Global Wasteland: I Unboxed Top Vaults

Chapter 274: The savior of mankind? good guy

Falling in love with, the global wasteland: I unboxed the top sanctuary

The wind howled.

Not long after, sparse raindrops knocked horizontally on the glass.

"The lightning rod is installed, and the walls are installed. Next, you just need to wait for the disaster to come." Lin Yue looked outside, and now he can't go out.

Even if you go out, you can't do anything.


It's a good opportunity to continue hunting lizardmen.

Who made them have to provoke it?

Last night, it wasn't that he didn't completely hear the movement from the door of the underground ruins.

The lizardmen were killed so many people at once, and even the altars were completely burnt down. The two or three hundred lizardmen inside were all trapped inside, and there was no way for one of them to escape.

Their hatred for him now only increases.

Even Lin Yue felt that after speaking on the World Channel, and talking to Xing Lingfeng and the others just now about how to deal with the lizardmen, and informing all the survivors of the threat of "beggars", he might become a whole lizardmen in the future. The beggar's goal!

Actually, it doesn't matter.

Lizardmen, beggars, just come.

One to kill one, two to kill one pair!

Hundreds or thousands?

Lin Yue said, welcome my copper treasure chest and storage space to my door!

Although he just lost his exoskeleton, he did not lose his combat effectiveness because of it.

On the contrary, he can rely on this opportunity to use the physical mortal body of the current ordinary person to test how much he has improved.

After opening the metal shield of the stone gate of the underground ruins, Lin Yue took a deep breath.

He checked Xiaomeng's injury again, changed his dressings, and left enough food in the shelter, and entered the underground ruins with four of them: Black Dot, Green Claw, Xiao Liuzi and Red Line. !

"No, what did I mean by Lin Yue? Do we have to exterminate the lizardmen? Can't we live in harmony? I don't think the lizardmen are that scary, right? Look, they didn't hurt many survivors, didn't they?"

"Let's just say, why do you have to live and die? Love&peace, I propose that everyone live together peacefully!"

"Lin Yue is seeking public affairs for personal gain. Just because of personal hatred, he wants to take all of us with him to kill the lizards and those poor people who can't help. How dare he?"

"Lin Yue is the biggest enemy of our survivors! Every time he gets the first place, others have no chance. He is completely unfair. I recommend everyone to kill Lin Yue!"

"Thank you for your invitation. The person is in the Linyue Group. I just finished trading with him. This person is a devil. He is insatiable! He actually wants to exchange a stone for my 10L of water. Look at me, hehe."

"My dear, all the monsters and monsters are out now, don't run away from the ones upstairs, I wrote down your names one by one, and none of them are not beggars! Especially the one above is wearing 13, Lin Yue exchanged stones for it. You have 10 liters of water? Your head was kicked by the lizardmen, right? Lin Yue is so short of water? I was in Lin Yue’s group, and I wondered who didn’t know that Lin Yue’s water in the world can be said to be Most of all, he dislikes your water? The cows criticize you for throwing out evidence, and if you want to get hammered, what are you talking about!"

"Haha grumpy brother, after you finished speaking, these people stopped talking."

"This is really a real hammer. What are some beggars calling here? I think from now on, we should focus on marking these people and get a bounty, as long as we catch these big guys from the lizardmen. , how about resource rewards?"



"Everyone has a way to deal with the lizardmen now, right? I'll add one, and see that the beggars will be killed first! This gang of gangsters! How dare you jump on the World Channel, you're really brave. Lin Yue It's someone's ability to get the first place. We, the second and third, didn't say anything. What are you beggars!? Lin Yue's first place is well deserved. We admire him very much and want to make Such a person has become the leader of the common destiny of human beings all over the world. I, the refuge village of Lily Karahao, announced a unilateral alliance with Lin Yue! From now on, if Lin Yue needs it, we will use all the troops in the refuge village. Killing the lizards and beggars, whoever wants to threaten Lin Yue, is against our refuge village!"

