Global Master

Chapter 430: Rolling

"Vine Snake Legs"

Ro Ke silently thought in his heart that he didn't want to show mercy under his feet at all with this blow, because even a clay figure has three points of mud. He was almost pressed by the black robe with sword man and the other seven people with the sky-shaking mark. .

If they succeed, it is estimated that they have been lying on the ground and vomiting blood.

Since others are not polite to oneself, even though he is not the one who will repay him, he is not a dumb person who eats coptis and smashes his teeth into his stomach and swallows.

The man in black robe and sword felt that one of Roco’s legs had been whip against his back with the sound of hunting wind, and he was distraught as he watched the snake legs approaching closer, but he had no time to react, his hands and feet were not able to respond. The consciousness of the upper head.

So Roco's blow hit him firmly on the back, and he passed out in an instant when he rolled his eyes.

The other seven people had seen the black robe and sword man had been beaten to death by Luo Keji! The retreat has already started in my heart, and the offensive of the attack is much weaker.

Roco smiled softly! The man in black robe with sword is not a big problem, he has already controlled his strength perfectly. In front of his mid-stage martial arts cultivation base, the realm cultivation of the man in black robe with sword will definitely not be able to withstand his full blow of the snake leg. Yes, so he only used seven points of strength in this blow.

After Luo Ke kicked the black-robed man to pass out, he swept forward without stagnation, and shouted the afterimage step in his mouth at the same time!

Almost in an instant, Luo Ke appeared in front of a warrior.

The warrior only felt a black shadow in front of him, and immediately slammed a punch subconsciously, because he felt an irresistible sense of suffocation, so this punch was an unreserved blow.

Luo Ke didn't block this punch, he could do the same, he was exactly the same as the warrior, and he also handed a punch forward with his right hand.

"Wind, Fire, Demon Fist!"

Roco's right fist was surrounded by a layer of flames, and the flames were not Roco's original flame ice lotus anger or amethyst blue fire, because if that were the case, the warrior must have been extinguished by the burning ashes.

The dancer’s fierce punch hit Ro Ke’s body, but the aura shield that Roco raised blocked the fierce punch, while the martial artist’s aura shield did not block Ro Ke’s blow. His Spiritual Qi hood was smashed by Roco's Fenghuo Demon Fist, and finally the Fenghuo Demon Fist went unabated, and slammed on the chest of the warrior fiercely.

The warrior spat out a mouthful of blood, presumably the ribs on his chest were also broken three or four.

When another warrior next to him attacked his partner next to him, he used his most familiar move, a sword pierced Roco’s back. Unexpectedly, Roco’s aura was pierced With more than an inch, he almost touched Ro Ke's body, causing Ro Ke to be injured.

It seems that this warrior has a high level of attainments in kendo, and at the same time he is a person who is good at observing. The point he pierced is exactly at the weakest point of the Roco Spiritual Shield. Ro Ke secretly sighed in his heart that the apprentice of the old man in sackcloth was indeed not a kind person, let alone an unspeakable junior. Everyone had their own tricks and characteristics, but they should be unlucky when they met Ro Ke.

That person was also very surprised. He didn't expect that his castration was so violent, that his extremely confident sword hadn't even pierced Roco's aura.

The aura shields of warriors are generally much weaker than defensive magic weapons. Warriors of the same level sometimes don’t even raise the aura shields, because the aura shields are only equivalent to their own realm defense magic weapons for their own defense. 3/10 only.

Attachment to raising the aura cover will distract oneself, leading to wrong step and wrong step.

Master duels usually pay attention to details. If the gap between the two is not too big, the two sides often seize a small loophole in the opponent, and then the loophole can be torn bigger and bigger, and finally the victory can be reversed. Those who eventually reach the top of the pyramid of warriors People, who are not meticulous and determined people, all crawled out of the sea of ​​blood.

Ro Ke admired in his heart, but the steps under his feet did not stop. He urged the misty steps to the extreme. Almost in the blink of an eye, the sword warrior had no trace of Ro Ke in his sight, and immediately he walked. Following in the footsteps of the last partner.

The body also flew out like a kite with a broken string.

Because in that instant, Roco had moved behind him and used the Bengshan Fist Hammer to hit his waist. The waist was an extremely weak part of the human body, so this swordsman was seriously injured.

When Roco picked up the giant sword of the sky from the mud round table, and was preparing for a truly hearty stop, he suddenly heard a voice hurriedly ringing nearby:

"Lady Roco, you can't fight anymore, the competition ends here, hurry, hurry, you guys hurry up and surrender."

The last words of the old man Mai said to the only four disciples left on the mud round platform. He was really a little panicked. Roco's shots time and time again are getting more and more fierce. If this goes on, then The remaining four disciples had to lie in bed for ten and a half months, wrapped up like a zongzi, unable to move.

After hearing the words of the old man in Mai, the warriors were like masters. They ran off like a spinning wheel on two legs, and they didn’t care about any embarrassment. Little life is the most important thing!

Roco actually had no interest in attacking and fighting after hearing the words of the old man Mai. He curled his lips and joked to the old ant man:

"Old predecessor, you are really eccentric. You should be able to see it in the air when the skyshaking seal attacked me, but you didn't say aloud to remind me. Now I finally have the upper hand, but you stopped me. , Don’t you want to see the depth of my cultivation?"

The old man Mai responded with a blushing face and heartbeat:

"Well, it's okay! It's okay! The old man has roughly understood that you are very strong, you are really terrifying, talented, and infinite potential. In the future, there will be something amazing to the world!"

The old man Ma Yi praised Roco fiercely.

Luo Ke waved his hand helplessly, and said to the old man in Mai:

"Senior, if you continue to say this, I don't know if you are sarcastic or taunting me, or appreciating and complimenting me!"

While talking, Ro Ke walked down from the mud round platform. He walked in front of Zhou Xuan and Xuanyuankong, and slapped Xuanyuankong and Zhou Xuan.

After that, the old man Mai Yi waved his cuff lightly, and took the mud round table back into the universe.

Ro Ke is very interested in the universe of sleeves, because he also mastered the universe of sleeves at this time, so he wanted to ask the old man Mai.

So he asked the old man Mai:

"Senior, what is the mystery in your sleeve?"

The old man in Mai was surprised by Luo Ke who suddenly asked such a question that was not relevant to the competition, but he didn't think much about it, and replied casually:

"The universe in the sleeve belongs to a Taoist spell. It has been passed down to the present. The old man also obtained it by accident in the wreckage of an ancient battlefield. The universe in my sleeve is self-taught. No one taught me. Most of the functions are I figured it out by myself, but the old man read a lot of ancient books about the universe in the sleeve, and learned that he only needs to cultivate the universe in the sleeve to the extreme."

"You can form a small world inside, which will provide you with a steady stream of aura and opportunities. At the same time, people in the small world reproduce autonomously, and you can also find a lot of cultivating talents in it. They are all your vital powers. , You are the God and the master of that small world. Some people once said that our vast world is nothing more than a small world in the sleeves of others. When we are truly able and powerful enough to touch the truth. , Maybe you can meet someone in our Fang Xiao world."

"Unfortunately, these old men don't expect anymore. All hope falls on you young handsome generation."

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