[Boss Lin Hun finally emerged, and I thought he had left Dalu City, which made me so worried! 】

  [The mentality is instantly stable, ask me why?With Lin Hun by his side, the sense of security is directly full! 】

  【Lin Soul?It is a selfish villain who has clearly become a blood-level player, but does not announce the method of advancing, he is not worthy of the title of No. [-] at all. 】

  【What's going on upstairs?Tell you how to advance. Can you advance?Could it be that if you can't get the specter puzzle, Lin Hun has to help you create a set of specter jigsaw puzzles, and then help you overcome the side effects of specter erosion, and finally help you advance?Why don't you go to your father? 】

  [What did I say have anything to do with you, did you wash the ground for Lin Hun?Do you think you'll get his attention if you tout him a few times?Stop dreaming! 】

  [It doesn't matter if you pay attention or not, it's just that a keyboard warrior like you is not pleasing to the eye... Dissatisfied?There is a touch of reality, you can see if I can stab you. 】

  【I'm so scared!You do it! 】

  [Lin Hun, I am trapped in Building 23, Chengbei Road, 273 now. There is a window cleaning ghost outside the window. As long as it wipes the room with the window, everyone inside will die. Come and save me. ! 】

  [Lin Hun, a monster made of machinery appeared in the Tianming Machinery Factory in the west of the city. All my companions are dead. Now I am left. Come quickly and save me! 】

  【Lin Hun, is your Specter Puzzle for sale?I am willing to buy your ghost with ten pounds of gold. You must know the current price of gold. I have sold a lot. I hope you will not be ignorant. 】

  【Fuck!Where is the flickering ghost upstairs?Ten pounds of gold want to buy a ghost puzzle?Can I buy your life with ten pounds of gold?I really can't stand your pretentious face like this! 】

  [Downstairs, reveal your residence and see how I made you unable to live in this city. 】

  [Hehe, I'm so scared, I won't say it, what can you do to me? 】

  [Help, I saw a pile of corpses under the bridge, these corpses are climbing ashore, it...(bfdd)...]

  [I am in Beihai Crematorium, I did not flee with everyone, because there is a job I love here, but today my work is probably over, before it ends, I want to talk to Lin Hun, don’t come here casually, here Ghosts are scary. 】


  Lin Hun's message appeared at the top of the chat room as if special effects had been added.

  His news was like a heavy dynamite.

  It directly exploded the atmosphere of the chat room.

  The players who were still in the water group left messages after seeing Lin Hun's news.

  There are many players who have no water group, and many are called by their companions

  Most of these messages are futile replies.

  However, there are also some messages that contain some useful information.

  Lin Hun looked at the messages that marked various locations, and the future vision had been activated.

  [You rode the blood hate at full speed, and it took 23 minutes to arrive at No. [-] Chengbei Road. You were ambushed, and you killed all these people who deceived you in three seconds. 】

  [You rode the blood hate at full speed. It took twenty-eight minutes to arrive at the Tianming Machinery Factory in the west of the city. You felt the strange breath. 】

  [You rode the blood hate at full speed, and after [-] minutes saw the Beihai Crematorium from a distance, your insight made you realize that something is not right here. 】

  [You ride along the river in the city with Blood Hate, and you find bloodstains on the bank, but you don't find any creepy trails. 】

  "There is a guy who is lying to me, and the rest are quite reliable, very good!"

  Seeing that the future vision jumped out, Lin Hun nodded.

  [Hello, Lin Hun, Secretary Shi wants to add your friend to talk to you, can you pass the verification? 】

  A brand new message popped up again below his message.

  Lin Hun took a look and found that the player who sent the message was named Chu Hao, a player ranked fifty-four.

  "Secretary Shi? If you don't know him, forget it."

  Lin Hun didn't know who this Secretary Shi was, and he wasn't interested in knowing. His current thoughts were all on how to hunt and kill the treacherous.

  After closing the player chat room, Lin Hun got up and went downstairs, and the bloodstained motorcycle on his way quickly left.


