Global Master

Chapter 623: Squad attack

Roco's team was not outstanding in the entire No. 72 camp, but because of his addition, it quickly became the star team of the entire camp.

No one would doubt the strength of Rocco, because they had all seen the terrifying power of the mountain turtle.

Now the entire camp is looking forward to seeing the power of Luohe.

It is precisely because of this that Roco's first mission to join the Ark team seems to be extremely concerned.

"Um... let me see what the mission of your team is this time."

In the mission hall of the camp, the four Roco stood in front of the counter waiting for the mission to be issued.

Regardless of whether it is a frontline experienced personnel or a member of the reserve, to receive it, they need to register in the mission hall.

"I found it. Your task is to go to the East Third District to investigate."

The receptionist who handed out the task took out a piece of parchment and explained to Luo Ke and the others, "It is said that some time ago, a warrior found a large number of traces of spirit beasts in the East Third District."

"You need to investigate the situation in the East Third District. Of course, the most important thing is to ensure your own safety."

After giving the parchment to Rocco, the receptionist in the mission hall turned to other directions to release other missions.

Roco unwrapped the parchment and looked at the contents of the parchment with the three of them.

About two days ago, a warrior in a camp found a large number of traces of spirit beasts in the East Third District.

But because there is no specific image and information left, it is temporarily impossible to determine the authenticity of this incident.

Later, the warrior returned to the spot again to check, the situation did not gain anything.

However, the front-line camps have always adhered to the principle of preferring to be trusted and not to be trusted.

So this matter was given out as a task.

"It seems that the situation in the East Third District is not very optimistic."

Ro Ke glanced at the parchment and immediately made a decision.

There is no doubt that there are definitely a large number of spirit beasts in the East Third District.

His instinct tells himself that it is not simple behind this matter.

But without evidence, Luo Ke couldn't make the frontline enter the guard stage for this.

"Let's set off, the East Third District is still some distance away from here."

Each camp on the front line is divided into four plates according to the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest.

Camp No. 72 is in the fifth area of ​​the east, only two camps away from the third area.

It stands to reason that this task is more suitable for the warriors in the East 3rd District, but because the warriors in the Dongshan District need to perform another task, they moved to Camp 72 in the East 5th District.

After receiving the task, the four Roco left the task hall and rushed directly to the direction of the third area of ​​the east.

With Ro Ke in the team, the Ark and the three also seemed to have a lot of confidence.

The only trouble is that every time they pass through a camp, they will receive the attention of the warriors in the camp.

This is also a virtual pressure, falling on them.

Soon, the four appeared in the East Third District.

After handing the parchment to the person in charge of the East Third District, the four of them obtained the permits for entry and exit.

The purpose of Luo Ke's trip was only to investigate the traces of spirit beasts in the Eastern Third District, so there was no need for any fighting, and the danger was not high.

The third area near the huge city wall is the area where spirit beasts move.

Even now, I can see occasionally a spirit beast dashing past the city wall.

"Is it very common?" Luo Ke asked suddenly, pointing to the spirit beast that flew past.

Fang Zhou dreamed for a moment, and then returned: "Because the number is relatively rare, so I didn't take it to heart, occasionally someone saw these spirit beasts and eradicated them."

As he said that, he couldn't help but smile, "I heard that spirit beasts should have wisdom, but it seems that these spirit beasts are all stupid. Come to human territory alone, isn't this a death?"

Ro Ke frowned, faintly feeling that things were not simple.

"It is indeed to die, but maybe these spirit beasts came to die on purpose?" Roco doubted.

"what do you mean?"

For Roco's sake, if the three of them really didn't understand, they would be no different from spirit beasts.

It's just that they don't understand the purpose of these spirit beasts coming to death.

"What is the most important thing for us to fight with spirit beasts?"

Roco asked rhetorically.


Fang Shan returned.

Rocco shook his head.


Luo Meng is speaking this time.

Ro Ke hesitated for a while, still shook his head.

"It's information."

Zhou Xuan said suddenly.

"Yes, it's really information. Being and diligent is also very important."

Roco nodded in satisfaction.

The most important thing in the battle between the two sides is information, which is why at the headquarters of the Wuzhe League, the information exchange management department and the warhead are the two top departments that go hand in hand.

If you don't know enough about the other party, it is easy to fall into fear of the unknown.

Spirit beasts are not creatures without wisdom, on the contrary, the wisdom of spirit beasts is not inferior to human beings.

Why are these spirit beasts coming to die one after another?

Luo might think of only one reason.

That is spying on information.

But this matter should be more than he can think of.

There must be others in the Warrior League who thought of this possibility.

But why no one cares about these spirit beasts?

Is it because he thinks it is impossible for the spirit beast to detect any valuable news?

Ro Ke glanced at the extremely tall city wall around him. It was indeed difficult for these spirit beasts to cross the city wall and find out what news.

But this does not mean that the spirit beast can't help it.

On the contrary, if it was just such a wall, it would not stop the spirit beast.

Could it be that the Warrior Alliance had other arrangements, so it deliberately exposed such a flaw.

In an instant, countless possibilities emerged in Roco's mind.

But they were all rejected by him.

"Will the spirit beasts of the East Third District have something to do with this?"

At this moment, Zhou Xuan, who was standing behind Luo Ke, suddenly spoke.


Roc's eyes suddenly brightened.

"It is indeed possible."

"We will immediately go outside the city wall to investigate. If there are really a large number of spirit beasts infested, then this matter is definitely not simple, we need to report it to the front line immediately."

If everything is confirmed to be connected, it means that the spirit beast has already planned to counterattack the human federation.

In other words, whether they hand over themselves or not, Qilin Tianjun will order an attack on human warriors.

Although it was just a few simple guesses, Roco felt that they were very close to the truth behind them.

So the four of them immediately set off along the city gate.

Run to the place marked on the parchment.

After the spirit beast retreated, it was hard to see the moving spirit beast in the wilderness.

But the four of Roco still maintained the highest level of vigilance.

Although only a few months have passed since the eruption of the spirit beast, the weeds in the wilderness have been affected by the spiritual energy and have experienced rapid growth.

The weeds around Roco had grown to the height of one person, and the four of them were completely submerged by the weeds.

After walking a certain distance, Ro Ke suddenly raised his hand.


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