Glory of tactics

Twenty-six Clash of Tactical Styles

The black dragon landed and exploded.

Thunder's magic swordsmen, priests and elemental mages rolled and fell out in different positions in different postures. They were extremely miserable for a moment.

The battlefield that was slightly chaotic just now suddenly became quiet. Only Dai Yanqi's Luan Lu Yin Chen turned his staff as if he was just waking up from a dream, trying his best to block Yu Henfeng Kuang's pursuit of the returning wind.

This was a great opportunity for Howl to counterattack, but at this moment, among the four of them present, only Qiu Fei's battle mage maintained his fighting power. Fang Rui's thief and Zhao Yuzhe's elemental mage were both in urgent need of treatment from the spirit healers and could not participate in the battle. Fortunately, Guo Haoran's boxing master was already close at this time and appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

Although they have taken advantage of the most powerful skills of the Battle Mage, several of Thunder's characters have not broken down yet. After getting up from the ground, the criss-crossing mid-range and long-range skills formed a firepower network again, forcing Yu Henfeng Kuang away from Hui Feng.

Ghost Man and Suspicious tried to get close to the sleeping ghost and set up two traps for him. However, Liu Hao was always paying attention to Fang Rui's actions. An electro-optical wave array covered the assassin, forcing Gui Mi Shen Sui to use the Shadow Clone Technique.

"Liu Hao has made some progress." Ye Xiu murmured.

Qiao Yifan said: "Now that Whistling is lagging behind, Lei Lei has more than one person's health, and the pressure of treatment is very high. The Healer has even used the Light of Divine Blessing. Should they retreat first and switch from positional warfare to mobile warfare? "

Ye Xiu shook his head slightly and said, "Thunderbolt will not give them this chance. And even if it turns into a mobile battle, it will only be a little troublesome. Zhao Yuzhe can no longer withstand the long-range firepower. Fighting while retreating will only be a slow suicide." At this time, Wu Xiao should kill Hui Feng at all costs, even if he kills Fang Rui and Zhao Yuzhe, it doesn't matter."

Qiu Fei was indeed brought out by Ye Xiu. In judging the situation, the master and the disciple were exactly the same.

Yuhenfengkuang: Can't retreat, cover me, kill back to the wind.

In one sentence, the ghosts, suspicions, and time changes all started to move.

Lance: Don’t push too hard, press the blood line.

The Thunder also adjusted their tactics for the Priest.

Liu Hao already understood that Qiu Fei could not be stopped today.

Yuhenfengkuang, the new Loli character, has too many weird things about her, and she cannot be regarded as an ordinary battle mage.

Since you can't defend your own priest, you have to get rid of the whistling priest before the returning wind dies. If you try hard to deal with the damage, it will definitely be the blood-less Whistle that won’t be able to withstand it first.

Liu Hao's judgment was correct. Facing two opponents of the same profession, Zhao Yuzhe was the first to fail.

Ruan Yongbin knew that at this moment, Shao Guangzhan's long-range firepower was more important than his priest's treatment, so he put the Holy Light Shield on the elemental mage.

Fang Rui left Liu Hao to Guo Haoran, who had just arrived, and went to stop Fang Xuecai. However, in this way, both parties were slightly at a disadvantage.

The key to winning or losing this battle lies in which side can defeat the opponent's priest first.

The divine light that the healer is chanting is a very powerful area-of-effect healing skill. Under the light curtain cast by the skill, all friendly characters can receive powerful treatment.

However, the shortcomings of this skill are not small. One is that the range is not very large. The characters being treated need to be together and will be easily covered by the opponent's range attack. Another is that maintaining skills will continue to consume mana. If the time is longer, it will affect battery life.

However, the healer had to continue chanting the light of divine blessing. As long as Ruan Yongbin dares to interrupt this skill, the ghosts and healers who are fighting fiercely with their opponents will be beaten to a dangerous red blood state every second.

Just because Lei Lei didn't guard the priest, it didn't mean that Qiu Fei was left alone. Without Liu Hao's command, Dai Yanqi and He Ming were able to fight two against one with ease. They took turns turning the fire, not asking for much damage, but just trying to interfere with Yu Henfeng Kuang's attack rhythm, so that the battle mage could never execute an efficient combo. .

This sporadic and random interference made Qiu Fei more uncomfortable than continuous restraint. The single skill damage of Luan Wenliu is not high, and it relies on continuous attacks for continuous output. The Thunder's current style of play is a very effective way to deal with this situation.

Di Lingfeng's hand speed was gone, but his consciousness was still there. He attached a slow-acting but long-lasting recovery spell to each of Lance, Luanlu Yinchen and Eternal Heart, and then seized every gap to heal himself with an instant healing spell. The mana cost of Return Wind is also huge, but compared to Soul Healer, it is much easier.

"Wuxiao is in big trouble." Ye Xiu said with a slight frown, "I thought there would be some confusion in Thunder's command. I didn't expect them to trust Liu Hao so much. Fang Xuecai actually didn't grab the command right at all."

Qiao Yifan asked: "There is a problem with Thunder's command? What do you say, senior?"

Ye Xiu smoked a cigarette, held it in his hand but did not light it. He sniffed it to get drunk, and then replied: "Thunderbolt's original tactics were deeply influenced by Xiao Shiqin, and his style was extremely meticulous and strict. And Liu Haoxue Excellent Era's tactics are very flexible. The two approaches are somewhat different. At this time before the season, there should be no way to perfectly integrate them. If you look at Excellent Era's first round against Linhai, the team tactics are as follows: It seems a bit jerky. Apparently even Xiao Shiqin has not been able to solve this problem for the time being. If Linhai hadn't been so bad and Sun Xiang was in such good condition, the last Excellent Era might have capsized in the gutter at home!"

Qiao Yifan thought about it for a moment, nodded slightly and agreed with Ye Xiu's judgment. Then he remembered something and asked doubtfully: "But I saw that the Thunder's first round of tactics was very smooth."

Ye Xiu smiled and said, "This is just a coincidence. In the away game, when there are not so many preparations, the Thunder's tactics are dominated by the forwards. And his tactical concept originated from Yu Wenzhou, but he is the best at coordinating teammates with different styles. There are With him as the core, the Thunder's tactics kept swinging between the two styles, making it harder for teams with weaker strengths to resist. Today I saw Yu Feng was the first to leave the game, and I thought this weakness of the Thunder would be exposed, but I didn't expect Liu Hao is actually able to do this."

While talking, Liu Hao made another tactical adjustment based on the development of the situation on the field.

Lance: A range attack that focuses on fire and heals the spirit.

Seeing this line of words, Qiao Yifan suddenly realized and shouted: "No!"

Because the mana consumption of Divine Blessing Light is very high, the Howling team members around the Soul Healer all hope to make full use of this skill. They all stand under the light of the Holy Realm. Even Guo Haoran's Jiangnan Heroes No exception.

Liu Hao saw the opportunity and asked his teammates to launch range attacks centered on the spirit healer. Even if it can't severely damage the opponent, it can still break up Whistling's formation in one fell swoop.

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