  Dalu City Shelter.

  Secretary Shi waited for a long time and didn't see Lin Hun agreeing to his friend application, so he knew that this invitation was in vain again.

  He sighed and shook his head, helpless.

  As for Lin Hun, he always wanted to have a good communication with him, but the other party didn't pay any attention to his intentions.

  Faced with this situation, he has nothing to do.

  The other party is now acting like an ascetic.

  Don't dominate, don't be arrogant, don't form forces, and don't force resources.

  In addition to being able to give the other party a certain amount of support in daily water and electricity, the other party has not expressed any desire or interest in everything else.

  This kind of low desire performance made Secretary Shi have no choice at all.

  "Secretary, why don't I send a few more messages to test Lin Hun?"

  Seeing Secretary Shi's expression, Chu Hao on the side said.

  "No need. If the other party doesn't agree now, it's basically impossible to agree. If you talk more, it will only make the other party annoyed. Dealing with Lin Hun is a long-term job, and we can't be in a hurry."

  With a wave of his hand, Secretary Shi came to the door of the office, looking at the two lighted shelters outside, with a calm expression on his face.

  "We're going to take it slow.".

Chapter 166

  Chengxi Tianming Machinery Factory.

  Deng Xinlei hid in a room covered with thin gold foil, gasping for breath.

  Not far from the factory.

  A creepy canine whose whole body is composed of nuts, hydraulic rods, and metal plates is wandering slowly.

  Every now and then, it would stop at some large piece of equipment for a sniff, then lift its rear legs of gears, hydraulic rods and bolts, and spew a jet of oil from somewhere indescribable.

  After bowing his head and sniffing, he spit out two flames from his nose in satisfaction, and continued to wander.

  "This monster..."

  Seeing this treacherous action through the small observation hole, Deng Xinlei clenched his fists through gritted teeth, his face full of anger, sadness and fear.

  Just this evening, this canine-shaped, treacherous machine made up of machines rushed into the machine factory where they were hiding.

  Killed his comrade.

  If he hadn't run fast, he would have hid in this safe house.

  At this time, he was afraid that he had already been led by a dog.

  He didn't understand at all.

  I just want to live a free and free life with my companions.

  Why is it so difficult.

  They did not lure other players in various ways to obtain resources like those bad guys.

  It is not like some dehumanized guys, tempting other players to breed treacherous.

  They just simply live in their own little world.

  Just a happy living worker every day.

  Why did this happen.

  Deng Xinlei clenched the photo of his girlfriend tightly in his hand and burst into tears.

  He saw with his own eyes his girlfriend was devoured by the dog in front of him, even the leash, but he couldn't do anything.

  That kind of despair, that kind of helplessness, made him want to die at that time.

  A white.

  But the cowardice in his heart made him escape in the end.

  Now he can only curl up in the safe house, praying constantly.

  Pray that the treacherous outsiders won't find themselves until the time of safety arrives.

  As for helping Lin Hun.

  He had no hope at all.

  The strongest existence among this player is a legend to him.

  He just sent the message because he was too scared and wanted help.

  As for whether the other party will come.

  He hadn't thought about it.

  Dalu City is so big, and there are so many terrorist incidents.

  How could the other party have the intention to help save people?

  The world is full of despair, and the only thing human beings can do is to keep warm.

  He made the worst choice in the beginning.

  Now comes retribution.

  He could only curl up in the safe house and cry.


  A dog barking with an electronic sound sounded, and Deng Xinlei was horrified to find that the dog-shaped treacherous dog wandering in the factory had turned his head to his direction.

  Its eyes, which consist of two cameras, are constantly retracting and rotating, as if they are in focus, just in line with Deng Xinlei's terrified eyes in the safe house.

  In an instant.

  Deng Xinlei felt as if he had been poured from head to toe by a bucket of ice water.

  Fear is like wild grass, which corrodes his sanity in an instant.

  "No! No! No! Don't come here!"

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