Global Sky Online

Chapter 877: Can be closed without tattoos

Rick and Peony are isolated from the enchantment and cannot see what is inside.

Peony only saw Xiaoqing Xiaobai, Gu Yi, and Xuecun Firefly disappearing at the entrance of the stairs.

"They're all gone? No, there's a magic power nearby!" Peony lifted a watch-like device and said.

"Fast, Peony, you quickly get me resurrected. I'll stop Xiaobai from killing Snow Village Hotaru. Even though Snow Village Hotaru is reincarnated, but I haven't done anything bad in my life, I will persuade her to do good and not attack Human world! "Rake looked anxiously, shouting to the peony beside him.

"Xiaobai them? How do you know these three demons from the demon world?" Mudan asked in doubt after listening.

When Rick heard Peony's questioning, he found that he had made a leak, and that he should behave as if he didn't know Xiaobai.

But anyway, it was said that it was leaky. Rex simply decided that he would be wrong, and let the person who was originally ordinary human Pufan Yusuke set it, and it would collapse.

"The three of them are Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Gu Yi, and when they came, they called my master, saying that they were protected by Leichen! I don't know other things." Rake said, taking these things, All pushed to Lei Zen, one of the three giants of the demon world.

Lei Zen's terrifying power is also very daunting.

Peony was shocked after listening.

Lei Zen has been in the demon world for five hundred years. It is said that he has not eaten meat for five hundred years, and the magic power has weakened.

But even so, this once the demon king of the demon world's strongest, even if weakened, is not what Peony can now reach.

For the peony, the status and realm of Lei Chan is legendary.

"Leichen!" Peony exclaimed, momentarily scared.

"Hey, send me back to life!" Rake shouted to Peony in a daze.

Peony immediately controlled the broom, and flew back to the ward where Lek's body was located, and stood in front of the bed.

However, Peony was still hesitant, and did not immediately revive His Holiness No. 2. Now Peony's exposure to these matters is completely beyond her control.

Leike looked at the peony, and judged that when Xiao Yanwang sent peony, he should not have told peony that his true identity is a great inheritance of the demon world, and it is the second generation of Lei Chan's son and demon.

Rake looked through the fire-eye and golden-eye fluoroscopy skills. The Snow Village fireflies felt that they could not beat Gu Yi, and they even started to try to escape the enchantment. Yukiko Yukimura couldn't escape at all.

Rick was surprised to find out that after the battle of Yukiko Yukimura, scar tattoos appeared on the back of his left and right hands.

The back of his left hand is: "Yes! Deal!"

The back of his right hand is: "No trickery!"

"Gu Yi, Xiao Qing, Xiao Bai, don't kill this universe player first, let her come over to my ward to take a look, and pay attention to protect my body." Rick immediately spoke to Gu Yi and them.

This space player Yukimura Yukiko, Rake feels his acquaintance!

It was the last copy, and owed the undead princess who had not given him ten million coins.

When Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Gu Yi heard Rake's rumor, they began to slow down their attack speed. Gu's enchantment revealed a flaw and let the snow village firefly escape directly.

Yukiko Yukimura rushed out of the enchantment, appeared at the entrance of the stairs, and ran towards the ward where Rick was.

Yukimura Yukiko kicked the door of the ward and rushed in. Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Gu Yi stood at the door of the ward.

"Honor No. 2, you bastard, resurrect, or I will be killed! I am an undead princess, I use follow-up props to come to you for help with this copy, resurrect!" Yukimura Yukiko faced Rick's body roared on the bed, shaking his hands and tattoos on the backs of his hands, and alerting Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Gu Yi to the door.

Listening to this Snow Village firefly, it seems that she is really an undead princess, asking for help? Rick was a little confused.

"Are you sure you want to be resurrected? Now the situation is somewhat out of my control, and I don't know if I should let you be resurrected at this time! I already knew that I would contact Xiao Yanwang in advance!" Peony asked the soul of Lek aside.

"Of course, don't forget the task that Xiao Yanwang gave you is to take good care of me. If this situation does not make me wake up, my body will probably not be able to keep it!" Rake said to Peony.

"Resurrection, I hope my choice is right!" Peony said, raising his finger to Raike's body, and Raike's body flashed a silver light, which flashed.

Rake didn't know what Peony thought now, but Rake immediately controlled his soul to float back into his body, for fear of being late, and Peony regretted it again.

"Ding Dang, congratulations to Honorable Player Two, who completed the first stage of the continuous main line task: Peony has resurrected you, and your soul has returned to the body.

Start the second phase of the main line mission: participate in the dark martial arts conference and win the championship. "

Rick got up from the bed, moved his body, and still felt better.

"You leave, she won't hurt me!" Rake said to Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Gu Yi at the door.

Xiaoqing Xiaobai and Gu Yi exited the door and left directly.

"They really belong to you! Lord No. 2, you are awake! I almost died in their hands!" Yukiko Yumura, who was injured, said, and then she collapsed in the room as her body softened.

There were too many wounds on Yukimura Yukimura ~ ~ all bleeding, and internal injuries. She was besieged by three people, Gu Yi and Xiao Qing Xiao Bai, just tortured.

"Holy Lord Two, it looks like you are not in danger now, I will report back to the spirit world immediately, and when Xiao Yan Wang decides, Xiao Yan Wang will have the latest order, I will come back to you." Peony said, just Immediately controlled the broom and quickly flew into the air.

After Peony left, Rake used a circle of True Shadow Words to treat the undead princess, now a girl like Yukimura Yukimura, to treat her.

A few minutes later, Yukimura Yukiko opened her eyes and woke up.

As soon as Yukimura Awako woke up, he saw His Holiness No. 2 raising his right hand and standing with a finger.

"Ten ten million, you came to me by yourself, great!" Rake said with a smile to Yukiko Yukimura in front of him.

Yukimura Yukimura hesitated, and Fou opened the transaction.

Rick heard the online reminder that Yumiko Yukimura sent you a transaction.

Quickly received ten million tens of thousands of coins.

"That's right, why did you run over to my copy and give away Tianyuan. Seeing you come here in good faith, I won't ask you for interest. What did you ask me for? "Lake sat next to the bed and asked Yukiko Yukimura, the undead princess.

"After leaving the cosmic arena to move the maze, my rite of passage was unsuccessful. An unrest followed in the imperial city, and my emperor took the throne. After being seriously injured, I escaped from the undead territory in a hidden place Hiding, log in to the heavens online. This time I used a one-time God to follow the props to find you.

I hope you can help me counterattack back to the imperial imperial city, help me regain my due rights, and make me an undead queen. In return, you can drive whatever benefits you want! Yukimura said with a serious expression.

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