Glory of tactics

Thirty-five Time God Time Pit

Soft Mist resumed her attack.

Even though she had been knocked down once, Tang Rou had no intention of changing her fighting style at all, and she continued to run rampant and brave as before.

Qiu Fei knew that once Tang Rou successfully attacked her, she would be a very troublesome opponent.

Therefore, Qiu Fei did not simply attack or run away blindly, but took a step back and used soft and hard rhythms to suppress Tang Rou's attacks, both soft and hard, to prevent her from unleashing her momentum.

Luoxing Ruyu sometimes uses low-level combat skills to attack, sometimes distances herself and uses elemental mage skills to restrain her, and occasionally throws out one or two alchemy items, constantly disrupting Tang Rou's attack rhythm, making her attacks always intermittent and unable to form any formations. routine.

Tang Rou's fight was very frustrating. She increased her hand speed several times, hoping to use sharper attacks to knock down Luoxing Ruyu.

However, Qiu Fei's maximum hand speed is not lower than hers, and he is very familiar with the battle mage's skills and fighting styles. Sometimes, Han Yanrou has just taken a pose, and the light effects of the skills have not yet appeared, and the falling stars are like rain. Corresponding response postures have been put in place.

Or use a skill with a faster activation speed to strike first, forcing Tang Rou to change her tactics.

Or step forward and place the broom in the path of the war spear, and use a simple parry to block the battle mage's ultimate move that requires five or six button presses.

Or simply take a step or two back and walk directly to a position where the skills cannot reach, leaving Han Yanrou with a completely useless effort.

No statistical plug-in is needed. Almost all bystanders can tell through visual inspection that Qiu Fei was able to fight Tang Rou's fierce and continuous attacks with ease, completely resolving it with only a few movements. And his counterattacks from time to time would either take away a chunk of Han Yanrou's health, or force her to take a few steps back and interrupt the attack.

The five members of Yi Zhan who were watching were dazzled. Although they have entered the professional league, their actual level is not necessarily higher than Tang Rou. Seeing this crushing situation, everyone felt cold in their hearts.

"Qiu Fei is so powerful!" Wen Kebei said in surprise. He uses a battle mage, so he understands Tang Rou's strength better than the others, and he also understands Qiu Fei's strength better.

"It's a good fight." Ye Xiu took over the words from the side, "The level of this magic scholar is comparable to that of Wang Jiexi when he first debuted."

Wen Kebei knew that Qiu Fei was a dual professional player, so he asked: "So how high is his fighting skills?"

In front of the screen, Ye Xiu squinted his eyes and replied: "It's almost... it can be regarded as the number one combat method in active service."

Tang Rou's hand speed and endurance were outstanding. During the All-Star Weekend at the beginning of the year, she relied on these two qualities to defeat Du Ming, who was on the championship team.

But in front of Qiu Fei, Tang Rou herself was the first to show signs of decline.

Qiu Fei's effective operations were much higher than hers.

Tang Rou fought with all her strength, but Qiu Fei only took it a little seriously.

What's more, if you attack for a long time, you will definitely lose something.

Many of Han Yanrou's skills were on cooldown and could not keep up with Tang Rou's violent attack rhythm, so she began to increase the number of normal attacks.

And Qiu Fei was waiting for this stage!

Luo Xing Ru Yu used gravity acceleration to deflect the war spear, and once again deceived herself to come to the battle mage's side. Then, before she could take out her Luohua Palm, she used a simple dragon tooth to control her opponent again.

In the previous stalemate, the two sides were evenly matched, each consuming about 20% of their health. However, the remaining one-third of Han Yanrou was no different from red blood in front of Qiu Fei.

With another set of combos, Luoxing Ruyu defeated Han Yanrou cleanly. The Demonic Scholar still had 78% of his health remaining, which was considered a great victory.

Tang Rou never gave up and shouted to come again after leaving the arena, but Baozi, who knew her temperament well, beat her to it.

The five members of Yi Zhan are all second generation rich, and there are no hooligans, so Baozi Invasion's equipment has not improved much.

He is also very familiar with the gangster Qiu Fei. Although Baozi is the one who takes the unconventional route, the strength gap between the two is too big, and this second PK still presents a crushing situation.

After playing less than five skills each, Baozi Invasion was found to have flaws. The headbutt missed, and he was beaten to the ground by Luoxing Ruyu's gravity-accelerated slap. Then he was swept up and picked up, and the combo process began.

Qiu Fei's routines are precise, dense and highly versatile. How he beat Han Yanrou just now, now he moved to Baozi Invasion, it was still the same method. Not even the order and timing of skills have been changed.

Bao Rongxing's struggle was much more casual than Tang Rou's. Sometimes when it is not a good opportunity to escape, he will throw out a brick or a handful of sand.

If it were an ordinary player, he might really interfere with him and break the combo.

But Qiu Fei was much stronger than Baozi. Just relying on his positioning, Luoxing Ruyu ignored the props thrown out by the gangsters, and a poisonous broom flew up and down, constantly shortening his health bar.

Because of Baozi's extremely unstable state, Qiu Fei was more afraid of him than Tang Rou.

After the broom whirlwind retreated and knocked the gangster away, the magician did not have time to wait for him to come back. Instead, he sent his remaining yong to chase the rogue, mounted the broom and chased him to death without giving Bao Rongxing any chance to breathe.

In terms of real strength, Baozi was slightly inferior to Tang Rou, but his out-of-the-box thinking and strange operations caused more trouble for Qiu Fei than Tang Rou.

In a situation where the child was obviously being beaten unilaterally, Baozi's manipulation also made Qiu Fei fall into the trap.

Baozi Invasion threw a punch out of thin air. It looked like he was just parrying it with a normal attack, but it was actually a sting shot that was delayed but not thrown.

Qiu Fei just thought that he was too incompetent and had no time to use his skills to parry, so he didn't care. He was prepared to take such a blow. He used his equipment to offset the weak stiffness. At the same time, he sprinkled dispersing powder to slow down the gangster and use the time to use the second move. .

Both sides were hit by the opponent's skill effects, but Dispelling the Powder was a soft control. No matter how slow Baozi Invasion's moves were, he could still use any big move before the magician recovered from the paralysis.

Overlord punches in succession.

When Baozi gets a chance, he just hits the strongest one, without considering the connection and coordination of skills at all.

Even when the ultimate move was about to end, Baozi did not have the consciousness to actively interrupt the skill and use moves such as chokeholds to control the magician first. Instead, he allowed the finishing move of the Overlord's punches to send the falling stars flying away like rain.

The outbreak of buns appeared suddenly and faded hastily. Just like an epiphyllum, it fades as soon as it blooms, leaving no time for viewers to cheer.

When the gangster and the magician met again, it was another one-sided situation. Until the end of the game, he was unable to offer any effective resistance.

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