Global Sky Online

Chapter 1043: Gold hoops upgraded to super artifacts and big battle

However, the answer to Athena was the first needle, which had been inserted into Athena's arm, and began to draw blood quickly from Lake.

"Holy Lord Two, I will kill you!" The lying Athena yelled at Rick.

"My tube of blood is to upgrade the Phoenix Cloak. I have been protecting you before, and you must be grateful. If you do n’t upgrade the Phoenix Cloak, they will be enough to beat Shaka. Do n’t forget Saga is the closest saint to the gods. You should also have the memory of Saori, knowing that I have tried to help Seiya to become stronger. But now the strength of these bronze saints of Seiya, even if they have the apocalypse, Now, I do n’t have the complete control to clear the zodiac of this world. I ca n’t let Gu Yi die, I ’m trying to save you, and bear with you! ”Rake explained with a smile, putting the first A **** needle was handed over to the ancient Master Yi.

"Gu Yi, you first upgrade the cloak, and then go to the top to help." Rake said to Gu Yi.

The mage Gu Yi took the tube of blood that Rick passed, opened it, and sprinkled it on her garment.

Mage Gu Yi then urged the simulated universe and the power of the Phoenix, causing the temperature of the Phoenix's Undead Cloak to begin to rise rapidly.

The blood of Athena began to merge into the Phoenix Cloak.

The Phoenix Cloak changed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Some metal edges and corners of the Phoenix Cloak began to become smoother. The material of the Saint Cloth is also undergoing qualitative changes.

The Phoenix Cloth of Undead Birds began to upgrade. A phantom of the Fire Phoenix appeared above the head of an ancient mage at this time, and then flew into the upgraded Phoenix Cloak.

Rake looked at the situation. Gu Yi's upgrade of the holy garment should go smoothly.

The phoenix undead holy garment becomes a sacred garment, it seems only a matter of time.

Lyk lay on the ground again, glaring at his Athena, using the fire eye golden eye identification ability.

"The goddess Athena was reincarnated and seriously injured.

The golden arrow of God was stabbed in his body. After 29 hours, the golden arrow would pierce his heart and be destroyed. "

After looking at it, Rick found that because of the time relationship, six hours before the normal past, he took a tube of blood from the current Athena, which made Athena's heart stabbed by a golden arrow 13 hours earlier.

Rick immediately tried to put Athena into a circle of true shadow words. The red circle began to cover Athena's body, and Athena's blood began to rise gradually.

Ten seconds later, Rick looked at the appraisal ability with fire eyes and golden eyes. One of his true secret word circle only delayed Athena's death by ten minutes.

Rick smiled after seeing it, and immediately used Athena for the remaining nine true secret word circles, and gave her blood back.

In this way, the death time after Athena is 30 hours and 40 minutes.

"Holy Number Two, it's useless to restore me, and it can't make up for your fault. Now you kneel and begged me for mercy, maybe, ah, why do you still pierce me with a needle and draw my blood! You haven't taken one No matter, Lord No. 2, you-- "Athena was furious and shouted at Rick.

Rake quickly drew the second tube of blood, and then used the fire-eye golden eye skills to see Athena's death time, 17 hours and 39 minutes later.

Rick didn't stop, and didn't care about Athena's threat to her. Anyway, he had drawn two tubes of blood, and there was no need to draw another tube.

Rick thought that drawing two pipes was also drawing three pipes, and Athena estimated her hostility to be similar.

Rick then pierced the third large empty needle into Athens and pressed his arm, and began to quickly remove the third tube of blood.

Athena's face had now become very pale. In the case of serious injuries, she was almost drained of nearly three-quarters of her blood by the odious No. 2 lord.

Had it not been for the restoration of her goddess, she would have died now.

After drawing the third tube of blood, Rick looked at the identification skills with fire eyes again, Athena could live 4 hours and 38 minutes.

There is no way to draw the fourth and fifth tubes of blood.

Rick quickly collected the two large needles that had drawn blood, and looked at him at this time, glaring at him, his body was already mad, or it might be because of excessive blood loss for a short time, and Athena was shaking.

