Global Sky Online

Chapter 838: Space Arena releases contribution missions

"Let's go, let's go!" Rake said, climbing back to the ventilation duct with Aris again, and returning the ventilation duct exit to its original state.

Rick first showed Aris the way and returned him to his dormitory, and then Rick and his piglet moved quickly in the ventilation ducts.

"Piggy head, can you help me steal an identity card that can open the metal door tomorrow!" Rake asked the piglet head behind him.

"Ah, it's not good to steal!" Piggy replied.

After listening to it, Rick wanted to kick him. You know that stealing is not good. He also stole the blue serum medicine himself before stealing it.

"You can borrow it, and I will return it when I'm done with it," Rake said.

"Ah, it might as well be stealing, it is more strenuous than stealing!" Piggy complained.

"Lend me an identity card tomorrow and wait for me to run out of this base and take you to a big meal!" Rake resisted the urge to hit Piggy Head and tried to discuss it with Piggy Head.

After all, you can get the condition of [Pig Head I] by clearing this copy, but the little Pig Head agrees to leave with him.

After thinking about it, Piggy said to Lake, "Okay, remember you owe me a big meal!"

A few minutes later, Rick and Piggy returned to their bedroom and crawled out of the ventilation ducts.

"How's it, what's going on?" Yotte asked His Holiness No. 2 who had just returned.

"Some found that the young people sent away by this base were put into a room with a metal door. I can't get into that room now, and after two days I've found a way to get the key and then enter. I'll go and see For the young man who ate at our table today, his name is Aris! "Rake said.

"After you left, we also discussed that this survivor's temporary base gathered all the people who escaped from the moving maze, which is very strange. Even if this base wants to send us to the temporary camp, it is perfectly OK Send it directly, and pick a few people away in a day, very abnormal! "Minuo said.

"Let's wait and see the results of my investigations. By the way, I found Teresa by the way. She came to this base with us, but was taken away alone. I didn't see her when I went to the cafeteria for dinner "Lake said, and lay back on his crib.

The pig's head also lay on an empty bed.

The people in the bedroom talked for a while and went to bed.

In the early morning of the next day, Rake stayed in the dormitory himself. Yote and Mino went to the cafeteria for dinner, and the pig head went to the cafeteria.

Blake's breakfast was delivered directly to the bedroom by the soldiers at this base.

In the morning, the head of the base, Jensen, read the list of seven survivors to the new camp in the cafeteria.

The seven people taken away today are representatives chosen by the players of the universe yesterday to protest against the executioner of the murderer, His Holiness the Two.

The universe players eating in the cafeteria were a little surprised to hear Jason's name.

Seven non-human-looking universe players got up with regrets, came to the door of the cafeteria, and followed the soldiers at this base.

Now the cosmic players in the cafeteria are somewhat daunted by the means of the No. 2 lord.

Fortunately this morning, Lord No. 2 did not appear in the cafeteria, and the players of the universe did not show hostility to the Aboriginals who came to eat.

The cafeteria for breakfast was quite calm.

"Honor No. 2, the atmosphere in the cafeteria this morning was weird!" Yotte and others returned to the bedroom and said to Rick, who was resting in bed.

"It's weird. They seem to know something about the young people who moved the labyrinth before we came to this base. After the seven young people were selected, all the young people's faces became less beautiful. They then watched our His eyes were a little daunting! "Mino said to Lake.

"The youths who were taken away should not be very good. It seems that all the young people who ate in the cafeteria knew this, but no one stood up to fight against Jansen directly." Jott said his judgment.

Lake wondered why no one would resist, and the universe players would still have to live in this copy of the arena for two years. If they resist now, for them, only the Aboriginal [Lab] organization will become their enemy in advance.

While Rick was thinking about **** these non-human universe players, the prompt sound of Zhutian Online Arena suddenly sounded in Rick's mind.

"Congratulations to Honorable Player II, who arrived in the second scene of the mobile maze, [Lab] outpost base, and normal integration into the mobile maze two plot.

In the second scene of the mobile maze, an additional contribution task appears: Player No. 2 leads his walker in the mobile maze, escapes this [Lab] outpost, walks through the desert, and arrives at the resisting army [General] camp. Contribution rewards.

The copy contribution reward is directly proportional to the number of pedestrians in the mobile maze where the No. 2 lord has arrived at the camp.

Warm reminder: it will be completed within one month within the time limit. If you can't reach the camp after one month, the bonus contribution bonus will be cancelled. "

After listening to the information just released by Zhutian Online in his brain, Rake closed his eyes and lost his thoughts.

Rick thought that since he received the mission reminders from the Zhutian Online Arena, other universe players who ran out of the maze and restored their memory may also receive the reminders from the Zhutian Online, and the estimated time for the tasks they received was estimated. It is much earlier than myself, and may be received the next day after entering this base.

However, other universe players who run out of the labyrinth may receive different missions than themselves.

Other universe players have previously chosen to stay at this base, stay in the cafeteria, and have a lot of hostility towards themselves. It is estimated that the tasks of these universe players are related to themselves and Yote, Minor and others.

After thinking about the meeting, Rake opened his eyes again, ready to find Teresa, and asked if she had received the task.

Rick felt that it would be better to find another cosmic player running out of the moving maze and question the cosmic player what task they received.

"I went to eat with you at noon, and now help me remove this empty upper bedboard." Rake pointed to his empty wooden bedboard ~ ~ What do you remove the wood board for? Mino asked in doubt.

"I suddenly regained some memory. I remembered that I would have a divine skill. When I go to the cafeteria for lunch at noon, I will try young people who come to this base before us to try it out!" Rake said.

"What magic?" Yotte asked curiously.

"I sculpt a villain, and he will be cursed!" Rick said with a smile.

After hearing about them, they were curious but stopped asking.

This is a divine art, even if the memory restored by Lord No. 2 can be used, it is witchcraft.

The cursing villain cursed, and a few people in the bedroom wondered what kind of existence the Lord No. 2 had before entering the moving maze where they were.

His Holiness No. 2 showed his brutal character before, and now he has the memory of witchcraft.

Fortunately, seven of Yote were in the bedroom, all of whom were brought out of the moving labyrinth by Rick.

In the dormitory, the only aboriginal youth who first came to this dormitory now hides behind Mino and dares not to show his head, for fear of being seen by His Holiness No. 2, who will use him to experiment with witchcraft that he just remembered.

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