Global Sky Online

Chapter 782: Cooperation

"Cooperate and fight against [Monster Beast] No. 2 lord, now tell me how to control this flying saucer, and it's OK to reach your lunar base first!" Rake nodded in agreement.

Behind the old man in the display, there were two young people. One young man was holding the same model with the control keys of the Rake UFO console.

Another young pilot began to follow the model and gave a picture of how to control the UFO while driving.

The control mode of the flying saucer is quite simple. As long as you know the functions of several commonly used buttons, you can control the flying saucer to sail normally in space.

The pilot followed the model and taught Lake how to adjust the interstellar map and adjust the flying trajectory of the flying saucer.

Rake learned quickly. After more than ten minutes, the flying saucer began to move in the direction of the moon, and started the automatic navigation mode. After arriving at the lunar base, it would land on the lunar base by itself.

After explaining the driver's flight course to Lake, confirm that Lake has set the flying saucer trajectory, and tell Lake the location of the emergency communication button. If there is any problem, you can press this button to contact the Lunar Base Command Tower, and the driver will then step down. Already.

"Historian No.2, we are waiting for your arrival in the lunar base and discussing plans to fight against the" Monster Beast Me "together!" The former old man appeared in front of the screen again and said to Lake.

"Okay, let's talk before we turn off the communication monitor." Rake said to the old man.

The communicator display in front of Lake turned off.

Rick fought from the UFO master seat and lay down in the lounge behind the UFO.

Whether the conversation in the flying saucer is under the monitoring status of the lunar base, Rake and Xiaoqing Xiaobai are not clear.

Rick and Xiaoqing Xiaobai simply communicated through the ability of spiritual communication, waited until the moon base to understand the actual situation of [Monster Beast] and the new humans on the moon base, and then made the next step.

Lying on a small bed in the lounge behind the flying saucer, Rick fell asleep first.

The flying saucer sailed in space at high speed for several days, began to slow down, and was about to land on a lunar base.

Rick first retracted Xiaoqing Xiaobai and his avatar, and left himself in the UFO control room alone, so that he could easily move when he would deal with the new human on the moon.

Through the display of the flying saucer, Lake could see several metal cities with giant transparent protective covers on the back of the moon.

The flying saucer flew towards one of the largest metal cities and reached above a protective cover that looked like glass.

The protective cover opened a diamond-shaped notch, and the flying saucer slowly entered the notch, and gradually landed towards a metal platform on the ground.

After a few minutes, the flying saucer landed smoothly, and a metal cabin door turned outwards, turning into a metal staircase.

Rick got up from the flying saucer control room and walked down this metal staircase.

Dozens of new humans in white combat uniforms greeted Lake, led by the old man who had previously communicated with Lake in the display.

With a fire-eye and golden-eye skill, Lake looked at the area near the metal platform, and there were hundreds of black robots holding laser guns.

The new humans on the moon do not seem to be assured of themselves.

"Honor No. 2, welcome to the moon. I am the leader of the new human base on the moon!" The old man, headed by, greeted Rick.

"You have data and images of [Monster Beast I] on this moon base, take me to see it first! I am not going to stay at the moon base for a long time, we can rest assured after solving [Monster Beast I] as soon as possible!" Talking.

"Come with me, we have a lot of [monster me] information in our combat command tower!" The old man said.

Lake followed the old man, and dozens of new humans, toward a tower ahead.

Ride a metal lift into a room with a large round table at the top of the tower.

Rick casually found a chair and sat down at the round table.

The old man waved at his hands next to him, and a new human stepped forward, turning on the instrument in the center of the round table.

Numerous stereo images and data appeared above the round table.

Rake reached out and tried to click on an image, and then this image played a small battle video of [Monster I].

Looking at the image in the video, Rick also knew that the monster monster I was dealing with turned out to be this form.

In addition to the face shape, this [Monster I] looks a bit like himself. The muscles of the body swell and grow into a self that looks like a Super Saiyan, with long fingers and sharp nails.

Although in the battle video, [Monster I] does not have a gold hoop stick or a Trident weapon, but a punch can blow the air out of the air, and it will also fire energy bombs.

