Global Sky Online

Chapter 1065: Jiang Liu'er Acceptance No. 2

"Boom!" The third Sky Thunder landed and quickly broke through the water vapor defense barrier that the clone was above his head and gathered with the Poseidon Trident.

Sky Thunder struck the tip of Poseidon's trident, then quickly passed to the right arm of the clone, and then spread all over the body of the clone.

The split body shivered, and lightning flashes appeared next to "Crap!", Stiffening the damage of this mine.

A few seconds later, the effect of Tian Lei disappeared, and the hair of the twins stood up. Holding the Trident of the Poseidon as a crutch to support the body, they did not fall.

The third sky thunder ended, and Rick looked at it. It started from [Dimensional Shock Bomb], and only 2 minutes and 33 seconds passed.

Time flies too slowly.

"Master!" He looked at Jiang Liu'er beside him in depression.

Jiang Liu'er's response was too slow, and he had not agreed to accept him as an apprentice.

The thick thunder of the fourth water tank has begun to condense in the dark clouds of the sky, and is absorbing the lightning energy in the dark clouds. It looks like there will be more than 20 seconds before it will land again.

"Clone, you must never touch Jiang Liu'er with your hands. Once you take the initiative to let Jiang Liu'er share the damage for you, you will definitely be backwashed with the talent of [Immortal Luck] talent that Jiang Liu'er has. You need Jiang Liu's He took the initiative to help you, he took the initiative to help you share the Thunder damage, so you can hope not to be hurt by Jiang Liuer ’s weird [Immortal Luck] skill! "Rake immediately gave the newly split to Lei's split mind , Passed a message to remind the clone.

Because Rick saw that the avatar had raised his left hand, it seemed like he would pat Jiang Liuer's shoulder.

In the avatar's head, after hearing the words from Rekburn, he left his left hand dead in the air, staying for a few seconds, and finally his avatar looked depressed.

At the end of the split, I still chose to believe the reminder of Rakko, and retracted the left hand to shoot Jiang Liuer's shoulder.

"Ah, you are worshipping me. You are the master of Guanyin and I mentioned it, Lord No. 2 the demon holy?" Jiang Liu'er looked at him, and he was just smashed into a black body and asked. Road.

"Yes, that's me!" The replies gritted his teeth and quickly replied, thinking whether Jiangliuer had more reincarnations and the response was so slow.

I was anxious both physically and mentally. In the sky, there will be more than ten seconds, and the fourth thunder tank with a thick water tank will come down. The clone does not know his own body, and a person can resist a few times. .

"Why did you come out of Wuzhishan? Master Guanyin said that you were imprisoned in Wuzhishan and you need me to rescue you! You look like you're not in good shape now! You--" Jiang Liu'er continued to say that, slain Anxious.

Jiang Liuer, this reincarnation is a nasty Tang Sheng.

The split couldn't help but shouted at Jiang Liu'er, "Those who don't need to be important, quickly take me as an apprentice, haven't you seen that Heaven is chopping me!"

Jiang Liuer was taken aback by the sudden roar of the split, but also reacted.

"Okay, Lord No. 2, Saint, I accept you as an apprentice! God, why do you hit my apprentice with a thunder, my apprentice is naughty and tricky, but in the same way, nothing big is wrong! Yes In the words, the people of Deyao deal with others, and this is the case in the world. Why ca n’t Tiandao let go of my disciple No. 2! Besides, if he is doing this now, even if he has done something wrong, he has already been punished due. Repent, Amitabha! "Jiang Liuer folded his hands, looked up at the dark clouds in the sky, and said directly to the heaven.

In the cave, Rick was surprised to see that after Jiang Liuer said this sentence, the remaining 15 bowl-thick sky mines in the sky no longer condensed the lightning energy in the nearby dark clouds. There are dissipated postures.

Standing on the side of Jiang Liu'er, he looked at the sky stupidly, and he didn't expect that he himself was a teacher of Jiang Liuer, who was so bullish that he could persuade Tiandao to his thunder.

"The medicine ca n’t stop, split up, and continue to provoke Tiandao. Otherwise, once the lightning strike of Tiandao stops, the energy fluctuations released by the [Dimensional Shock Bomb] in the starting state of the five-finger cave will soon be discovered in advance by the full-blown God of the Westward Journey. , I will die. Once my deity is dead, you will also die completely! "Lake immediately contacted the avatar again through the ability of spiritual communication.

After hearing the words of Lei Keben, he hesitated, looked up and looked at the fifteen bowl-thick Tianlei left in the sky, and looked at the opening of Wuzhi Mountain.

The double face looked depressed.

Rick found that the avatar had not yet started, and decided not to wait any longer.

Lake used his ability for a long time.

The avatar was summoned by Lake, the master of this lake can use his soul to control the body of the avatar.

However, since the avatar has a high degree of autonomy, Rake has rarely used this ability to directly control the avatar's body.

The situation was urgent now, and the avatar was hesitant there. Rake also decided that he could not wait any longer and used his own soul to forcibly control the avatar body outside the mouth of Wuzhi Cave.

After Rake took control of the avatar, he turned his back to Jiang Liuer, raised the avatar's left hand, placed it in front of him, and raised his **** again to the dark clouds in the sky and the ten-thousand thick thunder.

Later, Rake bent his middle finger, and provoked the dark clouds facing the sky and the thick sky mines of the fifteen bowl-shaped water tanks, hooking his fingers.

The next second, Rick immediately withdrew his soul and returned to his own body, lest his soul stay in the avatar body and be hurt by the impact of Tianlei strike.

Although the avatar has just been controlled by the soul of Reckburn, he can also see the movement of his own body.

After regaining control of his soul, Rake stared angrily at the cave.

"For the sake of the bigger picture, your death will be more important than Wuzhishan!" Rake tried to comfort the avatar, and once again sent information to the avatar through the ability to communicate with the mind.

In the sky, fifteen water tanks with thick water tanks in the dark clouds ~ ~ were persuaded by Jiang Liuer to disperse before, but under the provocative act of the split, it turned out that the clouds became thick again, of which Tianlei began to consolidate the power of lightning in the dark clouds.

At the third minute and ten seconds of the start of the [Dimensional Shock Bomb], the thick thunder of the fourth water tank landed again and hit the head of the clone directly!

"Don't do it ---" Shouting in avatar, urging the Poseidon Trident Artifact in his hand, quickly condensing a water vapor barrier above his head to protect himself.

"Boom!" Tian Lei fell before the roar of the clone was finished.

The thick tank of the sky thunder, once again hit the clone, the clone of the Poseidon scale armor that comes with the Poseidon Trident this time, has become dark, as if baked.

The split was panting, and his body was standing still.

"Tiandao, why are you so indifferent!" Jiang Liu'er was also angry, and his big eyes opened, waiting for the dark clouds in the sky, and reaching out to help the person who was about to fall.

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