"I explained that only Master Gu Yi was there to help. That may or may not be possible! I just watched it, Hoshiya and they are fighting Sharjah at this time, but not Sharjah's opponent. I Decided, and I will personally take the risk to help you fight the twelfth house! I will also have a strength to save you. Of course, I also need your blood to help upgrade my weapons. I am still a bit weak, and gold It is too dangerous for Saints to fight. I ’m not afraid to die, I ’m afraid I wo n’t be able to save you! I ’ll be back after I upgrade my weapons. Rest assured, Athena, I promised Tori Saori that I will make you live. Come down! When I have good news, I will upgrade my weapons. I must have the faith to survive, and survive! "Rick got up after he said it.

At this time, the Phoenix Cloak has been upgraded to the Holy Cloth.

Gu Yi first left this Aries palace and ran to the upper level of the Golden Saint's Palace, where he went to help Shajia and the Golden Saints behind him.

Rick went in the opposite direction, left the Aries palace, and looked at Chen Ji, who was outside the Aries palace.

"Stay well, I'll go get a powerful weapon, and go back. Go and protect Miss Saori, I will leave it to you for the time being!" Rake patted Chen Ji's shoulder and said.

Chen Ji nodded his bald head. "With my Chen already, no one can hurt the young lady again, Lord No. 2, please go back quickly!"

Immediately after leaving Aries Palace, Lake raised his left hand to draw a circle,

Rick went to a hidden cave. Inside this cave, Dr. Struck, who had been stolen by Gu Yi, stored the Edman alloy instrument.

Rick started the instrument, and the Edman alloy was still in the high temperature state. Rick lay down in the glass sink of the instrument, then took out a tube of Athena blood and put it in the Edman alloy liquid.

Reck's ability to use the green light ring again pushed the injection switch.

The Adelman alloy, fused with the blood of Athena, was reinjected into Rick's body.

The liquid gold hoop rods began to dissolve in Rake's body, replacing Rake's original bones.

Soon after, Rake came out of the sink, and the artifact gold hoop was finally upgraded to the super artifact level again. Rick felt the power again.

Rick tried to turn the gold hoop into a long whip and long sword without any obstacles. The skills and attributes of the gold hoop are the same as the previously upgraded super artifact gold hoop. .

A series of previous plans finally achieved his wish, and Rick, who again got the super artifact gold hoop, couldn't help laughing in the cave.

A few minutes later, his emotions were stabilized, and Lake began to think about the face of the goddess Athena afterwards.

Although he has soared because of the restoration of the Super Artifact Golden Hoop Stick, but to deal with the goddess Athena, who can easily purify the world of zombie viruses after launching skills, Rick feels that he still can't beat it!

Looking at his own hand, Rick still has a large tube of Athena blood. Even if he upgrades his other equipment, it should not beat the recovered Athena.

Now the strength gap between her and the goddess Athena is too large, and it can not make up for it by relying on one or two equipment.

Although now, Athena, who has hit the golden arrow, can kill herself.

But Rick also knew that killing Athena would definitely cause many Saint Seiya strong men to hunt him down.

The Libra child tiger alone is more troublesome.

And killing Athena, this copy of the Saint Seiya failed, and the ancient Master Mage could not take out the Phoenix Cloak to leave the world.

"Forget it, go check it out, help Athena clear the twelfth house, try to impress Athena! After that, it won't work, I will pretend to be dead, I still have a pretend medicine! Pretend to die for a while, maybe Athens Na passed away with her hatred! "Rake thought for a moment, raised his left-hand circle again, launched the magic portal, and returned to the sanctuary of Aries.

"I came back to Chenji and continued to keep the door. Someone approached and couldn't stop yelling immediately!" Rake said.

Chen Ji nodded.

Rick returned to the Aries palace again, looking at the **** Athena lying on the ground.

"You dare to come back!" Athena said coldly to Rick.

"I said it, I promised Sato Saori, to protect her! Saori believes me so much, every day Sato Saori, that is, before you awaken, you will read [For those who have protected me, keep in mind Kindness and gratitude!] "Lake said to Athena with a smile.

It was okay for Rick not to mention this. In a word, Athena went crazy again, even if now Athena had a golden arrow in her heart, she had to struggle and fight desperately with this abominable No. 2 lord.

"Do n’t be too excited. I do n’t need you to deal with the Golden Saints now. I can help you and protect you. Let me see. Now Gu Yi, they have hit the Aquarius card. It ’s quite fast. Yes, I ’m going to help them, otherwise, after playing Pisces Abrodi, the remaining Gemini can be very powerful. The ancient one wearing the sacred clothing may not be defeated! Gemini in this world is too strong In the end, you should be transformed into a demon. I'm going to do my best for you, and give me strength, Goddess Athena! "Rick finished, and found Athena to stand up again.

