Global Sky Online

Chapter 873: What little wishes do you have for me?

"I didn't seem to say anything special!" Rick said to Peony after thinking back.

"Then Sang Yuan talked to the doctor in the mental hospital just now, how did you hurt the three bad boys and said that you would still pass the exam every time to copy the miracles!" Peony asked Rake.

"While Sang Yuan is unconscious, I will give Sang Yuan another dream. This is because of me, I will save Sang Yuan! Peony, you quickly control your broom, and we will chase the ambulance of the mental hospital together!" Rake said Then, he sat behind the peony broom.

But Peony did not immediately control the broom to fly away.

"How are you going to save Sang Yuan, and how are you going to make Sang Yuanto dream this time?" Peony now carefully asked the No. 2 honorer behind him, and Peony felt it too. The No. 2 honorable man behind him did not work reliably what.

"First let Sangyuan behave like a normal person and see if he can get out of the mental hospital. Really, I will teach him how to escape from the mental hospital and make a leap to a lunatic asylum!" Rick thought with a smile.

"Forget it, you still do n’t want to give Sangyuan a dream. If you continue to dream, it is estimated that Sangyuan ’s anterior lobe may have been removed. They have informed Sangyuan ’s sister that Sangyuan should not be long before he will be taken home by his sister. .Honor No. 2, dreaming of the soul is a very serious matter. No wonder I did n’t tell you clearly before. Now, you ca n’t dream about other people. Even if you want to communicate with dreams, I must be present and follow Looking aside. "Peony looked seriously, and said to Lake.

"Oh, then you'll let me be resurrected quickly, the soul will be back in the body, and all the problems will be solved!" Rake said.

"No, you are still in the test stage, your pet has not hatched yet, it is still unclear whether you are good or evil, and the spirit world cannot just put your soul back into the body." Peony waved his hand and said.

"Actually there is no absolute goodness or absolute evil. Goodness and evil are only relative. You have experienced too little. It is not clear yet. Let ’s go and see Yukimura Yukimura. She is also my friend. This Time, Yukimura Yukimura should be out of the hospital. "Leike said to Peony in a preaching tone.

Peony had an illusion when His Holiness No. 2 spoke just now. His Holiness No. 2 seemed to be very old, or he had a sense of vicissitudes beyond words.

The feeling that No. 2 honored her was more vicissitudes than the soul of the oldest old man she had ever attracted before. They all resembled those of the Great King of the spirit world.

Peony shook her head quickly, but fortunately, His Holiness No. 2 gave her that feeling soon disappeared.

Peony controls the broom flying, and Rake sits behind to point the way, and soon arrives at Snow Village Firefly's home, a two-story cottage.

Yukimura Yukimura had just arrived home. After sitting for a while, she cooked and ate her own food. Then she wrote her homework and was about to change clothes and take a bath.

"Let's go, you don't want to watch it anymore!" Peony said to Rick, and directly controlled the broom to fly away and took Rick away.

"I feel like I can stay for a while. After Snow Village Shadow sleeps, I talk to her in a dream." Rake said.

"Xuecun Firefly is in good condition right now, and doesn't need your help and enlightenment!" Mudan said while controlling the broom flying.

The broom flew over the city, and Peony took Lake to admire the scenery of the city.

Rick also flew before, overlooking the city from a high altitude, and there were no special surprises.

Lake thought about how Pufan Yousuke was resurrected in the original book.

The memory seems to be Pu Fanyousuke's mother. After picking up Pu Fanyousuke, her family caught fire. In order to prevent Pufan Youshou from being burned, Mudan resurrected him in advance.

Rick thought that he could also use this method to make Peony resurrect himself and return to his body in advance.

However, at this time, his body was still lying in the hospital ward. It was estimated that it would take one or two days to be taken home, and a fire might occur.

An accidental fire could not occur in the hospital. Without conditions, Lake was prepared to create a fire with his own efforts.

Lake decided to set himself on fire ahead of time.

Looking at the new skills acquired by him in the last copy, the weather controller can control the environment within a certain range.

Rick secretly tried to control the rapid rise in temperature in a small area.

If you are in a hospital, the temperature is enough to make the medical disinfectant natural, and then you can set off the fire by setting off some wind yourself.

"Back to the hospital, I always feel that my body is not safe in the hospital ward, and I don't know if it is my illusion." Rake said to Peony beside him.

"Okay, there is no other place to go anyway. The hospital is safe, you don't have to think about it." Mudan said, again controlling the broom, and flew to the hospital ward with Lake.

After returning to the hospital ward, Lake looked at the copy world mother, Pu Fan Wenzi was sleeping beside her bed, and she had an empty wine bottle next to her, so she seemed to drink too much.

"Drink clean enough, and you're done with one bottle. Save it, I just set it on fire!" Lak couldn't help sighing as he looked at the empty bottle.

At present, there is no medical alcohol in this ward. It is only possible to bring medical alcohol when the nurses come to check the room and the medicine changing cart pushed by the nurses.

Rick could only sit on the empty bed beside him, waiting.

"It's no use looking at your body like this, you can't go back now," Mudan said.

"Will you let me get into my mother's dream ~ ~ I'll let her dream, and let her feel relieved." Rake said to Peony standing aside. I'm going to give this copy of the world's mother online a dream arranged for him, and ask her to buy some more bottles of spirits.

After listening to it, Mudan shook her head after thinking about it for a while. "You still don't go to Pufan Wenzi's dream to give her a dream. I think if you dream, you will make her more uneasy." Ke said.

"Then what should I always do! Look at Yukimura Yukimura, you won't let me stay. Sang Yuan, you won't let me go. My mother, you still don't let me dream, I How to do good deeds for people. Don't you say that I do good now and do good deeds, can I increase the chance that the pets I hatch later will be kind! "Rake said to Peony beside him.

"They don't need your help. If you think about your friends, do you need any help? After thinking about it, I can take you there!" Mudan said.

Rick thought about it. Looking back at the original plot, I really didn't want to have any friends at this time.

Rick looked at the peony in front of him, smiled, and figured out a way.

"Peony, do you have anything you want, or do you have a small wish, I can try to help you achieve it. I help you, it is considered a good deed, and you are now my friend!" Lak laughed Talking to Peony.

Global Sky Online

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