Global Sky Online

Chapter 622: The ultimate mainline mission three starts

Rick glanced at his right arm, and he already had the special tattoo symbol marked out from the copy of [Complete Memory].

But now there are many black circles on the body like connectors of sockets. Rake doesn't know that out of this copy of the world, the socket connectors on his body that have been embedded in the skin can not be removed from His Holiness.

If you can't remove it, you can perform other copies later, it will be too ugly to carry these socket connectors on your skin.

Zhu Tian's online prompt sounded in Rick's head. "Ding Dang, congratulations to player No. 2 and the little queen for completing the main mission 2 and dream planting missions. The energy tycoon's only son, Robert Fitch, has planted dreams and let him give up his idea of ​​inheriting the late father's business empire. The writer and the little queen both returned from the dream world to the real world of this copy.

Ultimate Mainline Quest 3 opens: Destroy / Respawn.

Ultimate Mainline Mission 3 is optional:

1: Choosing to destroy will assist the mother robot, destroy all humans in this world after resisting forces, and clear the customs.

2: Choosing to respawn will help resist the army, destroy the mother robot, and clear the customs.

After clearing the level, the player will get the corresponding reward based on the contribution value of the player to complete the main task in this copy.

Reminder: This copy is a hidden serial copy. The choice of Little Queen's Ultimate Mainline Quest 3 will affect the type of the Little Queen's subsequent copy scrolls.

Ask the player to make a choice within a hundred seconds. If the honorable player No. 2 and the little queen choose different mainline missions, the honorable player No. 2 and the little queen will be released from the team mode and become hostile in this copy world.

Mainline missions fail, deducting 30% of all attributes. "

"Historian No.2, choose the second mode quickly, rebirth, and help the resistance army to destroy the mother. It will be better to choose this future copy route. If you choose the first one, it is estimated that this series of [soul] is the theme, In the end, it would be a mechanical lifelike thing, which is not suitable for me. "In Rake's mind, a message came from the little queen through the dragon knight's mind communication skills.

"Well, choose rebirth, and the area assists the resistance army to destroy the mother robot. However, if we choose rebirth as the ultimate mainline task 3, it will be difficult to complete. [Matrix] In the original book, the protagonist, the savior, will soon become Superman, In the end, it is only to reach a peaceful condition with the robot mother body and sacrifice itself. The robot mother body still exists at the end. You can recall that the mechanical army of the robot mother body in the original book cannot be defeated by us alone. "Rake also passed the dragon. The knight's ability to communicate with the mind sent his thoughts back to the little queen.

"Choose [Rebirth], although it is a bit more difficult, but there is hope to complete it. If it is destroyed, this series of copies will attribute me to the robot camp, and the reward for my hidden series of copies will be half of them for me. Now. "The little queen sent a message again.

"Okay! Let's fight, listen to you!" Rake said, after all, she was the little queen who came to help her clear this hidden serial copy. This choice still has to listen to the little queen's decision.

"Zhu Tian Online, I choose to be reborn, and will assist the resistance army and destroy the mother robot." Rake made a choice.

"The honorable player No. 2 and the little queen, choose the rebirth as the ultimate main line task 3 of the copy world." The prompt sound of Zhu Tian Online appeared in his mind after Lake completed the selection.

Rick is glad that he and the little queen have the ability to communicate with the dragon knight. Otherwise, he may choose two opposing options and become competitors in this copy of the world.

Two large black levitation robots began to swipe from above, and one stopped two or three meters in front of Lake.

The other, stopped about a kilometer away, in front of the little queen.

These two levitation robots open their mechanical arms to capture the bodies of Rick and the Little Queen.

Rick took out the gold hoop, and although he still felt a little weak, he couldn't let the robot bully.

Rick patted it with a stick, and the levitating robot in front of him was directly blasted.

Rick then gave himself three Auras of True Shadow Word recovery.

Fired with golden eyes, Rake saw that the little queen also used a flying knife to blast the machine that attacked her.

The little queen was already squatting in the red viscous liquid culture tank. It seems that the little queen's physical strength is greater than herself.

Raike raised his hand and put on a circle of three true shadow words to restore the little queen in the distance.

The next second, Rick found the metal at the bottom of the incubation tank where he was standing, separated directly.

His body fell from the cultivation tank where he was located, and began to fall in a metal slide similar to a rotating slide.

The little queen in the distance also fell into it.

After a few minutes of taxiing, Rick and the Little Queen were treated as dead human waste nourishment ~ ~ and fell into a large metal box. In the next step they will be disassembled on the machine in front of them.

Fortunately, resisting the army's spacecraft, at this time hovering over the metal box.

Just as Rick and the Little Queen fell down, they were against the software engineers in the military spacecraft. They interrupted the procedures in the training cabin of the two for a short time, and let the robot factory determine that the Little Queen and His Holiness were dead.

Trinity and a teammate quickly descended from their suspended spacecraft, descended through ropes, and came to the large metal box of Rick and the Little Queen.

Trinity and the team members are going to use this rope to tie the bodies of Rake and the little queen and drag them up.

"Don't tie me, I still have a little energy." Rake said, holding one end of the rope with one hand.

"I can do it. I can hold the rope myself!" Said the little queen, raising her hand and grabbing the rope.

Trinity looked at the two in surprise. The people she had rescued from the battery factory training chamber of the mother robot were weak and had no energy, and it was good to be in a coma without immediate coma.

Unexpectedly, these two lords and the little queen, just after being awakened, had the strength to grab the rope.

"How did you do that?" Trinity asked involuntarily.

"The savior is stronger than your cognition and imagination!" Rake said with a smile.

After hearing this, Trinity stopped asking, and began to contact the people on the spacecraft through the intercom, retracted the ropes, and took a few people back to the spacecraft.

The ropes rose quickly, Trinity and her teammates, the little queen, and No. 2 honored were pulled back into the spacecraft.

This small spacecraft similar to magnetically suspended electromagnetic power started to adjust and reorient all jet thrusters.

The blue energy light flickered in the thruster, and the small spacecraft quickly left the factory where the robot imprisoned humans as batteries.

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