Global Sky Online

Chapter 1061: Eventually the Journey to the West is about to begin

Rake was on his main online interface again. After waiting for five minutes, Master Gu Yi brought Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Fat Yazhong Ling back for shopping.

"Here you are, a copy of the world scroll that cost 2 million tens of coins to buy, called [Final Journey to the West], a single person enters the copy. The introduction of the copy is [Journey to the West]. As for the main task and the copy, I will know it after I enter. In the online trading area of ​​Zhutian, we can find the highest copy of [Journey to the West]. Because of the short time, there is not much bargaining, otherwise it can be hundreds of thousands to one million dollars cheaper. The remaining days We spent some coins to buy small things. "Mage Gu Yi passed the scroll into the copy world and gave it to Lake.

Lake looked at the single copy of [Final Journey to the West]. Although there was only a brief introduction of the four words "Journey to the West", the association with the West Journey was almost stable.

"Very well, I'll take you back first, and think about the Westward Journey tonight. I'll be offline to see how the rain is. Tomorrow morning, I will enter this [Final Journey to the West] copy world. Single Entering the copy happened to be right, and I didn't plan to take the big queen and the little queen this time, so as not to affect our performance! "Rake said, and then recovered Gu Yi, Xiao Qing Xiao Bai, and Fat Ya Zhong Ling.

Rake opted out from his main online interface.

As the metal lid of the egg compartment opened, Rake, who opened his eyes again, had returned to his small room.

Rick stepped out of his egg compartment.

Looking out the window, it was dark now, and it was over eight in the evening.

Rick heard that there was still a sound of watching television in the hall.

I opened the door of the room, came to the hall, saw my sister Xiaoyu, and sat on the sofa watching the series.

On the coffee table in front of Xiao Yu, there were a lot of snacks.

Xiao Yu was eating snacks, watching TV with amusement, and enjoying himself.

Rick watched the series. Fortunately, it was not a horror film, but a series of ordinary emotional life.

"Why don't you sleep yet, don't you let you watch the cartoons of young children before going to bed!" Rick walked over, sitting next to Drizzle on the sofa, asking out loud.

"My dad texted me and said they wouldn't come back today. I thought, if it's the end of the world, I should finish watching half of the series I saw before, and eat more of what I usually eat "Lake, you told your team leader that there was no news about the meteorite falling to Earth next Tuesday, what happened?" Xiaoyu asked.

"No one believed it. I informed the team leader about this situation, and he said it was impossible. Otherwise, I would be kicked out of the team. Do n’t think about it, it is impossible for a meteorite to hit the earth. And you have a nightmare and encounter the earth in Do n’t tell outsiders about disasters in the future. But you can tell me and let me know! ”Rake tried to smile and relax as much as possible, and said to his sister Xiaoyu.

Rake knew that Xiaoyu couldn't expose her power now, or once outsiders knew that the real power of Xiaoyu's power, Xiaoyu would probably be in danger of life.

"Why don't they believe it, hey! Why don't you let me tell others that I meet the dream of the future?" Xiao Yu asked Rick a little bit puzzled.

Rick thought for a while, but did not come up with any good excuses, "You don't want to be treated as a heterogeneous, if you are sliced ​​and studied, don't say it!" Rick scared Xiaoyu, feeling that her sister should be afraid, and treat her to her sister Xiao Yu's personality is understood. If she is afraid, she will be obedient and will not tell her about her powers to outsiders.

"Don't scare me. As soon as you scare me, I should have nightmares again. If I ever dream about who is being sliced ​​and studied, I should worry when I wake up!" Xiao Yu stared and ate a fries. Then said.

"Ah, don't be afraid! Don't scare you, but don't tell outsiders about your powers and dreams of meeting the future. Your future power of this arrow is too rare and precious. You have this gifted skill, which will inevitably make others forget .Before you ca n’t fully protect yourself, do n’t divulge your ability to others. Of course, except your brother and me, if you dream of a horrible dream next time, just tell me and I will help you share the pressure "Lake explained to Rain.

This explanation, Xiao Yu thought for a while, nodded, and expressed some approval.

"Let's watch the series with me. The takeaway I just ordered brought a lot of snacks, enough for me to go to school on Monday." Xiao Yu pointed to the pile of snacks on the coffee table.

Rick smiled. Usually Yu Xiao couldn't bear to spend her own money to buy so many snacks.

After dreaming about the disaster scene where the earth was destroyed by civilization and meteorite, Xiao Yu estimated that she was still afraid and started to spend money boldly.

Light rain is now like the last moment of life, enjoy life, eat what you want.

"Okay, but I only accompany you to watch a series. I will go back to bed after watching it. When you get up tomorrow morning, be quiet and don't disturb me. I'm tired of going to school. I finally have a few days off. I Go to sleep more! "Rake said, also opening a bag of seeds on the coffee table.

Watching the series with Xiaoyu, eating sunflower seeds, and chatting with Xiaoyu casually.

More than half an hour later, after watching this TV series, Rick went to wash and sleep.

Go back to the cabin in your room again, close the door, lie back on your bed, and empty your brain.

Within a few minutes, Rick fell asleep, and in his cot in the room, Rick slept most securely.

In the morning, when he slept more than eleven o'clock, Lake got up and felt a lot clearer.

Go to the hall and watch my mom and dad cooking and cooking, and Xiao Yu is still watching the series on the sofa.

My mother watched Lei Ke come out and said, "In another 20 minutes, the ribs and meat will be ready. Your dad also mixed a plate of potato shredded cold vegetables! Lei Ke, if you drink, go downstairs to buy A few cool bottles ~ ~ and have some beer with your dad! "

"Drink less, drizzle, you can buy it!" Rake patted Xiaoyu on the sofa and said on the shoulder.

"I don't drink, why do I buy it!" Xiao Yu complained.

"Buy six bottles of cold beer, you can also buy bottles of drinks, and the rest of the money, you keep buying snacks!" Rick took out a fifty.

Light rain hesitated, and Rick took out a hundred more.

Xiao Yu immediately got up from the sofa, borrowed money, took a cloth pocket, put on his jacket and went downstairs.

"I first logged in to Zhutian Online to take a look to see if there was anything in the team. I will be offline before dinner!" After Xiao Yu left, Rake yelled to his parents who were cooking, and then went to wash, Quickly returned to my room.

Sitting in the egg compartment, pressed the start button.

When Lake opened his eyes again, he had come to the main interface of his heavens online.

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