Global Sky Online

Chapter 1072: Go out to the sea to find Fang Cunshan and Bodhisattva

"We practiced in Shuiliandong for a while, and the aura here is very suitable for our cultivation!" Xiaobai said to Rake.

"My sister and I are about to break through the realm too. We can practice in this water curtain cave, and we can't be tested by the thunder of the realm breakthrough. This is really a special treasure!" Xiao Qing looked at this water curtain cave with satisfaction. Lake said.

Five Lakers lived in this Huaguo Shanshuilian Cave.

After staying in Huaguo Mountain for a month, Rake, the green-haired big monkey demon, has already established himself as the Huaguoshan Monkey King.

Ryke has also realized some things now. In the original book, why did Sun Wukong occupy the mountain as the queen, why did he want to leave Huaguo Mountain to learn from the teacher. Rake felt that Sun Wukong was not learning the law of immortality, but was too bored to want to go out for a walk.

Although the Huaguo Mountain covers a large area, but stays here every day, watching a bunch of monkey monkey grandchildren, at most these monkeys can perform acrobatics, no other entertainment.

And the normal food on the Huaguo Mountain every day is peach and other wild fruits.

Of course, Rake became the monkey queen of Huaguo Mountain, hunted rabbits and other animals besides monkeys, and cooked with Gu Yi, Xiaoqing Xiaobai, and Fat Ya Zhongling.

But after eating a month of roasted meat and wild fruits, Rick doesn't like it anymore.

This Huaguo Mountain has no wine and no rice.

Today, Rake has summoned more than one hundred demon-level monkeys in Shuilian Cave to announce a major event.

"We daemons, occupying such an important geographic location as Huaguo Mountain, should do something more meaningful." Rake sat in the center of the Shuiliandong Hall, and the wicker chairs he made for him by his monkey monkey grandson On, announced loudly.

"The king said it makes sense!"

"The king is right!"

"But what is more meaningful?"

More than a hundred big demon, waited for them to speak down.

"Robbery, you start today, rob all caravans passing by Huaguoshan Mountain. As long as we pass Huaguoshan Mountain, we must pass through the material. We want fine wine, food, daily necessities, not money!" Continue to announce.

After listening to more than one hundred monsters, they were a little puzzled. They used monsters to repair things, and it was useless.

However, since the No. 2 Venerable King has been accounted for, the more than one hundred demon monkeys present immediately expressed their support.

After all, there was no monster monkey on the scene, even the entire Huaguo Mountain, who could beat the No. 2 Venerable Green Monkey King.

This Huaguo Mountain Monkey Demon tribe is also supreme in strength.

"You go to rob first, I will go out a long distance recently to go to the teacher to learn art and practice higher skills. By the way, once you have robbed a monk named Tang Sheng or Jiang Liu'er, you must stay for me "Lake continued to announce to the monkey demon.

Rick doesn't know now, which version of the Journey to the World of the Ultimate [Journey to the West] where he is now.

Rake has been in Huaguo Mountain for more than a month, and has analyzed this [Final Journey to the West] strategy with Gu Yi, Xiaoqing Xiaobai, and Fat Ya Zhongling.

Because they used [Dimensional Shock Bombs], this [Final Journey to the West] subsequent plots may have changed unexpectedly.

Once it was not the old version of the Journey to the West, it wasn't Sun Wukong who was pressed by the Buddha under the Wuzhi Mountain, waiting for Jiang Liu'er to tear off the plot of the seal. Then there is a possibility that Jiang Liu'er, the reincarnated person of Jin Chanzi, will pass Huaguo Mountain, and they need to go down the mountain and rob themselves to meet Jiang Liu'er.

Rake is now ready to do two-hand preparations, first leave Huaguo Mountain by himself, go to find Cunshan Mountain below, see if he can find Fangcun Mountain, and he will not meet the master of Bodhi. If you can find it, you can find a way to apprentice, maybe you can improve your strength.

Keep the monkey demon and Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Guyi, Fat Ya Zhongling, rob in this Huaguo Mountain, see the Bodhi ancestor who can meet the river or hold the grape.

Now Xiaoqing Xiaobai, stay in Huaguo Shanshuiliandong to practice and wait for a breakthrough.

Lake also looks forward to the improvement of Xiaoqing Xiaobai's strength.

In the previous copy of Honghuang, Xiaoqing Xiaobai had once raised a great strength, reaching the diamond level.

Now that Xiaoqing and Xiaobai exist, they can already make themselves masters get 38% of all attribute additions, and can also improve their ability to control water.

Rake knows that once Xiaoqing Xiaobai's realm of strength is improved again in this copy of [Final Journey to the West], all the attributes gained by him will definitely be increased by percentage, and at least dozens of attributes will be added at a time.

This is much larger than gaining attribute points.

And after Xiaoqing Xiaobai's realm of strength has improved, he should be able to help when he returns to the main world to deal with the meteorite killing crisis next Tuesday.

Both Rake and the Ancient Master Mage have magic portals, and the master, Reck, can communicate with the summoning creatures Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Guyi, and Fat Ya Zhongling.

So Rake is not worried, what would happen if the Gu Yi four or four stay in this Huaguo Mountain.

Once in danger, you can immediately open the magic portal and rush back. Gu Yi can also open the magic portal and take Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Fat Ya Zhongling away.

The next day, Rake got on the monkey and grandson and rushed him to build a big bamboo raft overnight.

On the bamboo raft are fresh water and peaches, and a large wood pulp.

Rake actually doesn't need a raft at all. He can take a trident out of the sea and swim freely in the water.

But when the monkeys and grandchildren thought about it, Rake accepted it. And Rake doesn't know where the Fangcun Mountain is now. Whether he swims or flies, he has no destination.

Simply, Rick was sitting on the raft, letting the raft float in the sea by himself, maybe it could match the plot of the original, and by the fate in this copy, he brought himself to the continent where Fangcun Mountain is located.

Lyk lay on the raft, sleeping on the sea, and let the raft float with the current.

This raft is very huge ~ ~ If it is small, it can't help the weight of Rick, the god-level Hulk.

After drifting on the sea for half a month, when Rake was fine, he chatted with Gu Yi and others through the communication ability of the soul, and asked him about the situation of Huaguo Mountain after he left.

The Huaguo Mountain demon monkeys have already opened up and robbed according to his requirements.

Now in Huaguo Shanshuilian Cave, ordinary daily necessities are gradually full, and several bottles of fine wine are also stored.

Some demon monkeys, after using ordinary human daily necessities and drinking wine made by humans, only realized that they had no name for the king in the second organization.

Many big demon monkeys have now changed their original living habits and tried harder to rob the caravan under the mountain!

Today, Rake sat on his oversized raft and finally saw the mainland appear in the distance.

Lek, who had been floating on the sea for half a month, couldn't wait any longer, directly took out the Trident Trident to control the water, and let this huge bamboo raft of himself quickly drive inland.

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