Global Sky Online

Chapter 1088: I haven't finished

"Chang'e, go back with Yutu first and take a good rest!" Jade Emperor announced in the hall.

This time Chang'e didn't stay any longer. After all, Yutu got the elixir of Taishang Laojun, and his cultivation behavior was improved, and his injuries were all healed.

Taking advantage of Yutu without hindrance, quickly leave this Lingxiao Baodian.

Chang'e also saw it, and today the female Bodhisattva also shot. The impact of this matter seems to be a bit out of control. Chang'e, the female fairy, doesn't want to be involved in it anymore and no longer blames the **** of war Yang Jian.

After Chang'e retreated, the Jade Emperor glanced at the celestial beings present.

The heads of all the fairies bowed their heads. At this time, they did not dare to come out and speak first.

"This thing has passed today, but I believe that Yang Jian, the God of War, must be framed. Aiqing, how can you find out who is framed, or guess who is hidden in the dark! Why not be bold? To say it, today ’s words are limited to this Lingxiao Temple. Even if the guess is wrong, the emperor will forgive you! ”The Jade Emperor looked at the immortals and asked.

Many immortals in the second show hesitated to hear the Jade Emperor's words, but no one dared to stand up at 1:30.

Leike stood below, and when he heard the words of Jade Emperor, he obviously wanted to catch the rhythm of the mastermind behind him.

Lake thought, this day court immortals have many skills and magic weapons, so that the Jade Emperor continued to question, it is really possible that several immortals worked together to find him and Gu Yi, the black hand behind the scenes, but it is not easy to handle.

Thinking about this, Rake, the big green-haired monkey, stood directly out and stood in the middle of the hall.

"Jade Emperor, I have seen what is happening today. This thing is a big conspiracy today. The thing is small, but the black hand behind the scenes, with the dog of the **** of war Yang Jian as an example, tried to destroy the peace in my heaven and cause civil unrest in the heavens! It's really abominable to frame the **** of war Yang Jian, "Rek said loudly.

"Severe Master Qi Tian said very much!"

"What the Great Saint said, it seems reasonable!"

The celestial beings at the scene echoed, and even Yang Jian, who was opposite Reck's cold eyes before, looked at Ryke's eyes.

"Severe No. 2 Qi Tian Da Sheng, you said that to see this, who do you think is the black hand behind the scenes? But it doesn't matter." Jade Emperor asked.

After listening, Reck sneered three times and raised his big green hand, pointing to the direction of the female bodhisattva flying away just now.

"Obviously, the power of the Big Buddha is the black hand behind this scene. Under normal circumstances, the white jade bottle of the female bodhisattva cannot cure the injury of the jade rabbit. But today, after the female bodhisattva shot, the jade rabbit was seriously injured. Fortunately, Today, even if Taishang Laojun shoots, otherwise Yutu will die, and Yang Jian, the **** of war, will be subject to some gossip even if he is not punished. In our heavenly court, there will be hidden dangers of civil strife. Once the civil strife in the heavenly court occurs, the power of the Great Buddha can take advantage of it. In civil strife, the biggest benefit is the power of the Big Buddha, so --- "Lek wants to continue.

"Stop, stop!" Jade Emperor called out the bold Qi Tian Da Sheng No. 2 swiftly.

Now in the Hall of Ling Xiao, many immortals have been sweating behind the scare of Qi Tian Da Sheng, the green monkey demon!

This green monkey demon, too courageous, such things, dare to speak out.

This kind of thing was openly discussed in the Heavenly Court. One could not handle it well, but it could ignite the Heavenly Court forces and fight against the Great Buddha forces.

"Sister Qi Tian Da Sheng No. 2, this joke is very good, eased the tense atmosphere in the heavenly court today. Well, everyone withdrew, this time the snarling of the sky dog ​​and the jade rabbit is an accidental misunderstanding. No one is allowed to discuss the matter of investigation again. Violators will abolish a Immortal Dao Cultivation Practice and die! "Jade Emperor announced this time with a serious expression, and immediately announced his retreat.

Jade Emperor didn't dare to let the bold Green Demon Monkey No. 2 also speak.

Further discussion, it is estimated that Heavenly Court may have to declare war on the power of the Big Buddha.

"Oh, I haven't finished speaking yet!"

The celestial beings, and the Jade Emperor, no one bothered to speak about the unreasonable Green Haired Demon Monkey No. 2 in the organization. They all left the Lingxiao Baodian as quickly as possible, and even the **** of war Yang Jian flew away with his whistling dog Too.

Lake looked at Ling Xiao Hall, which was empty in less than a minute, and smiled helplessly.

Looking like this, Jade Emperor also knew that the Heavenly Court forces he controlled were not opponents of the Big Buddha forces.

Even if the black hand behind the scenes was not himself, it was really the power of the Big Buddha, and the Jade Emperor did not dare to declare war on the Big Buddha at this time.

Reck then also activated the red magic floating cloak on his back and flew to his flat peach garden.

After today's Lingxiao Baotian Heavenly Court Meeting, Jade Emperor announced that Heavenly Court was suspended for three days, and Taibai Jinxing was specially sent to Pan Taoyuan. .

Lei Ke continued to live in his own Taoyuan. Looking at the reaction of the Jade Emperor this time, he seemed to be unable to move the main court of the court, Yang Yang.

And with the shrunken appearance of the Jade Emperor, the leader of the Heavenly Court, he did not dare to let the Heavenly Court forces declare war on the Big Buddha.

Lake judged that the road to the west after his own journey depends on his own efforts!

The waters of the Heavenly Court and the Big Buddha are too deep, and they are simply undisturbed for a short time ~ ~ In the following days, Rick continued to stay idle in the heavenly realm.

Lei Ke went to visit other fairy people. Recently, the other fairy people have found various excuses to disappear.

Lei Ke also took the opportunity to use his fire-eye gold eyes to identify his ability and check the structure and the stored medicine in the alchemy room of Taishang Laojun.

Taishang Laojun alchemy room has a lot of elixir reserves, and the effect is almost equal to the fairy peach in the flat peach garden.

This elixir reserved by the alchemy room of Taishang Laojun is estimated to be a certain degree of the strategic reserve resources of the heavenly forces. Every year, Tianting will provide the Taishang Laojun with many fairy herbs for refining.

Lake can only wait for the time to be ripe, and then try to steal the Elixir.

But until now, Taishang Laojun is too strict with his alchemy room.

Lake thought to himself, grabbed a man from the power of a big Buddha, went to Taishang Laojun's alchemy room, stunned, and then stole most of the medicine.

But there is no suitable person at all!

The power of the Big Buddha rarely appears in the heavenly court. Even if it appears, it is almost impossible to take away the people who stun the power of the Big Buddha without letting other immortals notice. .

Because the amount of the Elixir stored in the Taishang Laojun alchemy room is many times higher than Rick had originally expected, and he ca n’t steal it in a short period of time. Rake knows that there is only one chance, and now he can only wait for the Taishang Laojun to grow Time, away from his alchemy room, you can steal it yourself.

The days have passed, and Rake has been in heaven for five years. With the passage of time, the celestial beings in the heavenly court gradually forgot about the snarling tengu jade rabbit, and when they saw the green-haired big demon monkey of Venerable Qitian Dasheng No. 2, they no longer hid.

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