Global Sky Online

Chapter 825: Venerable 2 has found the exit of the moving maze

Rake continued to run in the moving maze, looking for young people with non-human appearances, and led them to a race where the slow running was eaten by the spider, and the fast running might die.

The young people who entered the maze with a non-human appearance this time did not have the ability to see through the eyes with fire and gold. Even if they ran very fast, they would eventually be blocked by dead spiders in this complex moving maze.

Lake has awakened the sleeping spiders in the nearby area, and now this area is as dangerous as night.

For less than half a day, more than 20 non-human-looking universe players under Gehry were killed by death spiders.

There were a few human youths left, and Rick ignored them.

After all, these young human appearances may also be cosmic players. Let Rick leave them in this moving maze to survive for themselves.

Of course, the chance of spontaneity is small, and it is estimated that they will eventually die.

Rick moved near the entrance to the maze and went to Teresa.

Before that, Rick ran too fast. Piggy's head didn't like sports anymore, so he went to the entrance to find Teresa and stayed.

Rick started to speed up in the maze, missing some teleport skills.

If the teleportation skills are still in this moving maze, they will definitely be invincible, but unfortunately they are blocked by the arena.

"Holy Lord No.2, just come back by yourself. I have been with other youths for a long time. I haven't run back. Is the labyrinth too big to get lost, or have you been dealt with? One is not left for me." Renesas asked Rick, who had just ran back.

Rick also found out that this amnestic undead princess also likes to be ridiculous.

"The area of ​​the moving maze I just went to is a bit dangerous. There are too many dead spiders. Most of them have been killed by the dead spiders. I didn't hit them. I managed to run out," Rake smiled. Talking Teresa.

"Since the moving maze is so dangerous, let's leave first," said Piggy's head.

The words of the piglet were only heard by Lake, and Teresa was not aware of the existence of the piglet because of her special stealth skills.

"Then death spiders are left in this moving maze. It's a pity, how about we go hunting and killing dead spiders?" Teresa suggested to Rick.

"Don't forget that our purpose in entering the moving maze is to find out the mouth, and by the way find a potion that can restore your memory, killing the dead spider is useless," said Rick.

Teresa nodded after hearing, "Yes, find the medicine that will restore my memory as soon as possible."

"Let's go with me to move around the maze c area, walk around first, and take a walker team into c area tomorrow"

After finishing talking, Lake started jogging in front.

Teresa followed Leake's steps, and the pig head hesitated, and chose to follow Reke and Teresa in the moving maze.

Almost every area of ​​the moving maze has an entrance to the laboratory, which is very hidden.

But this is not at all difficult for Rick, who has the ability to see through fire eyes and golden eyes.

A small three-dimensional map of a moving maze has emerged in front of Rick's left eye while running.

With Teresa and the piglet, Lake escaped from the place where the dead spiders gathered and hibernated, and easily ran to Area C.

In area c, after running through a section of large metal doors, passing a large metal door, there is a long metal bridge in front.

Rake looked at it with fire eyes and golden eyes. The other end of the metal bridge was the entrance to the underground corridor of the laboratory, but the entrance was now closed.

"This moving labyrinth is pretty good," Teresa sighed as she ran.

"Get here today. Opposite the bridge, there is a hidden exit map here. There is no moving maze model that the pedestrian organization shows me. The pedestrians in this area have not yet detected it. It is estimated that it has only recently been opened." Lei Ke said.

"Then let's go into the search first." Theresa looked at the metal bridge in front of her, and was eager to try, before the short stick in her hand had been thrown.

"Don't worry, this exit can only be entered once, and then it will be closed. It's not early today, let's go back first, and Yote will come with them tomorrow. This exit looks like it will take the metal taken from the dead spider's brain "Instruments can enter," said Lake.

"Yes, go back to camp for dinner. My exercise today is almost the same as my monthly exercise. I am hungry," said Piggy.

"Okay, bring someone over tomorrow. Can I find a potion to restore my memory here?" Teresa asked Rick.

"You will definitely find a medicine to restore your memory, and you will be able to remember your previous memories tomorrow. You can take advantage of this last night of amnesia to relax. Maybe the quality of sleep will be affected after the memory is restored. There are so many things that I haven't been so relaxed now, "Lake said to Teresa beside him.

When Rick regained his memory, he was always thinking about **** the cosmic players except him in this copy of the moving maze of the arena, and the quality of sleep became better.

"Oh, let's go back to the camp. Listening to what you said, it is still rare in the case of amnesia. After returning to the camp, I have a good night's rest," Teresa said.

Lake again ran ahead, bypassing the dead spider that had awakened. The three returned to the entrance of the moving maze before dark.

Yot and many walkers are waiting at the entrance to the maze.

When they saw someone running, they finally felt relieved.

However, these practitioners soon discovered that only the No. 2 lord and Teresa ran out, and the other 30 or more of Gehry's men did not show up.

"What about them?" Yotte asked Rick, who had just run out.

"Good news and bad news. The good news is that we found the exit of the moving maze, a place you haven't explored before. The bad news is that those in Gehry were mostly hit by death spiders when looking for an exit Killed, the rest of the people also scattered, and it was difficult for us to escape the death spider's chase and survive, "said Rake with a sad expression.

"Here are two good news." Teresa thought to herself ~ ~ I really found the exit. "A pedestrian standing beside heard the words of His Holiness No. 2 and couldn't help asking.

For the death of Gary, the news that the maze exit was found was more important.

The pedestrian has been searching in the moving maze for three years, and has not found an exit in the moving maze.

Unexpectedly, Lord No. 2 took people, and it took only one day to find the exit. Although the people brought away, two came out alive.

However, in the past three years, pedestrians have died in the moving maze, more than 30 people.

"It's true that you can bring the model map of the moving maze, and I'll show you the location of the new area and exit of the moving maze I found this time," Rake nodded.

Captain Yot, the walker, quickly let Mino take people to the cabin in the woods to carry the mobile maze map model they made.

This map model of the moving labyrinth was only known to some veteran members of the pedestrian organization before, and was not announced to everyone in the camp.

But now Lord No. 2 has said that he has found the exit, and this map model of the mobile maze is also publicly available.


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