Global Sky Online

Chapter 1187: Target 12 me and 4 monster formations

"Even if the Six-Eyed Starmen have been to [World of Warcraft] 's copy world, they will never know [World of Warcraft] better than me! Little Queen, you can rest assured!" Rake responded with confidence.

Rake thinks that in this world, he can be regarded as the person who knows the most about [World of Warcraft] compared to those who have not had a few years of Internet cafe gaming career.

My own understanding of [World of Warcraft] is based on the experience of many players in the world before me.

Even if a person or a team has visited the World of Warcraft in Six Eyes, the information and various styles of play they hold are definitely not comparable to their own.

"Second Venerable, come with me to borrow money! You are now well-known, if you use your reputation guarantee to borrow money to say urgent use, there must be a large number of players who will lend us! When the time comes against the copy [World of Warcraft 】 Before we started, we invested the money in it, and it would be ten times higher after the victory! We have three or seven points, I am responsible for finding the big money master, you help guarantee. "The big queen suggested to Rake.

Rick smiled after hearing it. This method is good, but it hurts character.

Tomorrow morning, the Earth Defense Force will announce the fact that the Six-Eyed Stars are fighting against the copy under the Earth.

At that time, [World of Warcraft] can also bet all the Sky coins and return them ten times, players will know. Before that, I went to borrow generously, and those who lent myself astronomical coins would surely think of it afterwards, and took their astronomical coins to bet on them.

"Go for yourself, I don't want to be scolded by a group of players afterwards!" Rake said to the Queen with a smile.

"Very sloppy, Venerable No. 2, I misunderstood you. I didn't expect you to see through, and I didn't work hard, hey!" The Great Queen said to Rake with a disappointed look, and wanted to continue to persuade Lake.

The little queen got up and stopped the big queen from continuing to say, "Okay, big queen, if you want to borrow money, rush on your own, do n’t drag the No. 2 Venerable into the water. Say first, you can borrow money, but then To repay, do n’t let a bunch of creditors ask us for poker! Do n’t borrow the official name of the poker team to borrow money, just borrow it under your own name! ”Said the little queen.

"Relax, definitely repay. When I borrowed the celestial coins, they all bet into [World of Warcraft], and then it can be increased by ten times. Of course, if we failed this time, our poker team died in the copy of [World of Warcraft]. You do n’t have to worry about someone asking the poker team anymore. ”The big queen explained to the little queen.

"Don't talk about frustration, we will win this time without losing!" The little queen said aloud.

"Just knowing that I will win, I went to borrow money and bet! I borrowed more money, and I have more motivation to copy this time. Venerable No. 2, if you don't go, I went to other people on the poker team and lost this. Rare opportunity, your chance to get rich overnight is gone! "Said the Queen.

The big queen wanted to go on and saw that the little queen had started staring at her.

The Queen chose to leave the land tank, opened the rear hatch of the land tank, and flew out first.

"Sir No. 2, you take a break early and be ready to explain to the 999 members who will enter the copy tomorrow night. Don't go to other copies in the next two days. The Earth Defense Force has already agreed to the six-eye star's invitation to fight, you If there is any other accident at this time, you can't go to [World of Warcraft] and it will be troublesome. "The little queen's serious expression told Rake.

"Okay, just after I rested for two more days, I went to the copy of [World of Warcraft]. It was too frequent to enter the copy before Likang Meteorite, and I didn't slow it down!" Lek said.

The little queen came up with a list of new and old members of the poker team, "After going to the Warcraft copy, if possible, it is best to exercise the poker team team combat ability. We are poker July 1st, we are also preparing to officially enter the melee battlefield to fight, Just by the opportunity of this large copy of World of Warcraft, practice and cooperate. "

Rick looked briefly, nodded, and chatted with the little queen again, and Rick teleported away from the land tank.

Come to the Undead Castle Teleportation Array and teleport directly back to your main online interface of the heavens.

Lek looked at his existing tens of millions of coins. If this bet is doubled, it can be turned into a huge sum of 100 million tens of millions of coins.

A huge sum of 100 million sterling coins seems to be a lot, but if you want to recruit undead soldiers from the barracks of [Undead Castle] to form your own undead army, it is still not enough.

Rake looked at the current Undead Castle at the beginning of each month and refreshed the number and price of undead arms.

"Evil Temple, recruit skeleton soldiers, silver primary level, recruitment number 50/50, recruiting each skeleton soldier requires 10,000 tens of coins, which can be upgraded."

"Graveyard, recruitment of walking dead, silver advanced level, 20/20 recruitment, each walking dead requires 50,000 tens of coins, which can be upgraded."

"Spirit Tomb, recruit ghosts, gold intermediate level, recruit 15/15, each ghost requires 1 million tens of coins, which can be upgraded."

"The mansion, recruiting vampires, platinum primary level, recruiting 10/10, each recruiting vampires requires 3 million tens of coins, which can be upgraded."

"Mausoleum, recruitment of corpses, senior platinum level, the number of recruitment is 5/5, each corpse needs 5 million tens of coins, can be upgraded."

This is not yet a headless knight and bone dragon.

The fifth-level headless knight and the sixth-level bone dragon barracks have not yet triggered the construction of the barracks, and they cannot be recruited now.

At this stage, the most expensive corpse witch needs five million tens of dollars to recruit one.

At present, the number of undead soldiers refreshed at the beginning of each month in the Undead Castle Barracks is very small. Rake judged that after the end of the World of Warcraft confrontation copy, the Earth Defense Force should raise a large amount of celestial coins to the Undead Castle to upgrade the Undead Castle. grade.

At that time, the number of undead soldiers that can be refreshed every month by Undead Castle will also increase.

Owning 100 million tens of millions of coins, in the early morning of July 1, UU reading may not be able to recruit all the refreshed undead soldiers, and there should be some left for the earth players to recruit.

Rake thought that although the Queen was sometimes very selfish in doing things and talking, she had to say that certain things, the Queen ’s approach, did indeed give you the greatest benefits.

For example, this time, if you can borrow 100 million sterling coins before entering World of Warcraft, after the copy wins, you can easily get a huge amount of 900 million sterling coins.

"Xiaowang, based on the information you have on the online forums, melee battlefields, and replicas, help me analyze how I can get more Zhutian coins as soon as possible and put all the undead soldiers in my undead castle. Recruit! "Rake asked, standing on his main online interface.

"Two options: the first, plunder, go to the melee battlefield to plunder, and capture other alien race territory. This is the fastest way to get the celestial coins! The second, swipe a copy, buy some other players who have visited, there are After the information record is cleared, you can get a large number of copies of the rewards of all the coins. However, for both of these premises, I suggest that you accumulate [Twelve Me] first. The No. 2 Venerable Husband, you accumulate [Twelve After I], whether it is the speed of mad swiping the copy, or the power of plundering in the melee battle field, it can be increased several times.

Only when your [Twelve Mes] can be summoned as casually as you do, will your strength enter a period of rapid improvement. This [twelve me] can be regarded as the best skill and upgrade route you have at this stage. Of course, the four great beast formations, as the conditions permit, should also be carried out, so that Xiaoqing Xiaobai can find the powerful beast to devour its energy as soon as possible. The four great beasts are gathered together, and the power will be considerable. "The small net made a sound for Rake to analyze."

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