Global Sky Online

Chapter 657: I am going to fight the Avengers

"The No. 2 Daredevil, wait for me to get Pim Particle and come to you." Deadpool finished and jumped out of the window.

Rake activated the fire-eye and golden-eye skills and looked at it. Deadpool did not use the power to jump or fly in the air, and fell directly from upstairs.

Because Lake's home is on the top floor.

But the deadpool, who was almost dead on the ground, stood up in the next second, and the wound on his head healed quickly.

This Deadpool's healing ability is much stronger than in the movies Deadpool 1 and 2.

Deadpool then waved his hand at the top window of Lake, on the street, and quickly ran away.

"Just him, can you kill all the superheroes? We really want to kill those super baddies. The super bad in this world is very powerful. Once we fail, we will die in this copy of the world!" Gu Yichu Saying.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai also looked at Lake, waiting for Lake's judgment.

"If it works well, Deadpool can kill 90% of the superheroes and X-Men here. Although Deadpool is not the strongest superhero, his immortal attributes are almost invincible. We do n’t have to kill all the super baddies Just do it and kill one or two super bad guys. The new X special team formed by this deadpool just wants a teammate. He doesn't really care how much we can do! "Rake told several people.

"How do I feel this Deadpool wants us to do a lot to assist him." Xiaobai said.

"Even if he hopes, we can paddle and soy sauce. It's okay. The new X special team we joined, the captain of the deadpool, is different from the fighting team or group you understood before. The new X special team is free," Rick thought Thinking that I love my family, the first parachute plot of the X special team's first attack, almost completely annihilated, has been decided, this time to paddle with Deadpool.

"Which super bad guy do we kill?" Xiaoqing asked.

"Master Erica, the master who has the ability to resurrect a dead person. Tie him down and see if you can torture the ability to come back to life, I can't learn it." After thinking about it, Rick decided With.

"Erica's master, even if he is not a superhero in this copy of the world, is not a bad guy!" Gu Yi sighed.

"It's okay, we think he's a super bad guy, he's just that. He should save the dying people, which destroys the six reincarnation of world peace. He is a bad guy." Rake said.

Gu Yi and Xiao Bai did not speak afterwards, already thinking that His Holiness No. 2 remembered the master's ability to make people come back to life.

Although this ability can only be used once, the skills of resurrection are invaluable.

Especially to go through the online copy of the heavens, it is very rare to have a resurrection power.

"Guyi, help me find the master of Erica. I'll go to Erika first and ask her master's contact information. Then you open the magic portal and pass. After determining the location, we will take Erika's This bad master is tied. "Lake announced the plan.

"This master should not be weak, after all, it will allow Erica to upgrade to a level in a week. We should also be careful with a few of us." Gu Yi said.

Lake agreed, putting on sunglasses.

Rick dialed Erica's cell phone. "Does your master have any news, when will he be back?" Rick asked.

"I heard that the master is on a cruise ship. His tour is not over yet. It is estimated that it will take a month or two as soon as possible." Erica said.

"Can you tell me which cruise ship your master is on, and which sea area is he in now? It would be better if you gave me the contact information to contact him. I want to talk about life with your master first ! "Said Rick.

"Okay, I'll send it to you in a while!" Erika didn't feel anything wrong, and then hung up the phone.

Rick waited a few minutes and received the message.

There is a contact method, as well as the name of the cruise ship, but the sea area to which the cruise ship sails is not mentioned. Only the sailing route is mentioned. Erica should not know where the cruise ship is sailing now.

"Let's check which sea area the cruise ship went to, and fight in the sea, which is in our favor. Gu Yi, then you bring Xiaoqing Xiaobai to go first, and I will release the undead ship. After you find someone, then Contact me. "Lake told Gu Yi.

After Gu Yi took note of Master Erica's phone call, she opened a magic portal and took Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Rick away.

After releasing the undead warship in the sea, Rick explained the cruise ship he was looking for, opened the magic portal again, and returned to his residence first.

Lake later enjoyed two days of normal life in this copy of the world, and Gu Yi brought Xiaoqing Xiaobai back to his residence.

"I have found the cruise ship where Master Erica is located, but we haven't done it yet, and wait for you to act together in case the master has no strange abilities." Gu Yi came back with good news.

"Okay, let's go!" Rake said, taking out his golden hoop.

Gu Yi opened the magic portal again, and Rake followed.

This time it appeared directly on the undead battleship under the sea.

Lin Huaer and Lina are controlling this medium-level undead battleship with many undead cannons, and they are following a large cruise ship under the sea.

"The master of Erica is in this cruise ship, it should be in the VIP suite," said Gu Yi.

"Okay, I'll check it first!" Rake said, starting his eye-catching exploration and appraisal capabilities, looking at the big cruise ship in the distance.

In the topmost suite of the cruise ship, the master of Erica was found.

And Master Erica did not travel alone, and Lake found that the uppermost layer of the entire cruise ship was people in white uniforms.

Those who wore white uniforms with sabres were disciples of this master who had wrapped up the top layer of the cruise ship.

