Global Sky Online

Chapter 815: Waiting for the metal lift to send the newcomer

In the early morning of the next day, when Wake woke up, he felt better again. Before that, he had fantasised the feeling of dizziness and heaviness of his head in practicing the whip method, and now he was almost gone. Lake estimates that the sequelae of his whip practice will be completely eliminated in another week.

Rick looked at the bed across from him, and the pig's head just woke up.

Rick tried to pat the pig's head, and he could touch the pig's head.

"What am I doing to shoot my head in the morning? I'm awake, don't call me!" The pig's head shook his pig's head, and said to Lak a laziness.

Rick looked at the piglet with a smile, and took out from his waist the only weapon he brought with him when he brought the metal elevator to the camp, a metal scalpel.

"We discussed one thing, pig head, let me make a small cut in your arm. I want to see if you can really bleed." Rake took the scalpel and made a gesture in front of the pig head.

The pig's head was frightened, and he retreated violently to the edge of the tent.

"No need to try, you will definitely bleed. Lord No. 2, are you having a nightmare? Wake up soon. Why do you want to cut me with a knife? Wake up quickly. Don't come over!" Piggy's face looked terrified, anxious Shouted at Lake.

Rick didn't seem to pretend to see the piglet's response.

Rick thought about it, and finally put the scalpel back into his pocket.

After seeing Rick withdraw the scalpel, Piggy's head tried to leave the edge of the tent and carefully returned to his bed, but watched Rick alertly.

"Go, I don't sleep this morning. We go to the grove next to the metal elevator and guard it. The way you exist now is special. If you really imagined it, if I continue to sleep in this tent, I can't rest assured that you go to the elevator! "Lake said with a smile to Piggy.

Rick thought that once the piglet was because of his own spirit or some special reason, it was a creature he had imagined, and it was not real. In that case, the pig head may only exist in one's own cognition and consciousness. If the pig head is to guard the lift, even if the lift sends a new person, if he sleeps in the tent and does not find it, the pig head will be guarded. I won't find out.

"Let ’s go to the elevator and keep it together, or Lord No. 2 you keep it, how about digging the trap over the entrance of the maze! Moving the trap at the entrance of the labyrinth didn't seem to be finished yesterday, I will dig at noon to return Get more food! "Said Piggy to Lake.

"Don't go, it ’s not bad for that food, and the person who digs the trap is not bad for you either. Keep an eye on the elevator with me, I feel that the elevator is about to send new people over, and in just one or two days, I can send new people again! "Lake said, without letting the piglet go.

Rick is worried that if there is another possibility for the piglet to exist, it is the product of schizophrenia.

The pig head moves to the entrance of the maze to dig a pit. In fact, the person going to it will be himself.

At that time, I was just subconscious, and I mistakenly thought that I was standing by the metal elevator, but I went to move the maze entrance and dug the earth, so it was troublesome.

Now Rake is thinking that he must restore all his memories as soon as possible, in order to know what the existence of the piglet is.

"Well, I'm guarding the elevator with you!" Said Piggy, shaking his pig's head.

Rick and Piggy head left the tent in a team and headed towards the grove by the lift.

When they came to the hammock in the woods, they both sat on the hammock.

Piggy wanted to sleep, but Rick didn't let it sleep.

"Don't sleep, what do you sleep in during the day! If you sleep at night, if you sleep again, I will use your scalpel to test and scratch your skin while you are asleep, to see if it will bleed!" A pig head sitting on a hammock said.

After listening to the little pig's head, his body froze and he was scared to sleep, so he sat in a hammock and looked at the elevator in the distance with Rick.

"Holy Number Two, in fact, life is not bad now, only the threat of some dead spiders in the moving maze. We live together in this camp, eating and drinking every day, not too much trouble, isn't it good! We are actually Just don't leave the central area of ​​this moving maze, and live like this forever! "Said Piggy head to Lake.

Rick nodded casually, without refuting Piggy's words.

"Do you remember anything, can you remember your previous memories?" Lake asked Piggy.

The pig's head shook his pig's head and looked at Rick blankly. "I only have a little memory from the past. I remember when I could have a full meal and the food was good. I have delicious food every day. I still eat it casually. I don't know if this memory is real! "Piggy's head looked to Rick in a look of hope.

Rick smiled when he heard it. It is estimated that the memory of the piglet's head is false, and he was greedy for his own imagination.

Rick and Piggy sat in a hammock and chatted.

I waited all morning and did not wait for the lift to start.

Rick was a little worried, was there something wrong with Teresa, why didn't he come?

At noon, Rick and Piggy head went to the camp to fetch noodles.

The two took the noodles and returned to the grove near the lift, sitting in a hammock and eating while waiting.

The sky in the afternoon became a little dark, and dark clouds gradually gathered in the distance.

"Honor No.2, it looks like it's going to rain. Let's go back to the tent. On a rainy day, the lift should not send new people." Piggy said to Rick.

"Let's go ~ ~ back to the tent, there will be some movement over here!" Rick stood up and said.

With his fire eyes and golden eyes, Rake can see the situation of the metal elevator even when he is over the tent.

Even if the distance is a little far away, if the lift is sending new people, they need to run over immediately, and they must still be in the tent with their eyes open.

But now it's going to rain and I can't stay outside.

The little white mice had previously told Laker that Laker had some water control ability.

But Lake is not ready to use this water control ability now!

Although water control can prevent rainwater from pouring on himself and the piglets, Rake himself has not fully recovered recently. Release this water control ability, Rake is worried that it is easy to consume the mental power that is not easy to recover, making his head hurt again. .

Rick and the pig's head returned to the tent. As soon as the pig's head was lying on his cot, he was pulled up by him.

"Don't sleep, sleep at night!" Rake said to the pig's head, and opened his eyes to look at the elevator in the distance.

"It's time for me to go to bed in the afternoon. If I don't sleep, I will lose my spirits. We can do nothing in the tent!" The pig head whispered to Rick.

"Let's play chess, I teach you to play backgammon. Just take a wooden stick and draw a chessboard and chess pieces on the land!" Rake said to the piglet.

"How boring, it's better to play chess than sleep!"

"Otherwise you would let me try to cut a knife, put some blood, and the bleeding was successful, I'll consider letting you take a nap!" Rake took out the scalpel and looked at the pig's head.

"The backgammon you said sounds good, and it should be quite interesting. I don't think I'm sleepy anymore!" Piggy said with a smile, got up from the bed, and didn't sleep in the afternoon.

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