Rick hurriedly left this Aries palace, or Athena would disturb a few more times, and the golden arrow pierced her heart in advance, but she died.

Lake started running quickly towards the twelve top mountains.

This zodiac sign is special. Even if Lake has the magic portal skills, he can't use it. He can only climb mountains with his legs.

Passing through the palaces and seeing the golden saints who were defeated before.

"I'll help Hoshiya and save the Athena goddess!" Rake shouted!

These defeated Golden Saints did not stop Lek from advancing.

Lake has high physical attributes and runs fast on the stone steps of the mountain road.

Rick came to the top of the mountain and found that Gu Yi and they had just resolved Pisces and were facing the Gemini pseudo pope.

The false pope even took the artifact of Athena's Shield of Victory in his hands.

No wonder, Gu Yi, who possesses the sacred clothing and the power of the Phoenix, did not dare to rush up to fight immediately.

"Come on, beat him!" Rake took out the gold hoop and roared.

After seeing the strong support of His Holiness No. 2 to join the battle, Hoshiya also began to burn the universe again and rushed to the false pope.

The Gemini gold fighter also felt that the metal rod of His Holiness No. 2 was the most threatened, and immediately raised the shield of victory to block, blocking Rick's golden hoop attack.

Pisces Saint Gladiator took a half step back and frowned, and then started to counterattack.

After repulsing Seiya, Shun, Zilong, and Glacier, Rake began to cooperate with Mage Gu Yi, and the two besieged the Gemini false popes.

Yihui, who has the Apocalypse ability, is now standing behind to release his skills and become a mage.

This level of strength fighting, Yihui also knows that he cannot approach now.

With the rapid combo of the golden hoop and the magic and power of the ancient mage, the false pope was hit by two people from time to time, even if he was protected by the artifact's shield of victory.

"I should be punished by God!" The Gemini fake pope roared, tearing off the last mask.

Suddenly, the Gemini's body began to grow larger and ascend into the air, blending with the dark death energy of this world.

Gemini Saka gave up his normal body and began to demonize.

The sky was covered with clouds, and the entire sanctuary began to gradually collapse.

Yihui quickly protected Xingya, Zilong, and Glacier, and left the top of the mountain to go to the Aries palace.

"Where's Hoshiya, turn into a rush!" Rick glanced behind him and found that Hoshiya was faint and was being taken away by Yihui's power.

Lake recalled the way the movie version would defeat the fake pope.

It was Hoshiya who wore the upgraded sacred clothing of Athena's blood, and under the blessing of Athena's little cosmic power, she shot an arrow of the false pope Gemini to kill the false pope.

Although he now has a gold hoop, he does not have a sacred garment.

Gu Yi has a sacred garment, but there is no gold hoop.

Moreover, at this time, the demonized false pope also held the shield of victory of the goddess Athena.

On the other hand, Athena had a golden arrow stuck in her heart. She was not rescued. She could not provide her with the blessing of the universe at all if she could not protect herself.

Rick smiled bitterly, this time he really wanted to fight again.

"Help me create an opportunity ~ ~ I'll just take down the shield of victory in Gemini's hands. The shield of victory seems to not only be able to defend, but also the effect of continuous healing and recovery. When we have been recovering, we fight Immortal, the fake pope. Once I defeat the shield of victory from the false pope, you immediately take the shield to rescue Athena, leave me alone! Save Athena, it will be easy to work with this guy! "Rake In his mind, Gu Yi passed on his battle plan.

Rake launched the red magic levitating cloak on the back to lift off, "Enable the [man's own BGM] skill! Activate the vampire aura!" At the same time, Rake also launched his own talent skills.

"Ding Dang, congratulations to the player, because of the special environment, randomly picked up [Saint Seiya] background music, own Saint Seiya, the small universe increased by 30%, the battle victory belief increased by 30%. Player No. 2 , Get the blessing of Athena! "Rick sounded a reminder of the heavens online.

At this time, behind Rick, which quickly lifted off, there was a huge sound, and there was a song playing, and soon the background music spread throughout the sanctuary.

In the previous twelfth house, the defeated and fighting gold saints also came out to take off, preparing to help His Holiness No. 2 and Gu Yi to fight against the demonized Gemini and defend the sanctuary.

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