And most of them are scrapped after one use.

  Like the reusable death prop on Miyamoto Hanzo's face.

  Wu Jian had never seen it before.


  The ghost knife's backlash came, leaving a huge wound on his body.

  But at this time, the ghost behind him also stood up and activated his own ghost power to heal Wu Jian's terrifying wound easily.

  "If there is an item for death, it is too difficult to kill directly, let's try the ghost first!"

  Thinking of this, Wu Jian's forehead bulged, and a blood-red eyeball drilled out of it.

  PS: A bit of Calvin, let’s start with four chapters. .

Chapter 278


  Endless brunette.

  Like a wave, it emerged from Chen Ge's shadow.

  The black hair was sharp, like a javelin, like a sharp sword rushing towards the blond Edward.

  "It's so beautiful! Huaxia's BOY! But this won't hurt me!"

  Edward Paul, who was wearing a noble dress, was like a ghost, looming in the air.

  Although the black hair of the shot drowns his position, he can always appear suddenly from another place.

  "A means of virtual teleportation?"

  Chen Ge, who was under the protection of Xiaoya, the female ghost in red, calmly observed Edward's methods and thought silently.

  "In addition, Lu Xin was also attacked by him with a kind of ghost blood. This kind of ghost blood has special corrosiveness, which can inactivate people's blood and then corrode the body. Be careful."


  "If you want to defeat him, you must find a way to restrict his movements... It's a bit troublesome."

  "It's very difficult to kill this guy without a ghost, what should I do?"

  Counting the Specter that he also owns, Chen Ge found that although the Specter under his hand had the potential to awaken the ghost, he couldn't do any real damage to the guy in front of him.

  "It can only be dragged on."

  Chen Ge shook his head in his heart and decided that the first task after this mission was to develop his own ghost.

  Now, all he can do is drag this troublesome guy, and prevent him from causing trouble to Lin Hun.

  Because he knew that the main force of this mission was only Lin Hun.

  As long as he solves the problem there.

  The remaining foreign players are all stinky fish and rotten shrimps that can be thrown away.

  After a simple contact, Chen Ge has discovered that the strength of this first Lin Hun is really unfathomable.

  It felt like staring into an abyss.

  You never know how deep he really is, and you never know how many hole cards he actually has.

  You thought he showed his true strength.

  But in fact, what he showed was the tip of the iceberg of his strength.

  "It's unexpectedly reassuring, so you can become the number one player, the beacon of humanity?"

  His eyes moved slightly and looked in another direction.

  over there.

  A thick rain of blood fell from the sky.

  A pitch-black ghost flame rose from the ground.

  There, it has become a purgatory of red and black.

  There, it was also the real battle scene of Lin Hun.


  The sound of the metal hitting formed a spherical shock wave, which expelled the surrounding rain and black flames, leaving behind a huge vacuum field.

  in the middle of this area.

  The two figures are fighting fiercely.

  A figure was dressed in black, wearing a felt hat, revealing pale hands and chin. He was holding two blood-stained boning knives. The strong smell of blood and killing intent wafted on him, forming a blood-colored airflow.

  The other figure is a suit, a long black trench coat, a clown-like smile, full of grim smiles, a long black hair like a living thing without wind, holding a blood-blade straight knife in his hand.

  The two figures were none other than the butcher who came out of the sky and Lin Hun who merged with the shadow double.

  At this time, the two had been fighting for a long time.

  But it doesn't matter.

  "Why is such a troublesome guy here... so annoying!"

  The shadows surged on his body, expelling a few traces of blood-colored resentment from his body. Lin Hun raised his blood-colored vortex-like eyes and looked at Butcher Yu Ye.

  In the special perspective of the shadow double.

  This guy escapes a darkness darker than night.

  In this darkness, there is something vague and familiar.

  Lin Hun was very familiar with this kind of thing.

  Because he has it too.

  This thing is the ultimate terrifying power.

  Divine power.

  "Is the end of the treacherous really a god?"

  Lin Hun's eyes narrowed slightly when he found it.

  The rainy night butcher in front of him is different from all the treacherous things he has encountered.

  Terrifyingly pure.

  He will not come up with all kinds of nonsense just to make people afraid.

  There is only one word for his terror.


  Kill to kill.

  Terrified by killing.

  Strong by killing.

  Simple and straightforward.

  Just like now, with only the two boning knives in his hand, he is on a par with Lin Hun who is full of firepower, and you can see his horror.

  "However, why did this guy come to trouble me directly?"

  Lin Hun looked directly at Butcher Rainy Night's terrifying eyes like a nightmare, and there was no pressure on 347.

  Compared to these monsters who have grown to this point in how many years.

  Having grown to such a height in just over a month, he is more qualified to be called a monster.


  The blood rain in the sky became denser and denser, and the strong bloody smell made the air thicker.

  Feeling such Lin Hun's thoughts moved.

  The Soul Burning Shadow, which was fused with the power of the shadow, rose again, burst into flames from the ground, and withstood the blood rain that filled the sky.

  These blood rains are the ghosts of the Butcher of the Rainy Night.

  Has a strong supernatural erosion effect.

  Capable of corroding the human body, weakening the power, and increasing the effect of the strange power of the Butcher of the Rainy Night.

  If you don't use the same level of ghosts to fight against it.

  In the rain of blood, his opponents will only become weaker and weaker lambs to be slaughtered.

  Dismembered by the Butcher of the Rainy Night.

  Fortunately, Lin Hun's own ghost is strong enough.

  In the face of the butcher of the rainy night, the mythical creature was not at all disadvantaged.

  This gave him the confidence and strength to fight against this butcher who was close to the power of God. .

Chapter 279


  Heavy breathing was spit out from Yu Ye Butcher's mouth, forming a thick white mist.

  He looked at the human being who held one of His swords before him.

  A trace of inexplicable flashed across his terrifying eyes.

  At first, he was still a little confused when he was called by the fairy tale prince.

  But when he faced this human being, he finally knew why the fairy tale prince took such a big risk to come to the origin of this dark world to fight.

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