Global Sky Online

Chapter 894: Actually, I will use ancient medicine. I will give you needles later.

"Okay, enjoy it!" Laike said with a smile, looking at this room, there are two beds, there is a porcelain medicine bottle next to the bed, this medicine bottle is Shujinhuoxue Black salve.

Rick applied some ointment to his right hand.

After finishing training tonight, the entire right palm is now in pain, and the circle of real secret skills has been used up. In the later period, Lake can only continue training with perseverance and tolerance. This is not a medicine, the hand can't be soothed, and the whole hand will become swollen more severely tomorrow morning.

It will take a few more hours before my real word of magic can recover.

At ten minutes, Rick pulled Sang Yuan out of the barrel, and Sang Yuan's voice was hoarse.

Rick threw Sang Yuan directly to the bed next to him, and Sang Yuan fell asleep in bed.

Rick also lay in the bed next to him, and quickly rested to sleep.

At four o'clock in the morning, before dawn, Rake and Sangyuan were awakened by the magical sea.

"Holy Lord No. 2, you already have sand clothes. This morning, run with Sang Yuan, warm up, run to six, and then eat!" Huanhai said.

"Why are you still running? I have already practiced running before I came here. Master Mirage, when can you teach me to use spiritual power? I want to learn spiritual power!" .

After hearing this, Hun Hai shook his head. "Even if you use your physical power now, it is not very powerful. Lay the foundation first, and you have to do at least another week of physical training, plus my medicated diet and medicated bath. You can start to learn spiritual power by assisting adjustment. Do n’t worry, exercise your body first. The body is the basis for using spiritual power. You will have enough time to learn spiritual power in the future! ”Huaihai was patient with Sangyuan this time. Speak.

"I also have research on medicine. Magic Sea, can you prepare a set of silver needles, and I can help Sangyuan tie needles to help him improve his physical ability. And I will also configure a medicated bath, if you have enough medicinal materials In the future, I will configure the medicinal bath of Sangyuan in the future. The effect of my configuration is better than yours! "Rake said to Huanhai with a smile.

After hearing this, Hun Hai froze and looked at Lek with some doubt.

"Do you know medicine, or ancient medicine?" Hun Hai asked Rick.

"Not only ancient medicine, but also modern ones. You got silver needles, and I can give you a few needles, and you feel it!" Rake said confidently, first to make Huanhai believe in himself In order to change the head and heart of the magical sea, you have to have the medical skills.

"Okay, I'll get people to prepare for the silver needle. The silver needle can be brought back at noon. Then you can try Sang Yuan first!" Huanhai said.

"Why try me!" Kuwahara whispered.

But no one answered Sang Yuan.

Rick and Sangyuan then started morning exercises, and the two started running around the big house of the magical sea.

"Mr. Huaihai is really rich and rich. There is such a big mansion built on the mountain, it's all her!" Sang Yuan said while running to Lake.

"Not only this house is a magical sea, but this hill and the forest behind the mountain. The land you can see here is the property of the magical sea. Our master magical sea is a rich woman!" , Said to Sang Yuan.

Running in sand, Rick barely managed to keep up with Sanghara.

It has been a long time since Lake improved his attributes.

When Rick is going to prepare medicinal herbs tonight, he will also give himself a bucket of medicated bath, soak it himself.

Rake knew from the magical bath that Sang Yuan provided to Sang Yuan yesterday that the magical medicine in the sea should be precious in the human world, but it can not improve his strength, but alleviate his fatigue after exercising. I feel completely fine.

And Rake believes that if he dispenses medicine, he can save a lot of medicinal materials compared to the magic sea.

Magic Sea originally configured the amount of medicinal materials used in a bucket of medicated baths. Rick felt that with his own understanding of ancient medicine, there were no problems in deploying two buckets of medicated baths.

However, for the medicated diet, Lake didn't plan to make it himself.

Rake still remembers that when he was refining alchemy in Green Lantern World, he made the elixir of that rice cooker himself.

Rick thinks about it, don't get up in bed with both himself and Sang Yuan.

At six o'clock, Lake and Sanghara returned to the house and took a medicated meal with Hun Hai.

Lectra was tired, his arms couldn't be lifted up a little, and wearing this sanda, it was hard to eat.

Sang Yuan now has a good appetite. The amount of food he eats alone is two or three times the usual amount. It is estimated that it is related to physical energy consumption after high-intensity exercise.

"After dinner, I will take you to practice swimming." Hun Hai said.

"I can swim. It's great. I don't need to run anymore. It's so boring to run!" Sang Yuan said. Hearing that he didn't need to run, Sang Yuan felt better. .

Rick didn't say anything, but it is estimated that the swimming of the magic sea is different from ordinary swimming.

More than half an hour later, Mirage took Sangwon and Lake to the upper position of a waterfall in the mountain.

Lake looked, but fortunately the waterfall was not high.

"Jump now, I'm waiting for you downstream!" Hun Hai pointed at the waterfall.

"Jumping over the waterfall, isn't it? It will hurt you badly!" Sang Yuan stepped back and asked Unbelievable some unbelievably.

"On the edge of life and death, you can break through the limits of your body. Sang Yuan, you need to overcome your fears, and your physical ability can be improved." Huanhai said.

"If in case of serious injury or death, you are not without apprentices, or we should change to a training program, in fact, I feel running is suitable for me!" Sang Yuan said with some worry.

Huanhai didn't speak ~ ~ pointed to the No. 2 sage on the side, which means that if you die, Sang Yuan, she still has an apprentice sage 2 anyway.

Rick looked at the small waterfall, and looked under the waterfall with the fire-eye golden-eye perspective skills.

This waterfall reaches no protruding rocks, and the chance of jumping down and hitting the reef is very small.

However, I was hit by the waterfall and jumped high. My body was okay, but Sangwon was still an ordinary person's body, and I might get hurt if I didn't do well.

And Rick felt the sandy clothes he was wearing now. Such heavy clothes would sink to the bottom by himself. He could float up unless he used the water control ability.

"Holy Lord No. 2 can only carry out this exercise by relying on your body's basic strength, and you are not allowed to use your other abilities, otherwise it will not achieve the effect of exercise." Huanhai seemed to feel what His Holiness was thinking, Speak out.

"Oh! Then you are in the lower part of the waterfall, but you need to take good care of us. After jumping off with Sang Yuan, in case of a dizzy, please hurry us up!" Rake said to Huaihai.

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