Global Sky Online

Chapter 863: Moving Maze Four Begins

Rick's infiltration was relatively smooth. From moving the maze to the underground laboratory and killing a guarded soldier, Rick immediately changed into the soldier's combat uniform.

The laboratory's combat uniform is uniform with a helmet.

After wearing the helmet, the outsider could not recognize Rick from the outside only.

Within 24 hours, Lake successfully killed more than 30 sleeping universe players in the laboratory, and also killed some laboratory fighters.

The laboratory has found soldiers' bodies piled up in the room, and has begun asking all soldiers to remove their helmets and investigate the killers in the laboratory.

Fortunately, Rake has the ability to accelerate the explosion of running shoes and the ability to see through the eyes of fire. In this underground laboratory, he will not be arrested for a short time.

After Rick had killed some guards, the twenty-four hours they had agreed with Yote were almost there.

Rick immediately opened the laboratory's external metal doorway.

Later, the survivors of Lake and the generals attacked the base, inside and outside.

A few hours later, all armed men and researchers at the base were killed, and Lake ordered that he not stay alive.

The general survivors, after occupying the base, immediately raided the base's weapons, materials and medical equipment.

The eighteenth camp, Lake, now has three helicopters.

Lake began to evacuate the fighters and blew up the base.

After all, the strength of the current generals is still relatively weak compared to the laboratory. If confronted, these people in Rake's hands are not enough to see and cannot stay in this laboratory for a long time.

In the ensuing year, Rake commanded the soldiers of Camp No. 18 to capture the laboratory base.

With flying tools and fire-eye golden eyes skills, even if the laboratory base is hidden underground, it will be discovered by Lake.

After looting again and again, the general camp No. 18 developed extremely quickly.

One year after Lake became the leader of the eighteenth general camp, the female doctor in the camp announced that she had successfully developed an antidote to the rage virus.

After plundering research equipment in many laboratories, female doctors have been able to mass produce antidote for this rage virus.

This antidote can heal more than 70% of humans infected with the violent virus, and it also has human memory before madness.

Although the cure rate is less than 100%, this is the world's first antidote to cure the violent virus, and it can be produced in batches.

After this explosive news was announced, many surviving humans began to join the eighteenth general camp.

In one month, the number of people in this camp was far more than the total number of all the camps.

Several nearby general camps also indicated that they would join the eighteenth general camp controlled by Lake, after all, there are life-saving antidote.

With manpower and antidote, after only one month, Lake had captured many large bases in the laboratory.

Now the lab has the last base left.

Rick looked at the time when the Cosmic Arena entered this time. He has been in the Cosmic Arena for four years and three months, and will leave in another nine months.

Because the female doctor in the camp of the generals used her blood to develop an antidote for the violent virus, now the camp of the eighteenth general has led the surviving humans to occupy many ruined cities.

The progress of the matter, and Rick originally wanted to develop in accordance with the original plot is no longer able to.

Antidote to the violent virus came out in advance, and humans in this world are no longer afraid of people infected with the violent virus.

At this point, Lake is going to capture the last base of the laboratory, killing as many universe players in this world as possible.

Rake thought, in this way, even if the contribution is low after completing this copy, the ultimate winner is still himself.

Now in this world, the Lab Organization has now been announced by His Holiness No. 2 as an evil organization.

Lake led the fighters and began siege today.

Although the base of the last laboratory had towering metal city walls and defensive turrets, it could not withstand the attacks of human survivors.

The siege continued for more than ten minutes, and the last wall of the laboratory was breached.

Rick rushed into the city and went straight to the laboratory's research building.

Rick was in the building, blocking the old lady, Dr. Eva, who was about to flee.

As for the undead princess Theresa, Lake found that she was no longer in the research building.

Teresa ran ahead.

"Holy Lord Two, you will make this world truly extinct. The current antidote to the violent virus is extracted from your blood, it is only a semi-finished product, and it cannot completely cure the violent virus infected person. Have you noticed that you Those who have been cured by the violent virus infection, although they appear to be normal humans, have a trace of blood red in their eyes, which is a hidden danger. Within ten years, the more horrific violent virus will explode again, and then the entire world No one can survive! "Eva, the old woman, stood in front of the helicopter destroyed by Rick, shouting angrily at Rick.

Rick smiled. He didn't need to stay in the world for ten years. In nine months, he would leave the moving maze world.

Rick shot directly and shot the old lady, Dr. Eva.

Anyway, the antidote to the violent virus has now been injected into many infected people.

At this time, even if the antidote really had hidden dangers, there was no way to save it.

What's more, Lake said that what Dr. Eva said may not be true. It may just be that the laboratory base was destroyed. The old lady Dr. Eva could make her live in order to be considered valuable ~ ~ blind Codified words.

The final base of the laboratory was occupied by Camp No. 18, led by Lake.

Lake has now mastered the world's largest combat effectiveness.

Lake started to lead the survivors to rebuild their homes, set up monitoring systems in all cities, and collect blood from survivors to rank them. All survivors need to register in order to live in the city.

For the rest of the time, Rick looked at the registered youth every day, marked those who were not human in appearance, and ordered direct kills.

Rick directly publicized that the blood of these survivors marked by him contained incurable violent viruses and must be killed, otherwise the world would be destroyed.

Although this method of direct killing is a bit cruel, fortunately, the number of non-human players in the universe is very few.

Aboriginal survivors, humans who had previously been threatened by people infected with the violent virus, now have no choice but to rebuild their homes. They can still accept the relatively cruel order of His Holiness.

Some Aboriginals will help kill those players in the universe.

As long as His Holiness No. 2 announces which person has an incurable violent virus, the aborigines in the city will take the initiative to kill that person.

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