Glory of tactics

One hundred and sixty-one It’s hard to rely on

Tiny Herb's dual-magic lineup was not completely finalized in the regular season. Even the profession of healing player Yuan Boqing has been rotating repeatedly between priest and guardian angel, and has not yet been fixed.

When Yuan Boqing used Guardian Messenger Fangfeng, Deng Fusheng was either a substitute or not even included in the main roster. The last person to fight alongside Li Yihui is usually Zhou Yebai. This is the idea of ​​assisting field control.

And when the treatment is Pastor Cordyceps, Deng Fusheng's knights will usually fight together with Li Yihui's judo. But sometimes, the players who take on the responsibility of attackers will be arranged from Liu Xiaobie, Liang Fang and Xiao Yun.

Tiny Herb's overall lineup is geared toward mid- to short-range combat. In order to enrich the tactical changes, Liu Fei or Li Ji, who are professional sharpshooters, are often a member of the squad, but mostly as substitutes.

In the professional arena, you generally don’t see two identical professions appearing in the team competition lineup.

Remove the remaining four positions for treatment, and if there is a fixed pair of duplicate professions, there will be very little room for change and it will be easy to target.

The twin ghosts in the void are just a special case. The gap between the Demon Demon Sword and the Demon Demon Sword is bigger than the gap between the Demon Demon Sword and the Demon Demon Sword. These two ghost swordsman branches are usually treated as two professions.

Tiny Herb's courage to take risks and use dual magic tactics has something to do with the characteristics of the magic scholar profession itself.

The position of a magic scholar in the mage department is that of a generalist. It can attack from a distance and fight at close range. In addition, the magic scholar is very mobile and can switch responsibilities on the field at any time, which reduces the applicability of tactics.

Another point is that when Gao Yingjie's Mu En is present, Wang Jiexi's Wang Buliuxing is outside the overall tactics. Just like Qiu Fei's horse howling in the west wind.

However, Qiu Fei had no choice but to use BOX-1 tactics. And when Wang Jiexi fights like this, he is more like an assassin who kills whenever he appears. Whether he is present or not, he tortures his opponent's spirit.

In fact, speaking of it, another one of the Five Saints, Lan Yu and Huang Shaotian, also plays in the same way. The relationship between the two sword schools of Huang Shaotian and Yu Feng is no different from that of master and apprentice Wang Jiexi and Gao Yingjie.

The difference between Tiny Herb's and Blue Rain's tactics is not the difference in the size of the dual cores, but the fact that there is no other deep-lying core in Tiny Herb's formation that can echo Gao Yingjie.

Although Deng Fusheng and Li Yihui are both All-Star players, they have always been in the front row. In the past, they have served as Wang Buliuxing's assistants and have never taken on major responsibilities alone.

The core of Micro-Grassland's first delay is Fang Shiqian, the god of healing who uses Guardian Messenger. But this great master retired after winning the championship in the seventh season. Although Yuan Baiqing, who replaced him, was very capable, his tactical command ability could not be acquired overnight through simple training.

"As long as you can hold off Wang Jiexi, our team competition will have more than a 60% chance of winning." Lin Jingyan, who had spent a whole day studying the lineup of Tiny Herb's Double Magic Path, told Qiu Fei.

Not long ago, Qiu Fei, who had just been taught a lesson by Zhou Zekai, replied with some lack of confidence: "I can only say that I will try my best."

The last time he met Wang Jiexi in the arena, Qiu Fei's horse riding on the west wind had a nearly 30% health advantage, but ultimately lost. Qiu Fei still has some palpitations when he thinks about it.

Although Qiu Fei has made considerable progress after playing so many games in half a season, he still feels that he is not Wang Jiexi's opponent. Moreover, the equipment styles of the two characters are also different. Ma Tao Ze Feng is an extreme stack of spiritual attributes, focusing on control. Wang Buliuxing, on the other hand, relied on better equipment and surpassed Ma Taoxifeng in all other aspects.

Qiu Fei added: "In a head-on confrontation, I can hold on. But if Wang Buliuxing wants to leave, Ma Taideweifeng may not be able to stop him. He moves faster than me."

This would be difficult to handle, and Lin Jingyan had a headache. Not counting Wang Jiexi,

In a four-on-four match with the remaining members of Tiny Herb, Wuxiao's on-paper strength was only about the same as that of his opponents. The confidence to win still comes from the team's skillful cooperation and more reasonable career distribution.

The lack of strong long-range support is a small flaw in Tiny Herb's lineup. In the last round of the Excellent Era team's quick win over Tiny Herb, the key was that Gao Yingjie's surprise attack on the back row was blocked by Sun Xiang. But if Wang Jiexi had been present at that scene and had taken action with Gao Yingjie, Sun Xiang might not have been able to stop him.

"Let me think about it again." Lin Jingyan discussed with Fang Rui for a while, and then said to Qiu Fei, "If Wang Jiexi dares to cut into the back row, you can also hit their back row."

Qiu Fei added: "If it's a priest, that's no problem. But I can't defeat the Guardian Messenger alone."

Fang Rui tapped the table and said, "If you encounter this situation, come over and join me. We'll deal with Mu En and Envoy Junzi first. If the worst happens, you'll have to exchange money!"

Lin Jingyan nodded and said, "That's all we have to do. Next, let's take a look at what Tiny Herb will do if it doesn't use the dual magic path, or if Gao Yingjie is the substitute?"

Fang Rui had already made some preparations for this and said without hesitation: "There is no need for dual magic. That was their main lineup in the second half of last year. Wang Jiexi, Deng Fusheng, Li Yihui and Yuan Baiqing, plus Liu Xiaobie. If the opponent is like this With the lineup, it will be more difficult for us to win. As long as their attack unfolds, there will always be places we can't block. This style of play can only rely on terrain restrictions. It's just in their home court, so don't expect to have such a map. . If it were me, I would first use the most stable lineup to ensure a victory at home. Anyway, this is what we can do with Wuxiao, soldiers against soldiers, opponents against generals, one by one, there is always a point where we can hold on. Can’t live.”

Lin Jingyan and Qiu Fei looked at each other and nodded helplessly, agreeing with Fang Rui's statement.

The gap between the top giants and mid-range teams is most intuitively reflected in the strength of the players. With an unsolvable ace, a strong main lineup, and unique substitutes, there are too many changes in Tiny Herb's lineup, and it's impossible to deal with them.

Lin Jingyan and Fang Rui were mainly responsible for tactical matters. Qiu Fei gave up ideas when he had them, and learned when he didn't. His main focus was still on how to restrain Wang Jiexi.

Speaking of which, this is also a helpless move. In the entire Whistle, only Qiu Fei could barely do this.

Lin Jingyan's opponent was Li Yihui, and he also had to take command, which was a heavy enough burden.

Fang Rui's skills were enough to contain Wang Jiexi. But the thieves who laid traps on the ground were defeated by Tian, ​​the magician flying in the sky, and they had to go around whenever they encountered them on the field. Fang Rui would never go against Wang Jiexi unless he had to.

Zhao Yuzhe is long-range, and for this reason alone, he shouldn't face Wang Jiexi.

No matter what, only Qiu Fei can take on this task.

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