"We are from Jia Yunzhan Refuge Village, and we also unilaterally formed an alliance with Lin Yue to advance and retreat together! @Lily·Karahao"

"I, Xing Lingfeng, had not met Lin Yue by chance last night and was rescued by him, dozens of us would have died at the hands of lizards and beggars. We also unilaterally applied for an alliance with Lin Yue yesterday."

"@李利運鋒@嘉云展@徐玲峰, the second, third, and fourth, plus me. I, Kasbar, also unilaterally formed an alliance with Lin Yue. Although I also disagree with Lin Yue, but here In terms of aspects, I think we must advance and retreat together. The lizards and beggars attacked our refuge village last night. Although we killed more than ten people in the end, we also killed six people on our side! This is absolutely impossible. Things to tolerate. Lin Yue's disaster survival guide two days ago was very helpful to us. Although it has not been verified yet, there are disaster-resistance researchers in our team who have affirmed Lin Yue's method. Now the Lizardmen And the beggars have become a big threat to us, and they must be eliminated first!"

"I, Lily Karahao, have never served anyone in my life, and Lin Yue is the first one! A few, let's temporarily form an alliance together. Although we don't know where everyone is in this different world, we are all threatened by the lizardmen. .And this is not something we can ignore. When Lin Yue passes my friend application, I will talk to him about the alliance. In addition, I warn you all beggars around the lizardmen who have sold their souls for personal safety. , what you have done has harmed the common interests of all mankind! Aliens must be eliminated, we have no understanding at all! From now on, before you die in our hands, your time is running out!"

Lin Yue frowned.

what's the situation.

He replaced the sprayer with new bullets, kicked the corpse of the Lizardman that had been smashed to pieces, and picked up the treasure chest next to him. He originally wanted to open the system panel and see who could bid on the trading panel. Presented with a precision electric putter, but found that in the background, Xing Lingfeng actually sent him dozens of messages in a row.

What emergency has occurred?

After Lin Yue opened it, he found something that he thought was a bit "absurd".

"Actually... what kind of alliance was formed? These people are really idle."

The news conveyed by Xing Lingfeng is headed by Lily Karahao, who is second in the world rankings, plus Jia Yunzhan, Xing Lingfeng and Kasbal, the second to fifth powerhouses in the rankings are interacting with each other on the world channel. After the ventilation, they communicated privately within a short period of time, and finally Xing Lingfeng came to represent the general situation of applying for an alliance to Lin Yue.

If this alliance can be established, he will be the leader of the alliance, and he will give orders, and the other four will obey the orders to deal with the lizards and beggars.

At present, these four people have reached an agreement to form their own alliance, and now wait for him to nod, and the alliance will be officially formed!

In Xing Lingfeng's words, the benefits of this alliance are indeed too many.

Lin Yue didn't know what kind of ecstasy soup this Xing Lingfeng poured into the other people, or if these people are not clear now, if he becomes the leader of the alliance, then he can lead the leaders of the four most powerful refuge villages in the world. And their survivors, launched a powerful and extremely effective counterattack against the Lizardmen!

And this counterattack will also be the prelude to a final battle between the entire human race and the entire survivors against the lizards and the beggars. The beginning of the life and death of the race!

"My dear, this big hat is put on at once. As long as I don't obey, then I will be the sinner of the entire human race. As long as I don't agree, I will be attacked by the lizards and beggars at that time. Humans might spit at me."

Lin Yue figured this out almost instantly.

If you agree, then you are the leader of some of the strongest people recognized by the world channel, and soon there will be a lot of responses. More people will join and at the same time, he will tell almost all the survivors in the world that he is the leader of the world. The savior of mankind!

But what if you disagree?

That is to escape this responsibility. As the number one survivor in the world, he should stand at the forefront of everything, and he also proposed the lizards and beggars. What would happen if he backed down at this moment?

Lin Yue once again expressed his admiration for this group of people.

Good guy, I haven't seen much of it. I was stoked by dozens of lizardmen behind the buttocks, and all of them were so good at playing tricks and tricks.


That is, no support, no objection, no encouragement, no rejection.

In short, a "diversion".

This is the most helpless method, but also the most effective one.

