turned into a cry.

The corners of her eyes were red from crying, her eyelids had begun to swell, and he was worrying about Roco, so he held his hand to convey spiritual power.

He looked at Zhou Xuan like this, feeling a little moved in his heart to stand up his body, and then faced Ro Ke.

Luo Ke started to clean the tears from the corners of Zhou Xuan's face and eyes.

Luo Ke looked slowly and said, "Don't cry, I just fainted because of the Haoguang in the entrance."

At this moment, Zhou Xuan, who was crying, heard Luo Ke's voice and suddenly raised her head that had just been lowered because of crying.

Her gaze stopped on Roco's face. After a few minutes, she was sluggish and rushed towards Roco, her hands went upstairs and Roco's neck began to sob.

Her voice echoed in the hole again, this voice was full of a kind of worry for Roco, and a kind of fear.

Zhou Xuan herself is a school girl, her facial features are as delicate as silk, her skin is as white as frost and snow, she is naturally beautiful, and she starts to cry as if it rains on a pear flower.

Seeing her like this, Ro Ke said: "Don't cry, I just fainted by Haoguang, there is nothing wrong with you, don't worry."

Hearing what Luo Ke said, Zhou Xuanman got up from Luo Ke and looked at him carefully. Then he began to say: "Are you really okay? I just called you for a while, but you didn't get up."

Rocco said, "Really, nothing, I'll take a few steps if you don't believe me."

At this time, Roco caught a glimpse of her transmitting her own aura to her hand. Roco's tone was slightly frivolous: "It seems that you are very worried about me."

After speaking, he glanced at Zhou Xuan's hand, and Luo Ke saw that Zhou Xuan's hand was still holding on to him.

Zhou Xuan was stunned by these words for a few minutes, and she looked far enough in the direction that Luo Ke had just glanced at, only to realize that her hand was holding Luo Ke again.

There was a blush on Zhou Xuan's face, and she instantly took her hand from Ro Ke's arm.

Then Zhou Xuan said in a shy but tough tone, "Who cares about you? I...I just got nervous for a while."

Roco pretended to be a little disappointed and replied: "Oh, that's it, well, it seems I misunderstood."

Seeing Luo Ke saying this, Zhou Xuan said again: "You too, you fainted. As a friend, how can you not care about it?"

Zhou Xuan went on to say: "It's normal for an ordinary classmate to care about it even if you change to school, okay?"

Roco replied: "Yes, how many days have passed since I left?"

Zhou Xuan quickly replied: "If I remember correctly, it should have been eight or nine days."

"Eight or nine days?" Ro Ke's tone was slightly shocked. He had never thought that the time of the Reiki Realm World would be so fast."

Rocco asked again: "Did anything happen during this period?"

Zhou Xuan replied, "No, I didn't think anything happened before?"

Zhou Xuan asked: "As for what you have been training for this half month, I feel that your strength should have improved a lot, right?"

Roco said: "I am already a seven-star warrior now, and I have recognized a senior who also taught me a set of exercises.

Zhou Xuan said: "That's pretty good. It seems that you didn't participate in this period of the spiritual energy trial for nothing, and you actually raised your own strength to another level."

After hearing Zhou Xuan's words, Luo Ke took the opportunity to ask: "Then what are you doing in the mirror world during this time?"

Zhou Xuan said: "During this period of time, I have also been cultivating in Yunlingquan, and my spiritual energy and spiritual sense have improved a lot compared to before."

Zhou Xuan went on to say: "Although I have not yet reached the level of a six-star warrior, I feel that it is already fast. I should have no problem breaking through the six-star in a while."

Ro Ke began to talk to Zhou Xuan about some things that happened in the world of spiritual energy. He first arrived at a trial site called Dream of Spring. "

He first met a monkey, and the bag was stolen by the monkey, but when he chased it up, he found that the monkey was actually a powerful moon wheel.

He began a duel with the monkey. The strength of the monkey was higher than his strength. At that time, he only wanted to outsmart it.

Ro Ke said that at the time, Ro Ke was also very lucky. After the fight, he discovered that the monkey had suffered internal injuries, otherwise he would not be able to kill him so quickly.

And there is a chance to take out the magic core in his brain and the spirit pill in his body.

While talking, Ro Ke took out the monkey prepared for Zhou Xuan from his backpack and gave Zhou Xuan and the soul-returning pill he had refined before also gave Zhou Xuan one.

Roco said, "This is the inner alchemy of that monkey. If you take this down, you can increase your aura."

Zhou Xuan looked at the spirit pill in Luo Ke's hand. The spirit pill was glowing with a hint of golden light and its smooth and moisturizing degree.

Zhou Xuan said: "This spirit pill seems to be very spiritual, it would be too wasteful to use it for me, or you should keep it for yourself."

Roco said: "The function of this spirit pill is to enhance people's aura, and it has nothing to do with the person who uses it."

Roco's tone was slightly calm: "It's okay, I have taken magic core, and my level has risen. I can't always rely on this kind of spirit pill to upgrade myself."

"Besides, don't you really want to break through the six stars now? This spirit pill can help you, the spiritual power of this monkey is pure, and the formed spirit pill is even more effective.

It attributed its own aura to this spirit pill. The aura in this spirit pill must be much more pure, so you can use this spirit pill.

Seeing Ro Ke's tough attitude, Zhou Xuan couldn't refuse any more. She took the spirit pill from Ro Ke's hand and swallowed it with her mouth open.

When the pill entered Zhou Xuan's body, Zhou Xuan felt a very strong spiritual energy pouring into her body, first entering the meridians.

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