Global Voyage: My Probability 100%

Chapter 1028 2 dazzling golden ship props

Two dazzling golden quality shipborne props, just two types of offense and defense.

The attack ship props have not yet been installed, and they still look like small models. Chen Feng held it in his hand, revealing a deep love in his eyes.

This is a cannon-shaped weapon with a long barrel.

The appearance looks no different from normal shipborne weapons.

But the reason why Chen Feng likes it so much is that the attributes are very scary.

[Antimatter Annihilation Cannon (Dazzling Gold)]

Description: Ship-borne weapons need to be installed above the vehicle to be used. Because the weapon is powerful, it has certain requirements for the vehicle. The installed vehicle must be at least level 80.

An antimatter annihilation cannon, which can consume a lot of nether energy to create antimatter energy and strike the target remotely. The antimatter annihilation cannon has no other entry effects. It only has one feature, that is, it is extremely powerful. The energy that antimatter explodes when it detonates will be ten times that of a nuclear bomb!

The specific power can cause an instant kill effect on creatures with strength of level 9 and below, and cause serious injury or instant kill effect on creatures with strength of level 10 and above.

Tip: The nether energy that needs to be consumed for each launch is one million nether energy, and after each launch, the props need to be cooled for 30 minutes! The range is a thousand kilometers! The explosion was a hundred kilometers in diameter!

Evaluation: Ten times more powerful than a nuclear bomb! ! Young man, be careful when you use it. If you don't calculate the distance when launching, so that you are within the attack range, then hehe!

The attributes of the attack-type ship-borne props [Anti-Matter Annihilation Cannon] can definitely be described as terrifying.

Chen Feng had heard of nuclear bombs before, but he really hadn't heard much about antimatter. Chen Feng had absolutely no impression of this weapon that was more powerful than nuclear bombs.

However, just from the introduction of the attributes, Chen Feng could feel the horror of this shipborne prop.

Being able to kill level 9 and below in seconds, seriously injure or kill level 10 and above, this terrifying lethality also poses a great threat to the current Chen Feng.

Moreover, this kind of ship-borne props can be strengthened. At present, Chen Feng's shopping malls have all been opened.

Enhancement scrolls of various levels can directly enhance the props to +40, and the power of the enhanced props will definitely double.

Chen Feng estimates that with the attributes of this weapon, the enhanced power can definitely kill any player at level 10 and below.

Even a player with level 11 strength can definitely beat him without knowing him.

However, the power of this ship-borne weapon is great, but the energy consumption is terrifying, and each attack actually requires one million nether energy!

This terrifying energy consumption, even Chen Feng, can use more than ten rounds at most, no matter how much, his nether energy is not enough.

And there is still a 30-minute cooling time. With these factors, [Anti-Matter Annihilation Cannon] is destined to become a means of pressing the bottom of the biological battleship.

"Dazzling golden ship-borne weapons! The power is really not covered! It's worth the energy consumption!"

With a sigh of relief, Chen Feng planned to install this weapon on the spaceship, the biological battleship, that is, swallowing the sky.

Tuntian's movement speed is fast, and it is very flexible. When installed on it, its power can definitely be maximized.

Chen Feng will strengthen the installation after preparing for the meeting.

Then, Chen Feng picked up the last dazzling golden prop.

This is a disc-shaped prop, there is no such thing as a gun barrel, and the shape is very strange.

Chen Feng also observed its properties to know its specific functions.

[Black Hole Defense (Dazzling Gold)]

Description: Shipboard defense props need to be installed on top of the vehicle to be used. Because this prop has great power, it has certain requirements for the vehicle, and the installed vehicle must be at least level 80.

Black hole defense, as the name suggests, is a defense item that can create a black hole. When used, it consumes a lot of nether energy to form a distance-controllable black hole in one direction of the vehicle!

No doubt, this black hole is the black hole you know, it can absorb everything that touches it,

Including matter, attack, physical or soul attack! In front of a black hole, any attack will have no effect!

However, the resulting black hole is about a kilometer in diameter! It can only exist in one direction of the vehicle, and the time of existence is determined by the total amount of nether energy.

So, when you have enough nether energy, you can open the black hole defense unlimitedly, but don't forget, it can only defend one point position!

Tip: When the black hole defense is turned on, 10,000 nether energy is consumed every minute! When the black hole is turned on, please be careful not to approach it, once the creature is absorbed by it, it will be directly destroyed! The open distance control range is 0-100,000 meters!

Evaluation: A defensive item with infinite defensive capabilities, you can use it as a defensive item, or you can use it as an attacking weapon that doesn't move!

This ship-borne defense item called [Black Hole Defense] is the most peculiar defense item that Chen Feng has ever seen so far.

Its defense method is not to generate an energy barrier to resist incoming attacks.

Instead, it directly forms a black hole.

As we all know, black holes can absorb all matter, including energy.

A black hole is formed, and all those attacks naturally have no effect.

It has to be said that the defensive power of this type of defense item is indeed invincible!

However, as a defensive tool for a vehicle, it is not invincible, because its defensive range is limited and the entire vehicle cannot be wrapped in it.

Chen Feng analyzed it and felt that this item can be strengthened, but there is no need to strengthen it at present.

Because its defense power is inexhaustible anyway, and strengthening is only increasing the range, anyway, the range can't wrap the vehicle, and increasing the range doesn't make much sense.

This kind of defensive weapon is more suitable for defending the enemy's strongest attack method. For example, if it is the powerful attack method of the previous [Anti-Material Annihilation Cannon], this item can be used for defense.

After thinking about it, Chen Feng decided to install this defensive item in the Land of Wind.

It is not installed on the swallowing sky, because the swallowing sky and the country of wind must be smaller in size and extremely flexible.

"Gene Era"

The Land of Wind is slow and can only move on the sea, which is extremely cumbersome in comparison.

Therefore, such a highly defensive item is naturally better to use in the country of wind, and there are a lot of residents in the country of wind.

"Okay! These are the dazzling golden props from the dazzling golden prayer treasure chest. Next! Prepare to install the enhanced shipborne props, and then give the two skill cards to Xiaoting and Lingrui!"

After analyzing the four dazzling golden quality props, Chen Feng put them into the warehouse.

Afterwards, he entered the prop compartments of the swallowing spaceship and the fortress of the Kingdom of the Wind, respectively, and completed the installation of two ship-borne props, one for attack and one for defense.

Among them, [Antimatter Annihilation Cannon] Chen Feng also directly strengthened it to +40, and the changes in attributes were the same as Chen Feng expected.

After that, Chen Feng gave the two skill cards to Ma Xiaoting and Zhou Lingrui.

The two girls received this huge surprise, and they were about to give Chen Feng a good meal!

Chen Feng did not linger, and after completing these things, he started to upgrade all the senior officials of the Kingdom of Wind and the female soldiers within the Kingdom of Wind to level 9 one by one.

Their increase in strength is also an increase in the strength of the Kingdom of Wind. After all, after the official competition of the Lord Arena is over, Chen Feng will start the plan of aggression.

Of course, in addition to upgrading the high-level, under the premise of a large number of upgrade materials, the level of the Land of Wind is also continuously improving!

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