Glory of tactics

Eighty version update coming

Turning off the computer, Qiu Fei went to the cafeteria.

Online game players often stay up all day and night when they are high, and they don't have time to take care of meals, but professional players generally have a strict schedule - although most people don't strictly follow it.

Qiu Fei himself also didn't take the timetable seriously, but he didn't bother to go against the schedule if there was no special reason, so he gave people the impression of following the rules.

Compared with traditional sports, e-sports does not have so many dietary taboos. The chef in the cafeteria shows off his skills, making the food delicious, salty, sweet and spicy. If it weren't for the fast metabolism of young people, I'm afraid half of them would be fat.

Qiu Fei has a gentle temperament, but he is a bit arrogant in his heart. After preparing the food and carrying the plate, he likes to find an empty table, sit alone, and eat in silence.

As time went by, everyone knew about his temper and stopped getting along with him. Although there is an ancient adage in the tradition that you should eat without talking and sleep without talking, most Chinese people still like to talk nonsense while eating and sleeping.

Qiu Fei was eating when suddenly a food plate fell in front of him, and someone sat down on the seat opposite. He looked up and saw that it was captain Lin Jingyan. Knowing that he probably had something to say, he nodded and quickly put the food into his mouth.

Lin Jingyan ate much less than Qiu Fei, and the two of them finished their lunch at about the same time. They pushed their plates aside and started talking.

Lin Jingyan said: "We will organize a dungeon refresh in the afternoon."

Qiu Fei was stunned for a moment, then remembered that because he had an extra day off, today is December 3rd, Tuesday, the day for the version update. He couldn't help but said: "Captain Lin, isn't it too late to fight the dungeon in the afternoon? The first kill must have been robbed!"

Lin Jingyan gave a bitter smile and said: "They have already been robbed, but not in the morning, but in the early morning. Ye Xiu, that guy, didn't sleep in the middle of the night and was refreshing his notebook. In the morning, he joined forces with Wang Jiexi and took away several coins with the first kill. . But we didn’t gain anything at all. Lao Ma, Xiao Zheng, Xiao Sun, Xiao Lu, and Xiao Wei scored the first kills of two dungeons and got some pretty good orange equipment.

The little Zheng Lin Jingyan refers to is Zheng Yong, who has just retired and is now working with Ma Juncheng in the Guild Club. Xiao Sun is Sun Leshi, and he is a sparring partner for the first team along with Xiao Lu Lubin and Xiao Wei Wei Wuzhou. The competitive level of some of them is not up to the requirements of the last game, but they are still much higher than ordinary players. Even the elites of the Grand Guild could not defeat the copy, but together they could easily capture it without any effort.

Qiu Fei suddenly said: "Captain, you have already made arrangements. No wonder I felt that there were several people missing in the room this morning."

Lin Jingyan nodded and said: "Before we gathered, they went to rest. Xiao Sun just summarized a report and went to bed. Now we have four preliminary strategies for five people. I put the document on FTP and will wait. You can gather a group of people and level up according to the strategy."

"Okay." Qiu Fei agreed.

Lin Jingyan added: "I'm going to put Xiao Zhao and the newly arrived Da Shu and Xiao Shu in your group. I think you are both young people and should be able to get familiar with each other soon. What do you think?"

Qiu Fei frowned slightly. The members of the leveling team naturally cooperate with each other the better. Adding two unfamiliar teammates who don't know their style and characteristics will definitely lead to a loss of efficiency. However, Lin Jingyan is right about one thing. There is no generation gap between people of similar age, and it will definitely be faster to develop a tacit understanding. Thinking about the Shu sisters' scores in the skill improvement training, Qiu Fei relaxed a little and said, "No problem."

Lin Jingyan said hello, and then continued: "The league is suspended for a week, and we can have more than ten days to level up. It will definitely be no problem to upgrade to level 75. But the upgrade of silver equipment will not be able to keep up so quickly. I have taken a look at the equipment that Lao Ma and the others produced this morning, and there are many of them that are top-notch that can compete with level 70 silver equipment. There are some new attributes that can change the playing style of certain professions. Please sort them out carefully.

Then we find a time to discuss it. "

Qiu Fei agreed immediately. He could see that Lin Jingyan was cultivating his own abilities and deliberately set the test questions. However, for Qiu Fei, this was not difficult at all, it was just like giving out points.

At that time, Excellent Era was falling apart due to its downgrade, and many departments were dysfunctional due to the resignation of people. But with Xiao Shiqin here, Qiu Fei already had a ready-made high-scoring answer sheet for the changes in this new version.

But there is one thing that is not so easy to get over, and that is the equipment on Yuhen Kuang.

It's not easy to get all silver equipment, and it's even more difficult to complete a set of top-level silver equipment.

This is not easy, not only the making of equipment, but also the maintenance and upgrading of equipment.

Qiu Fei had always taken care of the entire silver outfit worn by Yu Henfeng Kuang. On the one hand, this is because the upper armor and weapons are two major pieces of equipment that cannot be traded and can only be placed on the Yuhen Crazy account. On the other hand, this set of equipment was produced by Excellent Era, and many of the materials, techniques, formulas and processes used were kept confidential. Wuxiao's technical department has no way to restore these secrets without damaging the equipment.

Nowadays, Qiu Fei's materials for maintaining equipment are all obtained from Xingxin, and he can only make simple repairs. If he wants to continue to upgrade, he still has to rely on Guan Rongfei, Qiu Fei simply can't do it himself.

Well, after reaching the level, I still have to go to Hangzhou, Qiu Fei thought.

After finishing their meal and talking about it, the two of them put the rice bowl in the recycling bin and went about whatever they had to do.

The impact of the updated version was so great that even the league was suspended. But in a small way, it can't change the normal routine of professional players.

As usual, Qiu Fei went to the gym for a slow walk of two to three kilometers on the treadmill after lunch.

This is a habit taught by Ye Xiu, but it seems that he rarely does it himself, especially after coming out of Excellent Era Building and settling into the Internet cafe opposite.

When we returned to the training room, almost everyone was there. Guo Yang, Xiao Lu, Xiao Wei and others who had not shown their faces for several mornings all showed up with dark circles under their eyes. Obviously, not many people can resist the charm of the new version.

The reason for the five-person version, but only a four-person team, is because the vacant position is for healing. For professional players, it is normal to not need treatment at all.

Zhao Yuzhe and the Shu sisters couldn't bear it and ran to fight wild monsters. When they looked up and saw team leader Qiu Fei coming in, they reluctantly returned to the city to prepare equipment and medicine.

Qiu Fei, however, read the strategy document carefully and recalled Xiao Shiqin's playing style when he led the team. Finally, he put all three of them into the team and started the afternoon upgrade journey.

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