"Let me tell you about the evolution of [Monster Beast I] in general. Until now, [Monster Beast] has completed the third stage of evolution.

The first stage is the demonization of the human body. A few decades ago, the body of His Holiness No. 2 was mutated, his body shape began to change, and his power was awakened.

In the second stage, the power of the demon is stable, and His Holiness No. 2 begins to think of himself as God, the supremacy of the earth, and appears with thought power.

The third stage is the stage of the perfect evolution of [Monster Beast I] now. Lord No. 2 has completely separated from the human range, and the attack power of each punch is comparable to that of a missile. You can fly and fight in the air for a long time, and control the airflow at will. The gravity of the earth can't help him. Can instantaneous air bomb, the damage of air bomb is huge.

We are now worried that [Monster I] will soon evolve to the fourth stage, at which time [Monster I] will be able to stay in space indefinitely and our moon base will be destroyed. "

Rake continued to watch the video of the "Monster Beast I", watching in the order from the beginning of the first stage to the third stage now.

It took more than two hours for Lake to finish watching these videos quickly, and the new humans on the moon did not disturb Lake.

After reading these, Lake had a bitter smile in his heart and came to a conclusion. Now the third stage [Monster Beast] strength has reached God level or above, and he has the ability to control the wind at will.

And the wind control ability has reached the micro-control level, it is a BUG.

In this case, [Monster I] has the ability to leave the earth, but after leaving the earth, the strength in the universe will be relatively weakened. [Monster I] has no choice to leave the earth now.

It seems that after the next evolution, when the strength is stronger, [Monster I] will choose to leave the earth.

Rake contrasted it, and now even if he teamed up with his avatar and Xiaoqing Xiaobai, he wouldn't be able to beat this [Monster Beast].

[Monster Beast] can control the surrounding air. It is very difficult to hit [Monster Beast], but [Monster Beast] is very easy to kill yourself.

[Monster I] The ability to control air is the same as opening a large wind enchantment anytime and anywhere.

"Ocean, you need to introduce [Monster Beast] into the depths of the sea, and then I will have the opportunity to kill [Monster Beast]!" After pondering for a while, Rick said to the old commander of the new man on the moon.

Rick thought of his and his ability to control the water, plus Shanghai God Trident, and Xiaoqing Xiaobai fighting in the sea, the strength can be strengthened.

In the sea, the monster control ability of [Monster I] will be limited.

If [Monster I] removes his ability to control the wind, Lake believes that a few people can work together to destroy the monster.

"[The monster beast I] has a lower strength in the ocean than the ground, but it is not weak. We have also tried to fight against the monster beast I in the ocean, but our submarine fleet, in less than a day, It was sunk by [Monster I], "said the old man.

"Do you still have a way to lead [Monster I] deep into the ocean, and this [Monster I] consciousness is not lost. Have you tried talking to [Monster I], what does he want? Or What do you want? "Lake asked the old man.

But after hearing Rick's words, the faces of some new humans on the table changed.

The old man hesitated, "He wants to destroy all humans!"

"Why?" Rake asked, and Rick thought about one of the twelve of me [the monster beast I], even after being demonized, but according to the arrangement of this copy of the world, he was also a human being before, and wisdom was not influences.

Why did [Monster I] destroy all human beings, and Rick felt that he was not an exterminator.

"Actually, [Monster I] was an astronaut of our space agency. Because of an accident, he was trapped in Mars for 20 years. Twenty years later, we started another Mars landing program of the Sun God and brought back the survivors. [Monster I] that landed on Mars. After returning to Earth, the character and thinking of [Monster I] may be because of the 20 years of life on Mars, which began to become abnormally angry. Soon after, [Monster I ] Began the first stage of demonization! "Said the old man.

After listening to it, Rick stunned. No wonder the new human on the Moon would arrange several replicas to be tested on Mars. It turned out that [Monster I] was demonized by some unknown influence in the Martian environment. Wind capable.

