Global Master

Chapter 484: Do it!

The carriage slammed into a wall, but there was really nothing in front of it, it was transparent.

Ro Ke was not surprised, because he knew that this was an invisible wall formed by the transparent ice cubes of Ge Qingshu. The carriage was hit hard, but it was not deformed.

This way Roco is very depressing. The crash just now Roco felt that it was not light enough to break the steel car, but this car did not have a problem at all, which suffices to explain the preciousness of this car and the people in the car. Status status is also very high.

Ro Ke drove the two small flying swords, Xiao Fei Jian and Xiao Fei Jian to the moon, and each ran towards a guard, all female watches were heads.

On the other hand, Ro Ke himself was worried about the giant sword of the sky and slashed at another guard warrior, with one to three. Ro Ke was confident that he could do it, and it was not that he had done it.


The warrior who was attacked by Roco reacted very swiftly. He felt the whistling wind above his head, and subconsciously raised his saber, collided with Roco's giant sword, and let out a crisp weapon. the sound of.

But the warrior was kicked out by Luo Ke with a snake leg and hit the jade spirit stone wall, but what Luo Ke did not expect was that this warrior, who was obviously only in the realm of eight-star warrior, was actually in Luo. But before hitting him, the aura hood had been raised, and the quick reaction made Ro Ke really surprised.

This is just an eight-star warrior! Although Roco is also in the realm of an eight-star warrior, he did not use the Xieguang Guankong Charm, but it should be more than enough to deal with a nine-star warrior. Roco and Ge Qingshu both underestimated the group of guards who protected Ye Lecheng. Their fighting consciousness was true. Is too powerful.

Roco felt Xiao Feijian Fly to the moon and Xiao Fei sword day by day, and found that both of them had made achievements, but the effect was not as expected. Little Fei sword day by day just pierced the warrior who had no defense at the beginning. Up the arm.

Flying to the moon with Xiaofeijian killed an eight-star warrior and penetrated his head.

But Luo Ke was very dissatisfied with this result. It stands to reason that if it were a sneak attack, the small flying sword controlled by Luo Ke would be able to deal with the two martial artists of the eight-star martial arts realm.

It can only be said that their combat consciousness is too strong!

Ro Ke is using his spiritual knowledge to spread the voice to everyone:

"Be careful! Their strength is not strong, but the fighting consciousness is indeed abnormal."

After Roco finished speaking, no matter the eight-star warrior who was kicked on the wall of the jade spirit stone, his legs exerted force and his body rushed like a cannonball towards the eight-star warrior who was pierced by a small flying sword in his shoulder. .

The eight-star warrior looked at Ro Ke's fierce offensive, but he didn't even have the slightest look of panic. It seemed that even if Ro Ke was about to kill him in the next second, he didn't frown.

"This is definitely a killing machine without feelings!"

Roco sighed in his heart!

It just kept moving. The giant sword swept across the sky, and a dazzling white light was emitted from the giant sword. It was a sword light formed by spiritual energy, and this time it was no longer two feet long, and it was no longer ten feet long, but shortened. To a length of only about one meter.

This is what Roco realized from the battle of a man with a black robe and a sword. He observed that the sword light of a man with a black robe and sword was not that long, but his aura was more intense. The dazzling the better.

But to simplify the complexity, practicality comes first.

The one-meter-long sword light stopped at the eight-star warrior. The warrior was still expressionless. He directly drew out his sword to block Roco's attack. At the same time, he raised the aura cover, and his movements were smooth. I don't know how many times I have practiced it.


The saber broke at the sound, and the sword light continued unabated. It pierced the eight-star warrior's aura cover, did not cut him in half, but it was the same, and his abdomen was deep again. The big mouth was almost as wide as his body, and the intestines could be clearly seen.

Roco's strength is absolutely suppressed by that warrior. In the face of absolute strength, all his skills will be as naive as a child punching!

Even though he still did not show half the pain at the moment he went down, Ro Ke admired it very much. Even if they were opponents, he still lost after all. Sometimes the world does not look at the process, but only looks at the result.

Everyone in the Tianji Pavilion also launched an offensive, because they occupy the advantage of sneak attacks and the realm of strength is indeed higher than the opponent. The people in the Tianji Pavilion start to press the guards to fight. Down.

Roco had observed another five-star warrior in the guards before. Perhaps his strength was too weak. Everyone didn't even take action against this five-star guard warrior.

But even Luo Ke did not see that the five-star warrior was watching the cruel killing experience at this time, with only indifference and contempt in his eyes.

The battle ended much slower than expected, because I didn't expect these guards to be so difficult.

Ro Ke killed about four or five guards. He couldn't remember whether it was four or five. He only knew that those guards had tenacious vitality, just like Xiaoqiang who could not be killed. Ro Ke cut one. It didn't take long. He was able to stand up and continue fighting.

Even if he breaks a leg, he can drag another leg and continue to fight. It is almost more terrifying than Roco's puppets. Roco is secretly frightened. He still has lingering fears about these people, even if they are only eight or nine stars. Musha.

The nine-star warrior was surrounded by two people. Although it was not too difficult, the nine-star warrior even cut and wounded a member of the Tianji Pavilion after being seriously injured.

Luo Ke couldn't believe how terrifying it would be if these people could reach the realm of stars.

"Well, the time has exceeded the budget a lot. We can't delay any longer, lest there will be many nights and dreams, so quickly open the carriage and take Ye Lecheng away."

Ge Qingshu waved his hands to everyone to make everyone move faster!

Roco walked two steps forward, observing the carriage, the whole body was gilded, and there were gems inlaid on it, which indeed looked extremely luxurious.

Rocco walked to the front of the car door and found that the car door was closed. Needless to say, Ye Lecheng was locked inside, and it would be impossible to open the door without a critical blow.

Just as Roco wanted to split a sword with the giant sword in the sky, a voice sounded not far from Roco:

"If you dare to open the door, when you swing this sword, you will fall to the ground!"

Roc's whole body shuddered suddenly, his muscles were instantly tense, and at the same time he raised his aura cover, Xie Guang Guankong Charm Code cannot be used for an instant, if it could be used instantaneously, Roc would not hesitate to use himself The strength has been raised to the mid-level of the Star Warrior.

This is one of the disadvantages of the amplification technique. It cannot be used instantaneously. After all, this is not one's true strength, but just a speculative external force.


There was a chuckle from the voice.

"I was still interested in you just now. I thought you were a good opponent. I didn't expect to be so timid! A bit disappointed!"

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