Global Voyage: My Probability 100%

Chapter 919 Level 6 Domain

The latest website: After reading the upgrade requirements of the current sea empire: stretching thousands of miles, Chen Feng's heart suddenly froze.

"What? To upgrade, the width of the outer circle needs to reach 200,000, and the number of residents to meet the standard must reach 3 million! The goals required to upgrade from level 71 to level 72 are actually as many as the goals required to upgrade from level 61 to level 70! This is to Crazy?!"

Chen Feng was stunned, and he couldn't help cursing.

No wonder the sea empire at level 71 added the suffix "stretching thousands of miles".

Not to mention the number of residents who have reached the standard for each level of upgrade, the width of the outer ring that needs to be upgraded reaches 200,000 meters, which is enough to make people feel scared.

When it was upgraded to level 80, the area of ​​the sea empire was already terrifyingly large.

"Such an upgrade method, saying that it stretches for thousands of miles, seems very reasonable!"

Chen Feng rolled his eyes. Although he complained constantly in his heart, he also knew that since the vehicle had such an upgrade requirement, there was no way for him to change it.

If you want to upgrade, you can only follow its requirements.

It's just that, if the Land of Wind wants to upgrade its level, it needs more materials.

Chen Feng's current material may not even be enough to 'lay the floor'!

This sea empire: it stretches for thousands of miles, and it is also an ancestor that consumes materials!

"Got it! Let Sophie Bin release the task first, and let the residents of the Land of Winds build first! How many materials can be built? Let's take a step by step!"

With a sigh, Chen Feng shook his head, chatted with Sophie Bin privately, and told him the next upgrade plan for the Kingdom of Wind.

After that, Chen Feng sat down helplessly and sighed.

"I want both vehicles to be level 100! There is a long way to go! I don't know... After level 100, will the vehicle reach the end point!"

After sighing with emotion, Chen Feng no longer thought about it.

Now that he has made up his mind and wants to continue to develop, supplies are still what he needs. After the aliens attack the city, he must fight hard in the 'Lord Arena'.

According to SeaWorld's urinalysis, no matter what stage,

What kind of natural disaster is going on, there will still be some rewards.

At that time, Chen Feng should have a channel to obtain more materials.

However, before the upcoming Lord Arena, Chen Feng still has one last wave of alien siege to deal with.

The last wave of alien siege was not simple. According to the previous experience of systematic obliteration, Chen Feng knew that the most recent obliteration was the dragon tribe.

Before Chen Feng knew that the corpses of dragon players had a good catalytic effect on the growth of the tree of life, and he had been slaughtering dragon players since then.

The tree of life has grown to the current height of 10,000 meters, which is inseparable from Chen Feng's practice.

Chen Feng did this, which directly led to a significant drop in the overall strength of the dragon race, which dropped to 51st two days ago, and was then directly obliterated by the system.

Therefore, the last alien siege was when the dragons attacked the lord players.

The strength of the dragon clan is very strong, coupled with their natural ability to fly, once the city is attacked, it must not be underestimated.

Even Chen Feng had to deal with it carefully.

However, Chen Feng was not too worried.

Not to mention the spaceship: The Star Destroyer has been upgraded to a higher-level Star Destroyer, and the Sea Empire has been upgraded to a larger Sea Empire: stretching thousands of miles.

It is said that Chen Feng himself and the high-level personnel of the Kingdom of Wind are also very powerful.

The first is Chen Feng's murloc subordinates.

The two murlocs, Gina and Meimei, have all been upgraded to level 8, and the murloc pet's own awakening skills, whether in terms of fit or strength, are more suitable than those of the players.

Therefore, the combat effectiveness of the two level 8 murlocs should not be underestimated.

The two murlocs, Fat Boy and Lele, are still level 7 because there is no way to level up. Guba

The second is the high-level human beings in the Land of Winds.

Zhou Lingrui, Ma Xiaoting, and Wang Ruoxi, the three women who were close to Chen Feng, were all level 8, and they all had black-gold quality skill cards.

However, the level 8 dazzling golden skill card that can be learned has not yet been learned.

Not only them, but Chen Feng himself does not have one, and Chen Feng has only one tree of life, the golden props.

Although there are many prayer treasure chests in black and gold quality, none of the props with dazzling gold can be obtained. We can only talk about it when we have a chance in the future.

Then there are the ordinary high-level executives of the Land of Winds.

Lu Xiupei, Li Zhongtian, Zhao Xiaolong, Wang Wei, Alyssa and others also reached level 8.

Like Zhou Lingrui and the others, they have not learned the level 8 skills for the time being, but Chen Feng has already matched them with the level 7 black-gold quality skills through the prayer treasure chest.

Not only that, there are two million residents of the Land of Winds, and many residents have reached level 6. Level 4 and Level 5 are even more numerous, and Chen Feng also made a lot of skill cards for them.

Therefore, the country of the wind is not considered the power of the vehicle, and the combat effectiveness of the personnel is also very strong.

There is also the little fat in the sea, and now Chen Feng has been fed to level 8 with nether energy spar, and he can also reach level 9 strength with the use of dragon transformation skills, and his strength is also very strong.

Finally, let's talk about Chen Feng.

Leaderboards of world races are now visible to other players in Seaworld.

Among them, Chen Feng ranked first, but Chen Feng's level was only 8.

Compared with the second-ranked 10th-level Reba, the latter 9th-level Rox and others, Chen Feng's strength seems to be weaker.

However, other players in Sea World have overlooked a key point.

That is Chen Feng's lord skill - domain.

The alien siege has continued to this day, and it is believed that many lord players have obtained 10 scrolls of territorial rights and enabled domain skills.

Once more people have opened the domain skills, everyone has some understanding of the domain, and reduces the sense of awe. Many players think that although Chen Feng has the domain, others also have it.

The gap in the past has disappeared, and Chen Feng's is no longer strong.

But don't forget, Chen Feng has accumulated more than 60 territorial rights scrolls after many days of territorial rights scrolls.

Domain skills have also successfully reached the sixth level.

Although the level of enhancement of the sixth-order domain skills is still level one, other functions are terrifying.

Compared with the first, second, and third-order domain skills, the attributes of the sixth-order domain can be very different.

Sixth-order field (Lord-specific skills): Open a spherical special field centered on the lord, with a radius of 100,000 meters, which can follow the lord. Enhancement), and the enemy will be weakened to a certain level (up to level 2). The specific level of weakening is determined according to the original level of the enemy. The higher the level, the lower the weakening, and the lower the level, the higher the weakening. The lord will permanently strengthen six skills in the field, and the skill enhancement will be invalid when the field is closed. In the field, the lord can freely control the effect of the field, avoiding the targets that the lord does not need to suppress.

Enhanced Skill 1: Clone

Enhanced Skill 2: Blink

Enhanced Skill 3: Wind Fluctuation

Enhanced Skill 4: Boundless Sea

Enhanced Skill 5: Requiem

Enhanced Skill 6: Life Deprivation

Reminder: The realm is opened for 60 minutes. UU reads six times a day. It can be closed in advance (early closing is still considered a complete one), and the number of skills cannot be recovered through any potion. When the level increases, the realm time, The range and the number of times of use will be increased accordingly.

The sixth-order field has greatly improved Chen Feng, and Chen Feng's strength is far more than that simple on the surface.

I believe that even if the last alien siege is coming, even if it is a powerful dragon, Chen Feng's country of wind will not have any mistakes.


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