In this way, it is difficult to mix in the upper layers.

However, Rick thought, he didn't have to mix in to bring the master.

"Lin Huaer, overrun the Undead Cannon and killed the Cannon. After a minute, he sunk the cruise ship ahead! Gu Yi, come on board with me to guard the escape boat. Xiaoqing Xiaobai, guarded under the sea. Separated, use Poseidon Trident, summoned some sharks, and followed the cruise ship, "said Rake.

Lake estimated that the master of Erica should not have the ability to fly.

Once the cruise ship sank, he could only escape from the sea.

If there is a school of sharks, this Erika's master will most likely choose a lifeboat instead of swimming back to the mainland.

Lake opened the magic portal and teleported directly with Gu Yi.

The two came to the plywood of the large cruise ship and stood beside a row of lifeboats.

"Om!" A muffled sound, the big cruise ship swayed, then stopped.

After more than ten seconds, alarms started on the cruise ship.

"All passengers, immediately come to the deck and leave in a lifeboat. The cruise ship crashed into the iceberg and the bilge has been flooded and cannot be repaired. Let the women and children get on the lifeboat first. Repeat again, all passengers, immediately come to the deck ---"

After the siren sounded, many passengers began to swarm onto the splint.

Already a crew came over and lowered the lifeboat.

"Don't fight, the number of lifeboats is enough for everyone to ride, let women and children get on the lifeboat first! The distress signal has been issued, and in a few days, there will be passenger ships and helicopters to rescue us. Don't fight." Talking.

Rick watched, the master had taken his group of disciples down from the top floor.

At first, the passengers on the cruise ship deck were quite orderly, but when a passenger discovered the shark group behind the cruise ship and shouted "Shark, shark!" In horror, the order that was difficult to maintain on this deck collapsed instantly. Already.

Passengers started scrambling to get on the lifeboat a little faster, so they could get on the lifeboat and get away from it.

The old man, the master, also opened his path under the door and took a lifeboat.

Rick and Gu Yi also jumped down quickly and got into the same small lifeboat.

The people riding on this lifeboat together with the seven disciples of the master.

This small lifeboat can seat ten adults at a time.

"This is ours." A disciple in white shouted at Rick to drive Rick and Gu Yi for a lifeboat ride.

"Which is written by you, I saw it first!" Rick answered directly.

"Boat, leave!" The master said to the disciples, so that the disciples would no longer quarrel with the two who jumped down.

The master glanced at Rick and Baldhead Gu Yi, and already felt vaguely that these two were not ordinary people.

The small lifeboat began to be quickly paddled by the two disciples of the master with the plastic oars that came with the lifeboat.

Next to this small lifeboat, three small lifeboats followed, and there were more than twenty master disciples wearing white uniforms with long swords around their waists.

The storm on the sea suddenly appeared on the surface of the sea in the distance, and a huge wave struck. The four small lifeboats were scattered by the big waves.

The disciple in white made a full effort to row the lifeboat, trying to draw out the storm-covered area.

But the storm seemed to be staring at the lifeboat the master was riding in. Where the lifeboat was rowing, the dark clouds in this stormy area followed.

Three hours later, there were five people left on the small lifeboat, and the rest were swept away after being hit by the huge waves.

The remaining two disciples in white were still struggling to row.

With a click, a plastic oar broke.

"No more rowing, we can't draw the stormy area." Said the old man, looking at Rick and Bald Guy, who were sitting not far from him.

"Master!" A disciple in white wanted to speak, but was stopped by the master raising his hand.

"Who are you, what do you want me to do!" The master looked at Rick and Bald Guy and asked.

"The same are the fallen people!" Rake said casually.

Only the two disciples remaining on the boat listened.

"Let them leave! If you can control the sea and the storm, you will become fallen people, and the ordinary people will be even worse." Said the master.

Rick smiled and let the avatar under the sea control the water. This time a water dragon appeared in the sea and washed away the two disciples in white on the lifeboat.

Then the lifeboat began to ride on the sea, breaking through the waves.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai under the sea also stopped the magic power to control the storm.

More than ten minutes later, the small lifeboat sailed to a calm sea.

This time on the small lifeboat, only Lek, Gu Yi, and the old master were left.

"Now we are left, let's talk, who do you say, what is the purpose of finding me!" The master asked.

"We're from the new X special team, I'm the superhero Daredevil." Rake said.

"My disciple, Erika, mentioned in the newsletter a few days ago that you helped her, why did you come to me again!" The master looked at Rick and asked.

Rick pointed to his heart position, "I want the ability to learn from you and come back to life."

Rick also stopped talking nonsense, directly explaining the purpose.

After hearing this, the master shook his head. "Unless you abandon all current practices and concentrate on the cultivation of the Tao." When you are epiphanyed, it is possible to use the ability to resurrect from death to save people, and you can only do this rescue once in a lifetime. Human capabilities. "

"So, you don't want to teach me! Lake feels that he doesn't self-defeate and learn, but the master is unwilling to teach." Lake didn't quite believe what the master said.

