Chapter 194


  The tire rubbed against the ground, leaving a black mark.

  Lin Hun returned to Moon Bay.

  He immediately recruited the ghost coffin and took out the canvas of despair.

  The desperate paintbrush, which was stuffed to the brim, was in a bad state at this time.

  There are signs of cracking at the edges.

  Obviously, it is very stressful to carry so many treacherous things all at once.

  If it wasn't for the strength of Lin Hun's blood, it would have been cracked long ago.

  Fortunately, Lin Hun didn't make it wait too long.

  As soon as he came back, he released all the weirdness sealed in the canvas.


  It was as if a river of blood had poured out.

  Dense and treacherous pours out from the canvas of despair.

  A large area stood in front of Lin Hun.


  As soon as they came out of the canvas, there were a few thorns and treacherous heads that began to scream and want to go crazy.

  However, before their howls could be played, several blades that rose from the ground were pierced from top to bottom into rock candy haws and hung in the sky.

  "Give me quiet."

  After digging his ears, Lin Hun looked at the others indifferently and said lightly.

  "Otherwise, you can try the feeling of these guys."

  With a flick of his finger, the blade of the shadow suddenly multiplied, turning into a hedgehog with a blade, tying these thorns into real "thorns".


  The tragic howls became weaker and weaker, and the few treacherous creatures hung in the sky eventually turned into fly ash and disappeared into the air.

  Seeing the fate of these guys, the treacherous people who had other thoughts in the first place came down to be honest and cowardly.

  "Very good 々々."

  Seeing the honest appearance of these guys, Lin Hun nodded with satisfaction.

  "Introduce myself, my name is Lin Hun, the owner of the Paradise of Rebirth, I have no other intention to bring you here today, I just want everyone to have a place to live, you can choose to stay, of course, if anyone wants to leave me It won't stop you, make a choice."

  After hearing what Lin Hun said, there were a few treacherous animals.

  They tentatively took two steps forward and left the team.

  After taking another look at Lin Hun, he found that he had nothing to say.

  With a happy face, it turned into a phantom and ran towards the direction of Moon Bay.

  But when they were halfway through.

  A few cats with a body shape comparable to a tiger with scars all over their bodies suddenly came out.

  A frantic biting at these treacherous heads.

  Accompanied by the cat's screams and treacherous screams, these treacherous people were bitten to death and dragged into the shadows by the cat-like treacherous.

  Seeing the other weirdness in this scene, they swallowed, and quietly took the steps they took.

  Although everyone's mind was polluted by the Moon of Blood Fear, their bodies also became inhuman.

  But the heart to survive has not only not weakened, but has become stronger.

  After discovering that the man in front of them was completely a devil, they wisely chose to be honest and save their lives.

  "It seems that everyone has no plans to leave, I am very pleased."

  After waiting for a while, Lin Hun nodded in satisfaction, seeing that all the treacherous people had no intention of leaving.

  "Since everyone chooses to stay, then everyone must make some contributions to the development of this home."

  Lin Hun snapped his fingers, and a blood-red figure appeared beside him.

  This figure was wearing a straight suit shirt, holding a stack of notebooks in his hand, and his expressionless face was full of coldness.

  A look of a strong woman.

  This person is none other than Cicada Qinran.

  Because there were too many employees, Lin Hun transferred her from the position of Hunhuai caretaker to manage these newly added thorns.

  Poor Cicada Qinran regained her status as a migrant worker again.

  "This is Chan Qinran, Chan manager. In the future, your work will be assigned to you by her, Chan manager, please."

  Lin Hun smiled and said to Chan Qinran.

  ".〃The reward is one drink a month, don't you forget it."

  Cicada said quietly without looking sideways.

  "of course."

  Lin Hun was also expressionless.

  But his heart hurt a little.

  After all, a daughter... no, it should be a female ghost.

  Asking him for the "drink" made from that thing is a bit shy even for him.

  And he was also worried that if Chan Qin Ran knew what the raw materials of this drink were, would she kill him.

  So he decided that she must not know what this "drink" was made of.

  "very good!"

  Hearing Lin Hun's promise, Chan Qinran couldn't help but smile.

  Since drinking that "drink", she feels that her whole person is different.

  The icy body wears the warmth of the living time.

  The forces caught in the bottleneck also made breakthroughs inexplicably and entered a period of rapid growth.

  The inexplicable resentment in my heart is no longer always coiling in my heart.

  The beauty of living came back to her heart.

  From that moment on, Chan Qin Ran felt that she had found the feeling of being a human again.

  The kind of reality that had been forgotten made her want to cry.

  The only downside is that there are too few "drinks".

  Half a cup only made her feel good for about two hours and it was over.

  The remaining half cup has been collected by her.

  Be prepared to lick the cap and stick to it until the next paycheck. .

Chapter 195

  "Then it's up to you."

  Seeing Chan Qin Ran's energetic look, Lin Hun knew that he had nothing to do here.

  He said hello to Chan Qinran and walked to the residence.

  While walking, he heard Chan Qin Ran's treacherous exhortation to the newly caught behind.

  "We're going to be a wolf team!"

  "Dare to compete! Be good at competition! Win the competition!"

  "Make small but daily progress!"

  "Believe in everything! Anything is possible!"


  Silently listening to Chan Qin Ran's wolf team's brainwashing speech, Lin Hun shook his head.

  Some things are deep in the bones.

  Even if it was extremely disgusting in life, but under the right conditions.

  She still couldn't help but use it.

  In this regard, Lin Hun did not make any comments.

  Since he handed over the management to Chan Qinran, he would naturally give him [-]% trust.

  As for how she leads the team, that's her freedom, and he won't care too much.

  Come to the roof of the residence.

  Lin Hun took out the ghost coffin.

  Restore the ghost coffin to its normal size.

  He opened the lid of the coffin and lay in.

  He hadn't forgotten the door he got from the shelter, and now he wanted to see what was going on with this door.

  The familiar sinking feeling came.

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