Other than that, all other roads were blocked by this group of people.

Lin Yue stood up.

Just now, Black Spot and some of them called in the other direction a few times, I am afraid that the lizardmen are coming to seek revenge again.

Lin Yue finally looked at the system panel and sent a message to Xing Lingfeng.

"I will consider this, but dealing with the lizardmen and beggars is more important, they are crazy now. I am in the underground ruins myself, Xing Lingfeng, you pay attention to the lizardmen who will appear on the ground at any time, don't come down for the time being , the underground is very messy now."

He said, and picked up the sniper rifle that had just been placed on the ground again.

They came from the sanctuary and killed thirty-two lizardmen and one beggar all the way. These monsters were really red-eyed, and they seemed to be completely infuriated by him.

Just like what the beggar who rushed over finally said, "You are the biggest threat to those of us", the lizard man seemed to understand how dangerous he was, and he didn't want to be captured alive. What happened? It seems that when they come up, they will kill them. When they meet, they will throw iron spears and iron spears directly here.

Of course, in Lin Yue's view, these are nothing.

Without the exoskeleton, although the alloy explosion-proof shield cannot be lifted, it does not mean that it cannot be used.

When Lin Yue encountered these lizardmen throwing them, he directly chose to take the alloy explosion-proof shield out of the storage space instantly and let his body lean against it. He supported, but also gave him the greatest protection.

After that, use m19 bursts behind the shield, or use spray guns to sieve the lizardmen who have rushed in front of them. Lin Yue is already very skilled at this operation.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Lin Yue continued to move forward from this dead end, and finally reached the end of the fork in the road that my grandson Masao took before.

Pushing aside the fan in front of him, it was still the same as usual, drawing a strange pattern of circles and lines.

"Pfft." Little Liuzi and the others shook their heads, indicating that there were no enemies, and Lin Yue also opened the wooden door.

A familiar smell came.

The dust was mixed with a little **** smell, as well as a rotten smell and so on.

The smell of death.

It should be described as such.

Lin Yue looked at the inside of this neat and square room, and completely lit the torch in his hand and the extinguished torch on the wall.

After the light came on, the layout of the entire room and what was inside were clearly displayed.

"Between the altars?" Lin Yue was too familiar with this kind of ring altar in the middle, with a stone-carved room in the deepest part of the room.

There are large clay pots all around, and you don't have to guess what it contains.

But this time is completely different from the previous ones.

There is only one altar between the altars in the F area, and the monster named "Storm Flying Lizard" is enshrined.

And this C area seems to be a bit more upscale than the F area. In addition to the poisonous Tianlong, there is such a small altar.

"Who would have thought that the lizardmen would enshrine such a thing together?" Lin Yue walked over and stood in front of the small stone statue that was only as high as his Weird Mouse, Or call them giant rats.

The size is close to that of a small pig and a big dog, with red eyes and a large number of them, but the attack power is poor and the speed is not so fast.

At that time, the little ice lizard was in such a small state that he could even kill a large group by himself.

This was also the first monster Lin Yue encountered in the secret realm at that time.

"Since this is all, what about the other..."

Lin Yue walked around the neighborhood, especially the location of the altar, but he didn't find anything.

The one who worshipped the Storm Flying Lizard before had nothing, and he did not return a large piece of rough sapphire like the Venomous Dragon Altar.

There was nothing in the strange mouse altar, and Lin Yue made the little ice lizards feel it, and it was still the same.

He happily went out the door and went back to the main road.

Then, he went straight to the second road that was not explored yesterday, and at the end of the road was a flashing wooden door.

"Okay, let me look forward to it, is it the blood-sucking bug from before?"

Lin Yue remembered the blood-sucking bugs that once killed Curran's gang of predators in the hotel under the Tokyo Tower. They were all burned by the fire he set, and even the mother inside was burned. came out, and finally gave him a huge worm shell.

Having said that, the worm shell seems to be a bit similar to Du Tianlong's.

Aren't these two together?

Thinking so, he opened the wooden door in front of him.

Behind the wooden door, Lin Yue suddenly discovered that there was someone inside the altar!

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