Rick was thinking for 20 years, and he only lived on Mars for more than a year, and Xiao Qing and Xiao Bai were with him, and they felt disturbed. This [Monster Beast] was thrown on Mars for 20 years before being rescued. .

It is estimated that if you are trapped on Mars for only 20 years before you are rescued, you will be extremely angry.

Lake thinks about the existing technology of the new human on the moon. Even if it was calculated decades ago, it will not have to wait for 20 years to log in to Mars again.

Of course, Rick didn't ask the old man of the new human on the moon, and Rick knew that he asked it for nothing.

"Looks like the monster monster I can't reconcile with the new human beings. Since the monster monster I hate you, if you send troops again, there should be a great chance to introduce the monster monster into the deep ocean. Under the deep sea, I have a way to kill [Monster I]! "Said Rake.

Hearing Rick's words, the old man of the new commander of the moon did not immediately answer Rick.

"Holy Lord Two, you have just returned from Mars. What if you want to rest first! I will work out a battle plan with the combat commanders, and let you know when the results come!" The old man said.

Rick nodded, saying yes.

Two humans in white combat uniforms standing behind Rick walked over and motioned for Rick to follow them to rest.

Rick got up and followed the two men. After leaving the round-table conference room, he took the lift to leave the tower and went to a nearby metal building with a lounge room.

The room was filled with food and drinking water, as well as a large bed and floor-to-ceiling windows with views of the outside.

Two new humans on the moon who sent Lake to Lek, then left.

Rick didn't dare to touch the food and drinking water in this room. This new human on the moon seems to be full of alert to himself.

If Rake was thinking of not being able to fight the [Monster Beast] threat of killing new humans, it is estimated that these new humans on the moon would kill themselves first.

Rake opened his eyes with golden eyes to identify the skills, and checked the room. After finding no danger, Rick lay down on the big bed and began to rest.

After more than six hours, someone knocked on the door. The old man who is the chief commander of the new human on the moon, walked in with several men.

Rick leaned on the bed and looked at a few people.

"The food here doesn't appeal to you?" The commander asked the old man Rick.

"I'm used to eating potatoes. I can't eat such rich food for a while!" Rake said.

At the words of Lake, the old commander frowned.

"Your words are very similar to those of [Monster I] when I returned from Mars!" Said the old commander.

"After all, [Monster Me] is the relationship between the deity and the replica. It ’s normal to talk like it, if it does n’t, it ’s abnormal!” Rick said casually, and warned, if this new human on the moon They launched an attack on him ~ ~ Lake was ready to activate the green light ring instantly, and then held the old commander of the moon.

Fortunately, the new humans on the moon do not intend to take action on Lake.

"The plan to lure [Monster Beast I] has been formulated. We will have our lunar base to send thousands of combat flying saucers. In each combat flying saucer, at least one Martian new human pilots, and cooperates with the missile group bombing to I] attacked. Then introduced [Monster Beast I] into the ocean, and our flying saucer can fight under the deep sea. When you reach the designated place under the sea, you will appear to kill [Monster Beast].

It is estimated that the thousand flying saucers and more than one thousand pilots who went this time rarely returned. Lord No.2, you must kill [Monster Beast]. After this time, we have no strength to dispatch thousands of combat flying saucers. "Said the old man to Lake.

"Okay, as long as I can lead [the monster beast] under the deep sea, I can kill him with confidence!" Rake said.

Lake has previously used the fire-eye and golden-eye skills to observe this new human base on the moon. There are at least 10,000 combat flying saucers.

The old man in charge of the moon is not telling the truth.

Rick was also going to help attract [Monster I] to the deep sea.

Now that Rick has decided, he is waiting for [Monster Beast] under the deep sea. The new humans on the moon can attract [Monster Beast] and go to fight by himself.

If they can't be introduced this time, wait for them to send a flying saucer.

Rake was thinking about what the old man said next time. It is estimated that the old man will say that the Lunar Arsenal has rushed out another 1,000 flying saucers.

"What are you laughing about, Lord No. 2?" The old man asked Rick.

"Finally, I want to destroy [Monster Me]. I can become the unique No. 2 Venerable, so I'm a little happy!" Rake said casually.


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