His body disappeared into the world as if it had been erased with an eraser.


  "Dead and treacherous, actually resurrected in the world of the dark side?"

  Through death retrospective, Lin Hun already knew the roots of the gluttonous ghost in front of him.

  From his memory, he also saw a figure that made him very concerned.


  Lin Hun wondered if this scholar was a ghost scholar who left the soul locust behind.

  But the opponent's strength is really strong enough.

  According to the death retrospective, the strength of the gluttonous ghosts at that time had reached the black disaster level and became a mobile natural disaster.

  He only needs to open his mouth to the target, and he can devour the entire target without leaving a trace.

  And this devouring of his is a wide-area attack.

  He once devoured a small town in one bite.

  But even such a powerful glutton, he couldn't resist the scholar's fan swing.

  This shows how powerful this scholar is.

  Spreading out the palm, the sickle of hatred flows out from the palm.

  In the face of this gluttonous ghost who used to be a black disaster, Lin Hun did not dare to be careless.

  [The gluttonous ghost uses the devouring world to devour you and the space around you, you are dead! 】

  [You try to use the power of the ghost to teleport, your ghost fights against the gluttonous ghost's devouring world, your ghost is suppressed, and you are dead. 】

  [Using the flashing ability of your legs, you flashed behind the gluttonous ghost. 】

  In an instant, three prompts appeared in Lin Hun's eyes. Lin Hun, who saw these prompts, did not hesitate at all, and immediately launched the flash.


  Almost as soon as he disappeared, there was a sound of teeth clashing in the air.

  The position where he stood just now has been sunk by a large piece.

  At the same time, the gluttony seemed to have a lot of food stuffed into its mouth, and chewed it kaka.

  "You have to kill this guy before you run out of flashes."

  Lin Hun, who flashed behind the gluttonous ghost, stretched out his palm, and the sickle of hatred fell into his hand.


  The ground beneath his feet burst, and his figure had already deceived himself to the gluttony ghost.


  The cunning cut is like a sickle of hatred that cuts tofu, but it is as dull as a real rusty sickle when it cuts on a glutton.

  There was only a not-so-deep wound on his body and he reluctantly slid away.

  Gluttony's body is incredibly strong.

  Not even the Scythe of Abomination could take it directly.


  The wound on his neck probably angered the Gluttonous Ghost. He let out a roar, opened his mouth sharply, and bit down continuously towards the surroundings.




  A phantom like a giant mouth loomed in the air.

  Indentations appeared in the air of the arena.

  That is the trace of space being torn apart by the devouring world.

  "After being attacked, it will continuously release the devouring world that devours space, which is difficult to handle."

  The figure flashed continuously, consuming three flashes, and Lin Hun's face was a little ugly.

  Currently, his limit of flashes per day is six.

  Now he has used it four times.

  There are still two chances to flash.

  He must find a way to kill the glutton in front of him before these two flashes are used up.

  [Your mouth feels your distress, which means that you can eat the guy in front of you directly. Your mouth lends the foodie attribute to the shadow, and you can use the shadow substitute to devour the other party...  

  The inexplicable feeling came to mind.

  Lin Hun suddenly felt a sense of hunger.

  He looked at the gluttony ghost who seemed to be releasing the devourer in front of him, releasing too much and falling into a sluggish cooling state.

  He grinned slightly.

  With his movements, the shadow double wrapped around him made synchronous movements.

  However, the action of the shadow stand-in is a little scarier.

  Ka Ka Ka!

  As if the voice of Jin cracked, the big crescent-shaped mouth of the shadow stand-in split directly from the corner of the mouth, like a cobra, which was directly opened [-] degrees.

  The jagged black fangs extended from the mouth and turned into a terrifying weapon.

  Faint ashes rose from the corner of his mouth, and Lin Hun suddenly moved.


  Without being stingy, Lin Hun stepped forward and used Blink directly.

  His figure appeared directly behind the Gluttony Ghost.

  Extending his big hand that turned into sharp claws, Lin Hun grabbed the Gluttonous Ghost by the shoulder.

  "You probably never thought that you would be eaten too."

  "Then I start!"


  The huge mouth bit directly towards the gluttonous ghost's head.

  The jagged fangs were like the sharpest guillotine in 3.3, biting the gluttonous ghost's head directly.


  The big mouth of the shadow stand-in kept squirming, and then he stretched his neck and swallowed a huge mass into his stomach.

  "Delicious! It's the taste of appetite and regret..."

  After swallowing the gluttony ghost's head, Lin Hun didn't stop.

  He grabbed the remaining body of the gluttonous ghost, like gnawing on a sugar cane, and stuffed his body into his stomach with a few bites.

  [Your mouth devoured the gluttonous ghost and obtained the high-level ghost puzzle: devour the world. 】

  [Advanced Specter Puzzle: Devouring the World]

  【Star Rating: ★★★】

  [Attribute: Devouring World ⅵ, Gluttony ⅴ]

  [Description: "I'm so hungry, sister, I'm going to eat everything!"].

Chapter 158

  hold up.

  Lin Hun, who devoured the gluttonous ghost, felt as if he had eaten a cow in one go.

  Almost died.

  Fortunately, at this time his liver and gallbladder were working at the same time, secreting a large amount of bile to aid digestion.

  It made Lin Hun feel a lot better.

  【Oh!my God!Although I have imagined many ways to die of Gluttony, I never thought that someone could eat him... So, our Shadow King contestant, how are you? 】

  The masked man's voice came from the loudspeaker. Hearing his voice, Lin Hun was silent for a while, then raised his right hand and shook his fingers.

  【Ha ha!What a confident performance!I love the way you are now, now that you are all right!So let's continue the battle of flesh and blood! 】


  I'm not good!asshole!

  Feeling his bloated stomach, Lin Hun kept complaining in his heart.

  But at this time, 15 kinds of weirdness have already begun to appear in the ring.

  He didn't have time to focus on these meaningless places anymore.


  The ten fingers spread out, and the dark pens of shadows shot out like bullets, leaving traces of spirals in the air.

  These shadow pens ran through the treacherous body, and suddenly collapsed into lumps of ashes, which merged into these treacherous bodies.

  Under the action of these ashes, these treacherous bodies also turned into gray fly ash and disappeared on the ring.

  Same as grey.

  This is the ability of Specter Fragment Guijin.

  Just get hit by something with the same gray power.

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