Glory of tactics

Six departure

Although the game between Thunder and Howling was also a strong dialogue, it was not the highlight of this round. The two most eye-catching games this weekend are Samsara versus Blue Rain on Saturday, and Tyranny versus Misty Rain on Sunday.

Just two months later, two classic matchups from last season's playoffs were reappeared. Can Lan Yu take revenge? Can Tyranny wash away its shame? They are all the hottest topics before the game.

In contrast, few people are interested in discussing the topic of Howling Thunder. Only die-hard fans of both teams will tirelessly discuss players, predict tactics, and estimate scores.

In Thursday's "E-Sports Weekly", there was a special article about the showdown between the two teams. However, the focus of this article is not actually about the competition. The author's focus is on the Excellent Era elements in the two teams.

During the break, Sun Leshi took the newspaper and read:

"Last winter, we sent away Ye Xiu and Qiu Fei. This past summer, we sent away Liu Hao, He Ming and Guo Yang."

"In just half a year, the Excellent Era we are familiar with has become almost unrecognizable. If Su Mucheng hadn't still been there, if Fire Maple Leaf hadn't still been here, I might have thought it was another team."

"The team's performance is not good, so we need to introduce powerful new players to enhance the changes and vitality of the team. This approach seems beautiful and should be beyond reproach. However, in actual practice, it always feels uncomfortable."

"The author can't help but want to ask here: In order to upgrade, is Excellent Era a little too hasty? Is the price paid a little too high?"

"Stop, stop, stop!" Fang Rui couldn't help but interrupt Sun Leshi's passionate reading and shouted, "What does this article you are reading have to do with our Howling?"

Sun Leshi glanced at it and said, "It's down there." So he skipped and read on.

"Of the five people who have left in the past six months, four are still active in the Glory arena. In the first round that just passed, all four of them played as the main players and performed extremely well."

"However, it is sad that on this Saturday, these outstanding young people will start killing each other."

Qiu Fei felt uncomfortable hearing this and interrupted Sun Leshi again: "Brother Sun, stop for a moment. Let me ask. Who wrote this article?"

Sun Leshi glanced at the author under the title and replied: "Cha Xiaoxia."

"Oh, it's her." Qiu Fei suddenly realized. No wonder he thought to himself that the manuscript about Thunder vs. Whistling was still cursing Excellent Era in a roundabout way.

Cha Xiaoxia is a well-known writer in the e-sports media. She has always been known for her professionalism and sharpness. Many teams have mixed feelings about her articles. Love, I love that she can analyze her opponents to the point and point out their weaknesses. Hate, of course, hate that she used harsh words and was merciless when she wrote about herself.

Fang Rui always liked to show off his venomous tongue, and he had a similar affinity with Cha Xiaoxia. At this moment, his eyes lit up and he asked, "From the tone of your voice, do you know her?"

Qiu Fei shook his head and nodded: "I have never met her, but I heard from Team Ye that she is Xia Ming, a former player of Excellent Era."

"Oh." Someone in the room said softly.

Everyone turned to look, and it was captain Lin Jingyan who spoke out.

Qiu Fei asked: "Captain, do you also know her?"

Lin Jingyan nodded and said, "Yes, and we even fought against each other."

Fang Rui also became interested and asked one after another: "How is your strength? What is your profession and playing style? Who among you wins?"

Lin Jingyan glared at Fang Rui angrily and said with some reluctance: "The second year of Excellent Era's third consecutive championship is unprecedentedly powerful. It's a 10:0 bloodbath at every turn. No team can score even a small score against them. Not much."

"To achieve this, it is obviously impossible to rely on Ye Qiu alone. From today's point of view, the skills and cooperation of the main players of Excellent Era, including Ye Qiu at that time, are just barely Professional enough.


"However, back then, their understanding of the game, equipment development, and tactics were far ahead of other teams."

"In the entire alliance, there are only a few teams such as Huangfeng, Baihua, Tyranny, and Yanyu, and we can compete with them."

"We were no match for Wuxiao at that time. After two rounds, we didn't score a point. We tried our best and didn't score a point! So although we lost miserably, we are very convinced."

"Xia Ming's fighting style is very similar to the current Zhou Zekai. He is very good at close combat. Of course, in terms of skills, he is several levels behind Zhou Zekai now. But at that time, he was already strong enough, and few people could. Beat her. Me, too."

Fang Rui asked curiously: "Why have I never heard of such a powerful player?"

Lin Jingyan glanced at him and said: "Of course it's because they have already retired before you came into contact with Glory. There are many people in the pioneer generation who were quite old when the league was established and have only played for one or two years. You can find them everywhere. Besides, the roaming gunner's style of play is very demanding. As he gets older, his level will drop sharply. Look at Zhou Zekai, if he doesn't change his style of play, his peak period will be over at the age of twenty-three or four. , maybe he will retire earlier than the golden generation."

In Team Howling, only Lu Yiming is a new generation sharpshooter. However, this child's level is average, so he usually speaks in a weak voice. At this time, it is naturally impossible to stand up and refute the captain to defend his idol. He just pouts and feels unhappy alone.

Regarding the topic of Xia Ming, no one continued. The rest time is up and it’s time to practice team tactics.

As an experienced auxiliary player, Guo Yang can integrate into team tactics much faster than Qiu Fei. In just one month, his style as a qigong master began to exude a sense of obscenity.

In the last round of team competition against He Wu, Guo Yang started the game. Naturally, there will be no changes in this round, and we will continue to use competition as a substitute for training.

Even without the two God of War suits, Yuhenfengkuang's equipment is comparable to Yiye Zhiqiu. Coupled with full skill points, in terms of character strength alone, Yuhenfengkuang has already matched or even surpassed the God of War, and is definitely qualified to be called a god-level character.

Compared with Yiye Zhiqiu back then, Yuhenfengkuang currently only lacks in performance and popularity. And his road to becoming a god will officially begin in two days.

Because of Cha Xiaoxia's article, Qiu Fei, who had been busy preparing for the battle this week, finally thought of Ye Xiu and Team Happy again. On the way to Jiangcheng, Qiu Feifei turned on his phone and checked the Xingxin team's challenge schedule.

Since they are all single-elimination games, after only one round, the number of participating teams dropped sharply to more than 7,000. There are all kinds of weird things in the challenge, and the upper and lower limits of level are very wide. There are professional teams that have been relegated, and there are also grass-roots teams that have just gathered six people and have no treatment. Except for a handful of teams, Xingxin is already considered a very regular team.

Happy won the first round of the match without any suspense. And tonight's opponent in the second round doesn't look like he can fight. Qiu Fei calmly turned off his phone and closed his eyes to take a nap.

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