Global Sky Online

Chapter 1063: Start Dimensional Shock Bomb to Destroy Westward Journey

"The Great Buddha's collection of Scriptures from the Law of Heaven can only be removed by a designated person who sincerely chants this passage.

Forcibly extracting Scripture will be punished by heaven.

Any act that insults and destroys this text will be punished by the law of heaven! "

After seeing the result of identifying the scriptures on the top of the mountain with fire eyes and golden eyes, Rick couldn't help it.

Rake called the avatars, Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Gu Yi, and Zhong Ling back to the Wuzhishan cave, and Rake showed the results of identifying the passage on the top of Wuzhi Mountain with golden eyes and showing it to several people.

"Clone, you go to the scripture on the top of the mountain and destroy it. After that, the law of heaven can lower the punishment. It is estimated that it is a thunder penalty. Under the cover of the energy release of the thunder penalty, I start the [dimensional shock bomb], Blow up the world and reset! Try to resist lightning for as long as possible, at least until [Dimensional Shock Bomb] starts successfully, don't let Tiandao stop your lightning punishment strike! "Laike laughed, looking at the clone and said With.

"Why did you choose me, so many people!" Chuang immediately complained.

"Even if you were killed by a thunderous punishment from Tiandao, another twenty-four hours later, you are a good man. What are you afraid of? The other people in the field who were killed by thunderous punishment are really dead. And even if I want to do it for you Go, can't get out of these five-finger caves! "Lake tried to make sense with the clone.

"I'm afraid of pain!" The avatar muttered quietly, then looked out of the cave. "It wasn't me who wanted to destroy the scripture, as long as the scripture was destroyed and there was a heavenly strike to drop thunder and punishment!" Talking outside.

"You want to catch Tang Sheng and let him insult and destroy the heavenly scriptures! I urge you to give up this idea. Don't forget, Tang Sheng's talent skills, the skill of immortal luck is very Evil. Once you catch Tang Sheng, maybe you will be punished even more! If you do n’t believe in evil, you can try it! ”Rake said with a smile to the avatar.

"Separated, bear the pain, now to destroy the scriptures, while Tang Sheng is not close to us. At this time, the copy of the world full of gods pays less attention to us. Hurry up and destroy the scriptures, causing heavenly punishment, we also Can reset this copy as soon as possible! "Xiao Bai also quietly persuaded the clone.

The sigh sighed, Master Gu Yi raised his left hand to draw a circle, opened a magic portal again, and sent the avatar directly to the scripture office on the top of Wuzhi Mountain.


"Some kind of you hack me!" The double raised his **** to point to the sky.

Above Wuzhishan's sky, dark clouds began to appear instantly.

The speed of lightning gathering in the sky accelerated even after the **** was erected by the avatar, and Tiandao was also provoked by the avatar of the second lord.

"Launch the [Dimensional Shock Bomb]!" Rake watched the avatar so powerful, and immediately seized this rare opportunity to launch his own props.

The silvery white ball flew out of Rake's hand and suspended in the cave of Wuzhishan. Instantly, the silvery white ball began to faintly oscillate, the vibration speed became faster and faster, and it immediately became a shaking white point. Rick couldn't see the silvery white ball anymore.

With the start of the shock of the silver-white ball dimensional shock bomb, almost at the same time, 108 auxiliary shock instruments appeared in this copy of the world, and they began to shake all over the world.

With the simultaneous activation of 108 auxiliary oscillators, the space of this world has begun to tremble, just as the entire world's ground, sky, ocean, and universe will collapse.

The amplitude frequency is gradually increasing!

"Congratulations to the player, His Holiness No. 2, starting the special system item [Dimensional Shock Bomb]. The node of [Dimensional Shock Bomb] will appear after 10 minutes, and the world will be completely decomposed and reset within 12 minutes. All souls in this world will be spared.

Player No.2, please be sure to go to the reset new world within 10 ~ 12 minutes through the opened node. Otherwise, player No.2 will also be destroyed and reset along with this world. After the No. 2 honor, the memory of the online players will be lost.

Warm reminder: at the time node opened after 10 minutes, only the second lord who starts the dimension shock bomb can pass. "

Zhu Tian's online reminder sounded in Rick's head, and a twelve-minute countdown appeared in front of Rick's right eye.

After listening to it, Rick froze. "Congratulations, your advanced props, it takes ten minutes to start! Why did you say that early! Speed ​​up, you give me a faster start!" Rake shouted angrily.

Rick had thought that this Yuan Shock Bomb could be launched in a few seconds, at most one minute.

Unexpectedly, although the effect of the Yuan Shock Bomb was powerful, it was too slow to start the ball, and the scene was still huge during the startup process. Now the whole world has followed an earthquake. You ca n’t blame it if you do n’t find it!

But Zhutian Online did not reply to Rick at all.

The dark clouds in the sky have begun to land a bright white thunder like a kitchen knife, hitting the head of the clone standing at the top of the mountain.

The avatar immediately took out the Poseidon Trident artifact, dressed in the Shanghai God battle suit, gathered the nearby water and gas above his head, and resisted this thunder strike.

The avatar was then split by Tian Lei, rolled down the mountain, and landed in front of the opening of Wuzhi Mountain.

Fortunately, this thunder did not kill the avatar.

But after the dark clouds in the sky landed this kitchen knife-like mine, and found that the avatars were not dead, they even started to gather more than ten water mines that were as thick as a water tank.

The avatar looked up and lost, and among the dark clouds in the sky, there were eighteen large thunders with large water tanks.

"My dear, save me, this blow, I can't stand it for ten minutes!" Roar shouted for help at Rick in Wuzhi Cave.

"The Admiralty Cage!" Rake launched the Donghuang Zhong's own skills to his avatar ~ ~ The Admiralty Cage: a directional skill that can release the Donghuang Admiralty cover to a certain area or individual, so It is shrouded in the emperor's golden bell hood, which can imprison the enemy and protect his teammates. 】

The golden bell was clasped on the avatar, and the bell began to rotate on its own, and ancient verses appeared around the bell.

Rick let Admiralty follow his clone.

"You try to dodge yourself, don't get too far away from Wuzhishan! I can help you!" Rake shouted at the avatar, and opened his eyes to look at the identification ability, guarding around.

After all, the Dimensional Shock Bomb has now been launched, and 108 auxiliary oscillators are spread all over the world.

The effect of this launch was too great, far beyond what Lake had expected before, and the space of this world was shaking.

The demon demons traveling to the world, even if there is the energy cover of Tiandao Thunder and Punishment over Wuzhishan, it is estimated that it won't be long before they will find the starting center of this yuan shock bomb.

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