Awanyin Lingyu continued to lie down in the noisy sound, and then found a comfortable position in Su Yue's arms to return to his dreamland.

It seemed that she was too tired, so even though it was so noisy outside, she still fell asleep quickly.

Su Yue looked at Awanyin Lingyu's peaceful sleeping face, and couldn't help but recall the years spent with her over the past few decades.

It seems that the Christmas Eve of the marriage vows with her was still yesterday.

Their mutual friend Irene has also passed away.

She devoted her whole life to her career and never started a family.

All day long, I devoted my rare leisure time to getting along with them, and even a few times directly dropped the job that made her devastated, and went on a field trip to Africa 4.4.

She once marveled at the ageless faces of the two of them as if they had not been baptized by the years, but she herself didn't seem to show much envy for this.

After all, unlike Awanin Lingyu, she didn't want to spend her life with him.

If you live longer just to work, that kind of life would be too sad.

So she let go completely at the right time.

Finally, with the company of two friends, he finished his life about 2000 years ago.

"You will be happy."

This is the blessing given by Irene to the two of them before leaving.

As the closest friend to Awane Suzuwa, she naturally noticed Suzuwa's anxiety hidden under the surface of happiness.

But she firmly believes that the perfect man who seems omnipotent will solve all problems for his woman.

"Awanyin, you are really the happiest woman in the world.".

Chapter 624 Another Awanyin Lingyu (4/5, subscription required)

"Are you sure you are here?"

After Su Yue followed Awanyin Lingyu around, he ended up in the slums of this city.

That's right, even in the developed cities of the world's "best" country in the new century, there are still so-called "slums".

In order not to appear too conspicuous in this area, he and Awane Suzuwa also performed a certain degree of change.

But even so, they are still quite eye-catching in the eyes of people around here.

There have been several kid pickpockets who pretended to accidentally hit them and tried to steal their wallets.

Su Yue just let them steal the cheap wallets they put on them casually, but there is a little "surprise" he left for these little guys who are not good at learning.

As for the money he usually uses, it is all stored in a personal warehouse. How could someone have a chance to steal his money?

"Well, it's coming soon."

Awanyin Lingyu said very confidently.

This is of course.

At this time, their purpose in coming to this city in Country M at this point in time was to find someone.

Someone she couldn't be more familiar with-Awanin Lingyu.

To be precise, it is Awanin Suzuwa who will return to 2000 in the future.

Just like the blank on the β world line, they seemed to know the existence of "John Tito" from the beginning.

That is precisely because the future Awanyin Lingyu once returned to the country M in 2000 in order to solve the millennium bug incident.

And she went to Neon Akihabara in 2010 to find the blank space, and it was after that.

Although at this time, it seems to have spanned ten years.

But in fact, for her who has traveled through different points in time from the future, you are just a short time passed.

"Where did I appear myself, can I remember it wrong?"

Awanyin Lingyu stared at him with wide eyes, "Don't look at my old age, but I don't have Alzheimer's yet~~"

Su Yue's hand was flowing around her waist, feeling the delicate touch of her fingertips.

"Hehe, really young."

For his habitual wiping action, Awanin Lingyu has been used to it all these years.

She rolled her eyes beautifully.

"In short, I should have come to this age now, how will we contact me later...or is it her?"

Su Yue shook his head.

"We can't touch her directly."

Awanyin Lingyu was stunned when he heard his answer.

She knows that from a long time ago, Blank had been planning this meeting with the 18-year-old Awane Suzuwa from the future.

But now why does he say that he can't get in touch?

"Are you worried about the paradox of time and space?"

Awanyin Lingyu quickly thought of the reason.

This is also a special time-space theory similar to the grandmother's paradox.

That is to say-if you at different times appear in the world at the same point in time because of time travel.

So what happens if two people meet?

This is an unsolvable problem.

Because logically it is impossible to achieve.

Because in your life from the future, you have never experienced the memory of meeting yourself from the future.

But if you go back in time and meet your past self.

There will be a fact of "meeting with your future self" that does not exist in your past.

In this way, the past you in front of you and yourself will become two different individuals.

Your future may also go in different directions.

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