Global Master

Chapter 687: Enter the sacred mountain

Seven days later, at the headquarters of the Martial Arts Alliance, there were a lot of martial arts who went to Ziwei Mountain together this time.

In addition to some of the candidates who were later selected to sense the Sanguang Sacred Artifact, there is also a part of the martial artist who entered the Ziwei Mountain to practice.

Perhaps it is because the spirit beast war is about to come, even the sacred mountain like Ziwei Mountain, which is usually not open to the outside world, recruits genius warriors to practice in the mountain.

Luo Ke is also one of this group of people, but his status and specifications are much higher than other warriors.

In addition to some young warriors, there are also senior warriors who escorted them to Ziwei Mountain.

Chen Qiushui was the person in charge of this operation, and followed Ro Ke and the others to the holy mountain.

Roco was sitting on the spaceship, feeling a little excited at the moment.

This was his first official trip to Ziwei Mountain. Before that, he had only heard of such a holy mountain of human race from the conversations of other people.

In addition to wanting to explore the truth about some things in Ziwei Mountain, Luo Ke also wanted to see the true face of Mount Lu, the holy mountain of the human race.

After everyone was there, the spacecraft began to set off in the direction of Ziwei Mountain.

The distance between Wuzhe Alliance and Ziwei Mountain is not far away.

It only takes three days to arrive at the speed of the spacecraft.

Of course, this is also because the spirit beasts that would have caused various dangers on the road have all withdrawn from the human settlement.

Without the nuisance of the spirit beast, the speed of the spacecraft will also increase a lot.

On the other hand, the Warrior Alliance has modified and strengthened the spacecraft.

The current speed of the spacecraft is almost the same as the flying speed of a moon wheel realm peak martial artist.

It is said that the Warrior Alliance is developing a super spaceship that can be comparable to the flight of the warrior on the day of the day.

If it is developed, it will only take half a day from the headquarters of the Martial Arts Alliance to Ziwei Mountain.

You must know that the flight speed of a Yaori warrior is only a little slower than the speed of light.

But even if it is developed, it should be a long time later.

It was precisely because of the absence of the obstacle of the spirit beast that the spacecraft was always quite stable and quiet during the flight. After three days in the room, Ro Ke finally saw the legendary Ziwei Mountain at dawn.

Ziwei Mountain is like a tortoise shell buckled on the ground. The height of this tortoise shell is at least a thousand meters in height, and the top of the mountain that is captured is hundreds of meters wide.

Roco stood on the deck of the spacecraft and looked at Ziwei Mountain. From a distance, he could see the three main halls surpassing countless communities in the posture of stars holding the moon.

Those communities are all disciples of Ziwei Mountain.

There is a clear sign floating on the top of the three halls.

Above the star hall, floating is a vast galaxy composed of countless stars.

And the hall of the moon wheel is suspended with a bright bright moon, which is exuding a silver and holy light at this moment.

And the most eye-catching nature is the Great Hall of the Sun. The golden sun seems to have been picked from the sky, shining brightly and dazzlingly.

The scenery of these three halls alone is amazing enough. However, in Ziwei Mountain, what is really eye-catching is not the three halls, but the holy pavilion standing behind the three halls.

At this moment, after the Three Lights Holy Artifacts revived and the Holy Son Li Fan entered the Holy Mountain, it was like an immortal light source that brought down a dazzling holy light from the sky, shining on the world with a radius of thousands of miles.

And this is the core of the entire Ziwei Mountain and the most sacred place of the entire human race.

The holy pavilion carrying the holy artifacts of the human race.

"Is that the Sanguang Sacred Artifact?"

"It's a majestic and magnificent sacred mountain. I didn't expect that in my lifetime I would actually be able to see the Three Lights Sacred Artifact with my own eyes."

"Yeah, I'm afraid no one would have thought that the Sanguang Sacred Artifact would recover at this time."

Roco's ears heard the exclamation of other warriors.

For most of the warriors on this spaceship, it was the first time they saw the real Ziwei Mountain and the Saint Pavilion.

Of course, there are also the Three Lights Saint Artifacts of the Human Race.

It is normal to have such an amazing performance.

Even Roco sighed at what he saw.

Although Ziwei Mountain stands alone on the ground, his surroundings have long been smoothed out by various battles, but this actually brings out the extraordinary features of the holy mountain.

"Everyone is ready. We are about to leave the spaceship and enter the holy mountain. Remember, unauthorized actions are not allowed in the holy mountain, otherwise we will be expelled."

Everyone walked out of the room and came to the deck, waiting for the spacecraft to land.

At this time, Chen Qiushui's voice also echoed in everyone's ears.

When the spacecraft landed on the corner of the sacred mountain, several figures flew out of the sacred mountain at the same time. Among them was Lu Qinghui, whom Roco had met once.

After a long absence, Lu Qinghui's breath became more and more calm.

Obviously, his strength has also greatly increased, and I am afraid that he is almost the same as Xiaoshi at the moment.

Lu Qinghui is also the most hopeful warrior in the entire Ziwei Mountain to step into the Yao Sun realm.

Unlike the Martial Artist Alliance, Ziwei Mountain has many solar nuclear inheritances, but there are relatively few martial artists who can reach the Sun Realm in Ziwei Mountain.

Lu Qinghui can be said to be a special case.

"Leader Chen, the three hall masters have been waiting in the holy mountain for a long time, please come with me."

As soon as Luo Ke got off the spacecraft, he was called over by Chen Qiushui.

So the two of them walked directly to the top of the holy mountain under the leadership of Lu Qinghui.

Lu Qinghui was obviously surprised when he saw Ro Ke, but immediately his expression returned to normal.

"This time I came here mainly to send Roc into the Ziwei Mountain to practice. His speed of progress is very rapid. If he can go further in Ziwei Mountain, he will be unexpectedly helpful for the subsequent spirit beast wars."

Ro Ke is still only a star warrior who can fight against a moon wheel realm peak warrior like Xiaoshi, and he can still win.

If he reached the level of the Moon Wheel Realm Martial Artist, wouldn't it be comparable to the Yaori Martial Artist!

In this way, even though Luo Ke could not use the Japanese nucleus provided by the Martial Artist Alliance, he was able to cross a realm to fight his opponents by virtue of the advantage of the star-stretching technique.

But how to make Luo Ke go further in the Ziwei Mountain still needs to be discussed after Chen Qiushui and the three hall masters have met Luo Ke.

"I didn't expect his strength to increase so quickly. It seems that Ziwei Mountain's handling of Ro Ke was a bit too aggressive."

Lu Qinghui also unabashedly admitted the mistake of Ziwei Mountain.

Roco's growth obviously exceeded their expectations. It took less than a few months, and there was such a huge change. If Roco was given more time, he might reach a higher level.

"Ziwei Mountain will do its best to help every warrior improve his own cultivation level, but it all depends on his own efforts and talent." Lu Qinghui turned his head and glanced at Luo Ke, as if specifically speaking to him.

"But now Ziwei Mountain's goals are focused on Li Fan, and the resources that can be allocated to other warriors will be limited to a certain extent. I hope League Master Chen will not mind."

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