Glory of tactics

Seventeen stalemate

Before the game, many people were talking about the Excellent Era elements of Thunder and Howling, but few people knew that there were also many Blue Rain elements in this game.

Whistling team deputy Fang Rui made his debut in the Blue Rain training camp in the fifth season, and Thunder's current captain Yu Feng was in the sixth season. The two are on the front and back foot and have fought countless times in the training camp, but in the professional arena, they rarely have the opportunity to play against each other.

The All-Star Game at the beginning of this year was the first one-on-one match between the two in three years. It was Fang Rui who lost that time, so he was grudged before the game and wanted to take revenge.

During the training camp, both of them showed extremely distinctive styles. The nickname "Worthy Fang" came out at that time, and eventually the whole league started calling it that.

Fang Rui is an expert at trash-talking. When someone provokes someone, he will immediately follow him happily.

Ghostly and suspicious: Xiao Fengzi, don’t be so impatient! Keep your eyes open and watch closely to see how your Mr. Fang walks his dog!

The Mad Swordsman's signature skills, Blood Awakening and Bloodthirsty Fighting, will turn his eyes red. Players who don't like this powerful profession will call the Berserker a red dog.

Seeing Fang Rui's verbal counterattack, the referee on duty hesitated and refrained from giving Fang Rui a warning.

After all, what he typed was Xiao Fengzi, not Little Madman, and he didn't call the other person a dog by name, so he knew he was spitting out sweet things, but he didn't show the yellow card.

Regarding Fang Rui's moral character, Yu Feng was extremely familiar with it when he first debuted. He didn't have any psychological fluctuations at all, and he just controlled the sharp sword to rush forward.

Fang Rui, on the other hand, habitually fought and then retreated, first keeping the distance and throwing projectiles at each other, unwilling to easily fall into close combat.

A thief's whole skill lies in traps, but in a duel, there is still a difference between traps and pitfalls.

The quick and instant trap buckle has only enough effect to restrain the opponent. Not only is it not lethal, it also cannot limit the opponent's attack. It is generally used when escaping for one's life.

The damage of flame traps and poison cloud traps is not low, but the attached effect is not a control type, so it is only equivalent to a high-damage ultimate move.

Advanced traps that can really trick opponents into vomiting blood can not only be counted on one hand, but also require reading, which is difficult to use in actual combat.

If you have a bad memory, you can't be a professional player. Even if five minutes have passed, no one will forget the trap laid in front of them and step on it foolishly.

The mad swordsman himself lacks the displacement skills that can be used for assault, so he usually builds the swordsman's three-stage slash into his weapon.

The quantity and quality of the thief's own displacement skills are not much better than those of the mad swordsman. However, the assassin's air jump and the ninja's shadow clone technique are both general skills below level 20. They cool down quickly and can be used in turn.

If you look at the sharp swords and ghosts on the battlefield from a distance, they look like a pair of dancing butterflies, sometimes close, sometimes separated, sometimes misplaced, flying and wandering in a space of less than ten people. Gathering and dispersing are impermanent. If it weren't for the flickering lights and shadows of swords, it would be hard to believe that this was an ongoing fierce battle.


He parried the sap that circled behind with a downward slash, and the huge attack power finally separated the thief and the mad swordsman.

Fang Rui and Yu Feng stopped operating at the same time and took a breather.

After a fight that lasted 2 minutes and 58 seconds, both characters still had more than half of their health remaining, but the two operators in front of the screen were already sweating profusely. The damp T-shirt was stuck to the body, and under the fully air-conditioned air conditioner, it was so cold that I shivered.

Fang Rui twisted his wrist and pulled his clothes. He felt a little more comfortable and began to taunt him from a distance again.

Gui Mi Suspicion: Xiao Fengzi is good, very promising, and he ran away knowing that he couldn't beat him. It’s really a surprise to see him after three days apart!

Sharp Wisdom Sword: Senior Fang Rui’s performance is so refreshing to me! In such a long period of time, there was no voluntary mistake.

This is really incredible!

When you hit someone, you want to slap someone in the face; when you curse someone, you want to expose their shortcomings.

Fang Rui, who debuted in the same year as Zhou Zekai, is not inferior to the spear king in terms of talent, and was even compared to him back then.

However, Zhou Zekai's trend has soared into the sky. He directly led the reincarnation of the mid-to-lower team that was originally only in the middle and lower reaches, and entered the playoffs strongly, and his ranking climbed year by year until he won the championship this year.

Looking at Fang Rui in turn, he hit the rookie wall after a stellar season. And he was affected much more strongly than Zhou Zekai. In the next two years, his status has been ups and downs, good and bad. Although he has made the All-Stars, his ranking has been around 20, as if he has hit the ceiling.

Fang Rui's state was unstable, unlike other people's. It not only appeared at a certain stage during the season, but also sometimes in a game, he was completely different from the other person.

At the most serious moment, he was able to perform an extremely sophisticated routine one moment, which made the master who was also an All-Star disgraced. In the next minute, Fang Rui dared to make a low-level mistake at the level of an online game, and was knocked to the ground by a player far inferior to him.

Many people knew that this kind of roller coaster-level performance was due to Fang Rui's lack of coordination between his left and right hands.

Fang Rui himself is actually very aware of it, and he is also training hard to try to make up for this weakness. In recent years, it has indeed achieved some results. However, when facing masters and fighting at the most intense level, this problem often appears suddenly like a ghost.

During the All-Star Game at the beginning of the year, Yu Feng took advantage of this and dragged the game into a protracted battle. He waited until Fang Rui made a mistake and then secured victory in one fell swoop.

However, today, in a high-intensity confrontation that lasted twice as long as last time, Fang Rui managed to maintain his form without making any fatal mistakes.

Yu Feng was not completely sarcastic, but still a little surprised.

Gui Mi Shen Sui's health volume is still 53%, and Sharp Wisdom Sword's health volume is 69%.

The difference in blood volume was increased by 5%, and Yu Feng took a slight advantage, but he was very dissatisfied with the result.

Even though the blood volume drops below 50%, the mad swordsman will get stronger as he fights, and Yu Feng will most likely win the next game. But he knew better that if the fight continued like this, even if he defeated Fang Rui, Thunder might not be able to get the two points in the arena.

Yu Feng was thinking about how to defeat Fang Rui quickly and with as little loss as possible. Fang Rui took the lead to rest and began to make moves.

The mysterious figure gradually faded away.


Yu Feng couldn't understand Fang Rui's operation.

Stealth affects movement speed, and will be knocked out of its original shape when attacked, so it is usually only used where the opponent cannot see it.

Yu Feng has played for Glory for so many years. Except for a few rookies, this is the first time he has seen a thief sneaking directly in front of people without any cover.

Sharp Wisdom Sword took two steps forward, jumped slightly, and the shock wave of the mountain collapse swept towards the area where the thief disappeared in a fan shape.

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