Global Master

Chapter 349: Set off

Thinking of this, Ro Ke started to have some thoughts. Ro Ke said to Zhou Xuan: "Let's pack up and hurry up."

Zhou Xuan started to act when she heard Luo Ke's words. After eating the red fox meat, Zhou Xuan returned to her place and packed her luggage.

At this time, Roco also began to pack up, he put away his cushion, just at this moment he was suddenly stunned.

He started to look for something around. He touched the ground with both hands, but he didn't find it. He started searching near the fire.

He spared a lap, but still didn't find it. He took out a bottle of Qi Gathering Pill last night, but now there is no trace of the bottle of Qi Gathering Pill.

Ro Ke had searched around but still disappeared. He thought that he might have put the bottle of Qi Gathering Pill in Kunling's bag.

At this time Zhou Xuan also packed up her things and walked towards Luo Ke. She saw the scenes just now.

When Zhou Xuan was packing her luggage, she saw Luo Ke squatting down as if looking for something.

When she stood up, she found that Roco was still on the ground, but she had stopped her hand movements, as if thinking about something.

At this time Zhou Xuan had already walked in front of Ro Ke, her eyebrows and eyes felt a kind of tension, and the corners of her mouth collapsed as if she was not energetic.

Zhou Xuan wanted to speak, but she was a little bit hesitant. She slowly opened her mouth several times, and finally said: "What happened? I just saw you over there as if you were looking for something. , Is there nothing missing?"

At this time, Luo Ke also stopped thinking in his mind, and slowly turned his head to Zhou Xuan, and looked at Zhou Xuan with a calm look.

Luo Ke knew that if Zhou Xuan knew that the pill hadn't been taken away, she would definitely start thinking again, and then she would start to be frightened again.

When Zhou Xuan had just returned from the spiritual energy realm at that time, she told him that she had discovered many anomalies in this world during his absence.

And not dropping things from time to time is one of the strange things. Zhou Xuan told him about her worries and a kind of panic in her heart.

Ro Ke also envisioned many possibilities at the time. He once wondered if the old man Fang Shan was worried about their safety and entered the mirror world.

But this idea was quickly rejected by Ro Ke. Ro Ke didn't even think about who did these things. Zhou Xuan was really upset at the time.

Although Zhou Xuan's martial arts is good, her attitude towards some people is really cold and cold, but no matter how strong she is, she is just a girl.

I still worry about some undecided things, and this kind of thing is scary enough in itself that I can't find anything without losing it, and I can't find out who did it. This makes Zhou Xuan's heart start to hang a little. Good stuff.

At this time, Ro Ke thought of this and decided to do the same as last time, not to tell Zhou Xuan the matter for the time being, she started to worry about these things again.

Moreover, the Gathering Pill is a very common pill, and the medicinal materials used in it are not very expensive, so Roco decided to give up looking for it.

It is possible that when he slept in a daze yesterday, he himself put things into Kunling's bag.

Luo Ke's eyebrows loosened slightly, and the corners of his mouth began to rise slightly. His expression was not as tense as before, and slightly eased.

Roco pretended to be a little calm and said: "It's nothing, I just thought that one of my things was missing."

When Zhou Xuan heard him say this, she said, "What? Did you find it? Do you want to help?"

Luo Ke heard Zhou Xuan say this and quickly replied: "I found it. I just thought it was placed by the fire yesterday."

Rocco continued: "I was just looking for it. I remembered that I put it in my bag yesterday, so don't worry, I have found it."

Zhou Xuan asked again: "Is it really okay? If there is something, you must tell me earlier, don't hide it alone."

After listening to Zhou Xuan's words, Luo Ke replied: "Don't worry, it's really okay, don't think so much, let's leave early, and we will continue on the road today."

After Zhou Xuan listened to Ro Ke's words, she thought about it for a while, her eyes were slightly distracted.

She thought: "Roco shouldn't lie to me. If nothing happens, nothing really happens. It is not good for him to lie to me."

Zhou Xuan thought for a while in her mind, and then she said, "Well, I thought it was something that happened, and my luggage was packed."

Rocco said, "Mine is also packed, so let's start on the road now, and strive to be there before the evening."

Zhou Xuan carried her luggage on the ground, and Luo Ke also loaded the last thing in, observing the surroundings in the cave to see if there was anything falling around.

He looked around in the cave and found nothing wrong, nor did he find anything falling, so Roco turned his head and walked outside the cave.

At this time, Zhou Xuan had already walked out of the cave earlier than Luo Ke. Seeing that Luo Ke hadn't come out for a long time, she turned her head and looked behind her.

When she saw that Ro Ke was still looking inside the cave, she planned to wait for him outside the cave. She stood outside the cave, leaning against the entrance of the cave.

The two fires that Roco lit at the door yesterday were all burned out, and there was no trace of the flames at this time.

The wood has been burned into charcoal by fire, and there are still some sparks on it. The place on Mars has been completely carbonized.

After Ro Ke finished observing some things in the cave, he also began to walk towards Zhou Xuan.

Zhou Xuan was leaning on the side of the hole with her back at this time, looking down at the ground, turning her head to Roco's side from time to time.

Seeing Roco coming by, she straightened up immediately, and then smiled at him and said, "Let's go, isn't it going to be on the way?"

Luo Ke also walked in front of Zhou Xuan at this time, stood beside her, and the two walked out of the cave side by side.

After the two left, everything was as they were last night, everything in the cave was very peaceful.

At this time, a vine in the Zhangshu Cave began to squirm slowly, with a bottle of immortality tied to it, and a note was pasted on the bottle of immortality.

This note has red as the background color and black as the font color, and the words on this note are written with a brush.

There are some patterns on the body of this bottle. The background color of the bottle body is white, and the color of the above picture and text is navy blue.

The pattern on this bottle is a peony flower, with gold on it, and a row of rubbings: good medicine is bitter and good for disease, and the scent of peony stops at people.

The mouth of the bottle is covered with a bottle cap with the same pattern and background color as the bottle body. The cap is very tight, and the red note has three words written on it: Gathering Qi Dan.

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