Global Master

Chapter 359: Reasons inside the cave

After listening to Zhou Xuan saying that he was okay, Luo Ke asked again: "Then do you still feel dizzy now? Or do you still feel that the power of Mixiang is still there?"

Zhou Xuan listened to Ro Ke's words and said first: "The effect of Mixiang disappeared when I was running the spiritual energy just now, so now my consciousness is clear."

Zhou Xuan paused, and then asked: "You just went to find the location where Mixiang was just released. Did you find anything?"

At this time, Luo Ke slowly lowered his head for a while, and then raised it again. He opened his mouth and said to Zhou Xuan: "I just looked for a half circle next to the stone wall, but I found something, but now I want to ask you how much Only one question can determine if this is the cause."

Zhou Xuan said without hesitation after listening to Ro Ke's words: "Well, ask, I will answer truthfully."

Luo Ke asked Zhou Xuan at this time: "Did you have anything in your mind just before you smelled the miraculous fragrance?"

Hearing questions like Ro Ke, Zhou Xuan was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Who thought of anything? Let me recall it first."

After speaking, Zhou Xuan began to fall into a round of contemplation. She began to slowly recall what she was thinking just before smelling the fragrance.

At this time, she deduced the chain of memory in her mind back to before entering the hole. She remembered that she was observing some scenes in the hole just before entering the center of the hole.

She didn't seem to have thought about any mess, right now, she raised her head.

She slowly said, "Where did I touch the ice platform just now?"

Luo Ke heard Zhou Xuan speak from his thoughts, and he said: "If I remember correctly, it should be the aura cirrus cloud on the ice platform."

After listening to Ro Ke's words, Zhou Xuan seemed to suddenly remember something. She began to slowly recall. She seemed to remember that she was observing the situation in the cave at that time.

At this moment, she suddenly saw the ice table. She felt that the aura cirrus clouds next to the ice table were very beautiful and wanted to touch it.

At this moment, she suddenly felt dizzy, and her whole body began to feel a little unsteady. Her eyes began to feel stunned, and she felt a little ghosting when she looked at everything around her.

After a while she lost consciousness completely, and then she almost had no impression of what happened afterwards.

What happened afterwards was Ro Ke told her. She didn't even know how she got to the ice platform. Later, she ran into the aura cirrus cloud, but was also shaken out.

Had it not been for Roco to catch her, she might have fallen on some surrounding rock wall.

Thinking of this, the blush on Zhou Xuan's face turned again, but she immediately shook her head, and secretly cursed herself in her heart: "Zhou Xuan, Zhou Xuan, what is your idiot? Waiting for you to answer the question, what are you thinking about now."

So after she calmed down, she said to Ro Ke, "I seem to remember. Before I asked Mixiang, I thought that aura cirrus cloud was very beautiful, so I wanted to touch it."

Zhou Xuan went on to say: "Unexpectedly, I smelt the fragrance for a while, and I fainted."

After Luo Ke listened to Zhou Xuan's words, Luo Ke said, "Then your loss of consciousness should be caused by this guy."

After Luo Ke finished speaking, he took the Xiao Binghua in his hand and placed it in front of Zhou Xuan.

Roco began to explain at this time: "At that time, you told me that you were stunned by a burst of scent, and you just described that the scent of scent made me feel like deja vu."

So I started searching around the cave and found this guy, and then based on what you just described, I can now be more certain of some things. "

Zhou Xuan said at this moment: "Are you trying to say that my fainting just now was caused by this flower?"

Roco said: "If I expected it to be true, the symptoms you just described are very similar to the medicinal properties and functions of this flower."

At this time Zhou Xuan asked, "Is this the Xiao Binglan you brought?"

Roco replied, "That's right, I have seen this Xiao Binglan in a medicine book."

Rocco went on to say: "Normally, this flower doesn't produce anything if you smell it, but don't think of other things in your mind at this time."

This flower also has a unique name called the Flower of Desire. When you smell its fragrance and think about other things, this flower will start to urge you to implement some things.

"You should be thinking about touching the Reiki Cirrus in your mind at that time. After you had this desire in your mind at that time, you started to be controlled by this flower to do what you just met with the Reiki Cirrus. move."

After listening to Ro Ke's explanation, Zhou Xuan thought for a while and thought that she had indeed had the desire to touch the spiritual cirrus cloud just now, so she just smelled the misty fragrance just now.

Zhou Xuan asked again at this moment: "Although I just said that I wanted to touch that spiritual cloud in the past, it was only a momentary matter. Would this be considered a desire?"

After Luo Ke listened to Zhou Xuan's words, he replied, "No matter how big or small the desire, Xiao Binglan can detect it."

Zhou Xuan was a little shocked after hearing what Luo Ke said. She had never thought that a small flower could have the ability to manipulate other people's consciousness.

It also allows you to do this without realizing it, but Zhou Xuan doesn't feel strange after thinking about it for a while.

Are there few strange worlds they see when they come to this mirror world? Zhou Xuan didn't feel so strange when he thought of this when he first met the icebreaker bear and then later.

At this time, Roco said: "Since we now know what it is, we must begin to be more cautious in everything that follows."

Zhou Xuan also stood up slowly from the ground at this time, and she replied: "So what should we do next, unlock the box and see what's inside."

Roco said: "When our meeting is over, be a little more careful, don't have other distracting thoughts in your mind, so that you won't be controlled by Xiao Binglan again."

Zhou Xuan said: "For the sake of safety, we should not cover up all Xiao Binglan in the cave, so that we can also prevent the situation from happening again later."

After listening to Zhou Xuan's words, Ro Ke thought for a while and felt that it made sense, and said, "It's not too late, let's do it now."

Ro Ke and Zhou Xuan walked along the stone wall and found the kind of Xiao Binglan that Ro Ke just said.

The two of them took out the aura hoods in their Kunling bags one after another, covering those Xiao Binglan one after another.

After guaranteeing their own safety in this way, it will also bring some benefits to them later when they crack the seal on the stone platform.

So the two of them spent almost several minutes covering all Xiao Binglan in the cave.

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