"You can't learn!" The master said.

"Gu Yi, help me tie him!" Rake said to Gu Yi beside him.

"Master, offended!" Gu instantly launched magic, a magic rope, trapped the master's body.

"Open!" The master put his hands together, and the magic rope was broken.

"Don't let me pull out the sword, but for the sake of helping my apprentice Erica, this time it's okay. You leave, I can be like this thing never happened. Once I pull out the knife, some of you will "Dead," said the master, placing his hand on the long knife hanging around his waist.

"Come to the duel! Just to learn the strength of the master!" Rake said.

"right now?"

"Poseidon Wire Mesh!" The clone suddenly floated up from the sea behind the small lifeboat.

Wearing an avatar of golden fish-scale armor, on the back of the master, holding a trident of the Poseidon pointing at the master, he launched ten wire meshes in a row.

The master was instantly shrouded in ten Poseidon wires.

"Ah!" The master was instantly blackened by the electric hair and his body continued to tremble.

Taking this opportunity, Rake took the golden hoop and gave the master a stick in his right hand, ready to take the knife.

The master's arm was directly crushed and broken.

"That's all right, you won't be able to pull the knife, because you don't have a hand to pull the knife, and we won't die." Rake said, stepped forward and untied the long knife hanging from the master's waist and threw it. Into the sea.

This long knife was eaten directly by Xiao Qing.

The master's long sword is also a treasure, but the level is not too high.

"You--" The master glared at Rick with something to say.

Rick kicked the master off the lifeboat and kicked him into the sea.

"Xiaoqing Xiaobai, clone, take this master to the undead ship. Clone, you have to torture him all the time, try not to kill him first. See if we can interrogate from his mouth before we leave this copy of the world, let Gang The training method for the resurrection ability of the dead is not! Before the ship, the disciples of the master were killed or thrown to the desert island. Do not let them expose us before we leave this copy of the world. " The avatar and Xiaoqing Xiaobai passed on the message.

"I'll follow them and interrogate, I will have some little healing magic!" Gu Yi suggested.

"You still don't have to go. The method of interrogating people separately, you will feel uncomfortable after watching it!" Rake said to Gu Yi.

The avatar inherited most of Lake's memories, and Lake felt that this kind of thing should not be seen by Gu.

"Okay, let's go back?" Gu Yi asked Rick.

Rick got up from the small lifeboat and started raising his left hand in circles.

The magic portal was successfully released by Lake.

Rick positioned the exit of the magic portal in his own room.

Rick and Gu Yi enter the magic portal and leave the small lifeboat above the sea.

When Lake returned home, he found that the drunkard was not at home.

Rick went to get himself a bottle of cold drink, and just opened it and took a sip, and someone knocked on the door.

"It's time for Team X to gather!" Deadpool's voice rang outside, and it seemed like Deadpool was about to sing in the corridor.

Gu Yi quickly opened the door and let Deadpool come in.

"I've got enough Pim particles. What about the rest of my team, why are you two left?" After Deadpool entered the room, he looked around one by one, and found that Rick and Gu were left. Once, Xiaoqing Xiaobai and her avatar are gone.

"They have already begun to deal with the super bad guys. We just caught a super bad guy on the sea and are interrogating it!" Rake said casually.

"Good, it's the team I fancy. Is there any suggestion, should we deal with the Avengers superheroes first, or the X-Men first?" Deadpool asked.

"Let ’s start with the superheroes of the Avengers!" Rick said immediately ~ ~ Rake thought that if he killed these superheroes, he would be judged by this copy world as a superhero Daredevil, You can clear the customs and save the X-Men.

"Okay, No. 2 Nocturne, and Mage Gu Yi, you can act with me! I have thought of a plan in the past two days, a wonderful plan that can bring the Avengers to the table." Deadpool said.

"It's okay, don't you teleport, the teleport appeared in my room for the first time, why did you knock in the door this time?" Rick asked Deadpool.

"The teleportation is too energy-consuming, and sometimes the transmission is not accurate. It may not necessarily go where it is. The first time I met, I was for Liwei. Now you all join my new X special service team, you are your own people. I don't need to teleport! "Deadpool answered very honestly. He went politely in the refrigerator, took a bottle of cold drink, and took the same taste as Rick's.

Deadpool took a sip and found that he also took away the hood, which was a bit hard to drink.

Deadpool lifted the hood and started drinking.

"You should drink orange juice!" Deadpool quickly drank a bottle, and threw the bottle into a small trash can in the living room.

"What is your plan?" Lake asked Deadpool.

"Concentrate a bunch of bombs with pim particles, and put the reduced bombs into coffee or milk. When the Avengers meet, send them over. After these bombs detonate, they can directly blow up the Avengers building. Can kill most of the Avengers. Now that Pim Particles are available, I have also got the bomb, and I will wait for the Avengers to gather next time. I just do n’t know how long these Avengers will be together. Get together and have a meeting! "Deadpool said sitting on the sofa, putting his legs directly on the coffee table.


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