Global Sky Online

Chapter 881: I want to learn miracles every test

"Okay, call you then!" Lake said directly to Yukiko Yukimura.

"Honor No. 2, listen carefully to the lesson, don't disturb Yukimura Yukiko learning!" The teacher on the podium named Rick by name.

Rick shrugged, and didn't argue that it was the Yumiko Yukimura who contacted him first to disturb him.

Like a story, Lake started listening for half a class.

The bell rang at the end of the lesson. After the teacher announced that he was leaving after the lesson, Rick noticed that a fairly familiar classmate came in again.

Sang Yuan, who had a long face, returned to the classroom. Sang Yuan's face was a little pale, as if she had just gotten ill, and her eyes were a little emaciated.

After the students in the classroom found that Sang Yuan would also come, thinking of the rumors that Sang Yuan was taken away by the car of the mental hospital before, the expressions of the students became even more ugly, and they did not dare to speak out loud. The classroom suddenly became silent. It is quieter than the teacher was just now.

"Wang Sangyuan, welcome back!" Rake sat in his chair and greeted Sang Yuan.

Sangyuan walked quickly to Lake, "You are so awake, Lord No.2, tell me the truth, are you a god, did you give me a dream before, and will you ever copy the miracles if you take the exam! I told They said, no one believed me and called me back! "Sang Yuan asked Rick anxiously.

Looking at Sang Yuan's excitement, Lake thinks that if he doesn't answer well, Sang Yuan will throw his fist and hit himself.

"Such a secret cannot let ordinary people know. Let's go. Let's go to the playground and talk while walking!" Rick said, getting up.

"Good!" Sang Yuan nodded.

Sang Yuan looked at Lake with anticipation, and then the two walked out of the classroom.

Rick found that he and Sang Yuan were walking in the school corridor. Like the four talents crossing the street, the students in the corridor evaded and let them pass through the middle.

Fortunately, Rick did not announce that he is the No. 2 lord in the main world, and can still enjoy normal campus life.

In this copy of the world, his own campus life at this school is a day trip to campus bully, which is quite new at first, but not what Rick wants.

Rick was here, not feeling much relaxation.

Rick and Sang originally arrived outside the grove in the playground. Rick sat directly on the grass, and Sang Yuan stood opposite Rick.

"Sit down and say that I won't go to the next lesson. I'll tell you something, stand and say I'm afraid you're too excited, I can't accept it for a while and then fall!" Rake said to Sangyuan beside him with a smile. With.

Sang Yuan then sat beside Lake.

"Are you a great god?" Sangyuan asked.

Rick shook his head.

Sang Yuan's expression became a bit frustrated. "It turned out that I imagined it. Hey, I knew that I would have to perform miracles without taking the exam!" Sang Yuan said to himself.

"Sangyuan, do you believe that there are demons in this world?" Lake asked softly to Sangyuan.

Lake thought, anyway, if Sang Yuan developed according to the plot in the original book, he would soon join him in the fantasy sea, and let Sang Yuan know the existence of the demon in advance, which did not have much influence.

"I don't believe it, I only trust the doctor now!" Sang Yuan said after thinking about it.

Raike raised his hand, a water polo floated in the palm of Raike, and then the water polo flew towards Sang Yuan's face. The water polo burst directly on Sang Yuan's face.

"I woke you up, are you awake now?" Rake asked Sang Yuan.

Sang Yuan raised his hand in surprise and touched the water on his face. "Historian No.2, you will become magic!" Sang Yuan asked in confusion.

Rick controlled another water polo. The water polo hit directly on Sang Yuan's mouth, and he hurt his teeth.

"Give you another chance to reorganize your language after thinking again!" Lake laughed and waited for Sang Yuan to speak.

"Oh my God, you are a great god. The ancient gods really exist. I said I was not sick. Great, I am not mentally ill!" Kuwahara stunned, then shouted excitedly.

Sang Yuan's shout caught the attention of the students in the distance.

However, the students found that the shouting person was Sang Yuan, and there was also a second lord sitting next to him.

These students quickly turned their heads, pretending not to see or hear, and quickly moved away from here, how far to hide.

"Calm down, still want a polo sober?" Lake asked Sang Yuan.

Sang Yuan looked carefully at Rake's hand to prevent being hit by a water polo that appeared in Rake's hand.

"Historian No.2, can you teach me how to copy the divine skills every time I take the exam!" Sang Yuan looked at Rake with anticipation and said with a serious face.

Rick wanted to hit Sangwon with a stick after listening.

How obsessed is this Sang Yuan that he can't pass the exam?

"Actually, I am not an ancient god. I am practicing spiritual power! There are demons in this world, and there is another place called Demon Realm, where demons live. We live in human realm, and there is a spiritual realm in the sky. I am now "I am an investigator in the spirit world, who specializes in dealing with the demon incident in the human world-" Lake began to tell Sang Yuan.

Sang Yuanzhang listened to it, and Lake looked at it, Sang Yuan didn't understand anything.

"Simply put, there are demons in this world. I am responsible for removing demons and safeguarding world peace!" Rake said.

"Oh ~ ~ sounds very powerful! Do you still accept it? What do you think of me? I also want to learn the spiritual power you use." Sang Yuan expected to ask Leike.

"Receive, but it needs to pass the test. Soon, there will be an old lady called Magic Sea, she will accept apprenticeship to teach the use of spiritual power. When you go to worship, as long as you successfully worship under the magical sea door, learn how to use spiritual power , You can perform the task with me. "Rake patted Sang Yuan's shoulder.

"When will the old lady of the magic sea accept the apprentice, I can't wait to learn the spiritual power now, or should you teach me first?" Sang Yuan said to Lake.

After listening to it, though, he also wanted to teach Sangyuan simply and become the first master of Sangyuan.

But anyway, Rick doesn't know what spiritual power is now. He doesn't feel it, he won't use it, he can't teach Sang Yuan.

Lake thinks about the many martial arts skills and skills that he has. There is really no one suitable for Sang Yuan to learn and can teach Sang Yuan.

Sang Yuan was going to learn to use a sword or a sword. Rake remembered that at the beginning Sang Yuan learned a spiritual sword, and finally realized that he could use a dimension sword.

Such things cannot be taught by Lake.

If you teach indiscriminately, it is easy to abandon Sangyuan's teaching. You will not realize the dimension sword in the future, and it will be difficult to fight in the demon world again.

"It's not the right time. Your practice is about your chances, your chances haven't arrived yet!" Rake said in a serious tone.

"Where's the magic sea you said? How long will she accept her apprentice!" Sangyuan asked Rake.

"Hurry up, it won't be long before she will accept her apprentices. Recently, you have to exercise good physical fitness, good physical fitness is the basis of using spiritual power. Exercise more when you are fine!" Lake told Sangyuan.

A few minutes later, Sang Yuan started running around the playground under the scorching sun.


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