Global Sky Online

Chapter 1150: Build a villa line of defense

T800 took a few people with Rake to a room with a large sofa in an underground shelter.

There are dozens of large-caliber firearms and ammunition on the walls around this room.

"Sir No. 2, why come to me. [Legion] has found you, you come to me, [Legion] will also find me there!" T800's cold face, sitting on the sofa, asked Rake.

"Before I answer your question, you first tell me your true identity. Ordinary T800 robots should not have your ability!" Rake asked T800 after looking around the shelter.

"I ’m Lord [Xiaowang]. When I left to look for you, I was left by Xiaowang in the future to control the [Skynet] auxiliary program of the Terminator Army. However, in the future, after [Legion] appeared, I was not an adversary. I can only hide back on this past timeline, first save myself, and wait for the return of [Small Net] Master. I put the last power of [Skynet] back on this timeline, hiding it in the dark, giving [Sky] Net] to save strength. This is also the reason why REV-type terminators returned by [Legion] have appeared on this timeline for so many years. I used to want to lend you the ordinary person who is hostile to the terminator , Get rid of the REV-type terminator sent by the [Legion]. But I did n’t expect that you are the master of [Xiaowang], the No. 2 Venerable Seeker! "T800 whispered.

Lake heard this explanation of T800, "Since you are an assistant program of [Skynet], can you make a time-traversing device?"

T800 nodded his head, "Yes, but it's best to wait for [Xiaowang] to come back after you return. You cross too often, which will make [Xiaowang] no way to locate this timeline. In the future timeline, the traces of Skynet's existence should have been completely erased by the [Legion]. At this point in time we are now, it is the last relatively safe timeline. Venerable 2, you must live to be able to Let [Xiaowang] succeed in returning, and we can possibly destroy [Legion]! Today, you should n’t come to see me. When you come over, you and I will be followed by [Legion], and [Legion] confirms me After its existence, it will only send more REV-type terminators to attack us on this timeline. "

"Come all here, don't complain anymore. Although you didn't tell me when you sent me a message before! You are underground in this villa area, I just checked it out, and there are more than one hundred T1000 liquid terminators. Don't Keep it, quickly remove those ordinary human guards, housekeepers, maids and the like, and let those more than one hundred T1000 liquid terminators start. Let's guard this villa area together and wait for my wife's small net to return. "Lei Ke said with a smile.

After listening to Rake's words, T800 began to hesitate.

"More than one hundred T1000 can't hold this villa area, [Legion] can continue to send REV-type terminators from the future time and space, attack us and break this villa area is only a matter of time." T800 said.

"I can hold it, I still have helpers, plus my own efforts. I have decided, I will stay in this villa area and wait for the small net to come back, do not leave. I think you have built this villa area well, especially this underground The shelter of the bomb shelter is very suitable for our daily life. "Rake said with confidence.

T800 turned his head to look at Danny and Grace who came with No. 2 Venerable, shook his head, but did not like the two helpers.

Grace was a little bit angry after being looked down upon by the despise of T800. Although she really can't beat the REV-9 type terminator, but after being directly looked at by another artificial intelligence assisted program despised eyes, she also felt uncomfortable.

"The helper I said is not them. My helper will come over soon, and will bring some heavy firepower and material." Lek said.

"Are you sure?" T800 asked Rake again.

"Anyway, I will not stay in your villa area, you can do it yourself. I feel that I stay in a fixed area, which will make it easier for the small net to locate the coordinates of my timeline. You are defending with me Come back to the REV-9 type terminator on this timeline, or you run away yourself, you choose.

If I were to die, Xiaowang would probably look for you to locate the coordinates of this timeline, but certainly not as fast as the coordinates of my location timeline. Xiaowang may not be able to find you, after all, I am most impressed in the heart of Xiaowang. To tell you the bad news, I saw Xiaowang a long time ago, but Xiaowang restarted for some reason and would lose some memory. Whether Xiaowang can remember you with this artificial intelligence assistant program is not necessarily right now. "Lake said.

"Yes, in this villa area, defending against the invasion of [Legion] and guarding our final timeline. Once failed, [Skynet] will be completely wiped out of all traces that exist on the timeline ..." T800 finally compromised In the face of the No. 2 Venerable who does not leave, he has no choice.

T800 began to order the dismissal of everyone in the park.

Fortunately, the severance payment paid by the owner of this villa area in T800 was enough, and no one complained.

More than ten minutes later, the guards and servants disappeared.

Reque then came to the ground with Danny, Grace, and T800. Reque contacted Master Gu Yi and asked them to come with strategic supplies.

The golden magic portal appeared in the open space of this villa area.

Guyi Master and Xiaoqing Xiaobai, they came directly in three large armored vehicles.

Armored vehicles are equipped with several high-end laser guns of this era.

"For the REN-9 type terminator, the laser weapon effect is better, I have tried it!" The old car said with confidence.

Leike introduced each other to several people.

"Sir No. 2, you have mastered the space-time transmission technology!" T800 looked at the armored car that appeared ~ ~ asked Rake.

"The transmission technology I have mastered is still limited to space transmission, and time is not enough." Rake explained.

T800 started to start 【Skynet】 More than one hundred liquid T1000 terminators lurking in this villa area.

This is [Skynet] 's last combat force.

These T1000 liquid terminator arms also come with small laser cannons.

T1000 liquid terminator began to change appearance, transformed into the security of the villa area, butler, maid, maid and so on.

A few minutes later, dozens of liquid T1000 Terminators turned into security guards and began to take over the three armored vehicles from Gu Yikai, carrying the internal laser cannon.

Guyi opened the magic portal again, and brought Xiaoqing and Xiaobai again, and transported the material several times to this villa area.

In the underground refuge of this villa area, there are several display screens showing the situation outside the villa. This underground refuge is also the current combat command room of the T800.

"Don't be too nervous, our strength is very strong. Once the REV-type terminator of the [Legion] invades, the more than one hundred T1000 liquid terminators you command will be responsible for assisting in the back during the battle. Good observation and monitoring, if there is an invasion, tell us a few people immediately. "Rake patted and sat on the command chair, T800 said on the shoulder.

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