Glory of tactics

One hundred and three Lu Yining continues the past and connects the future

The score in the first half was 3:2, which seemed to be a stalemate, but in fact, both teams had their own priorities and both scored the points they deserved.

The team match worth 5 points in the second half is the key to both sides' careful preparation and full competition.

Yanyu's team competition is relatively weak among the top eight in the standings, having lost four of the previous fifteen rounds.

However, Whistling didn't fare much better. They also lost four games in the team competition.

The two teams are currently ranked fifth and eighth in the standings respectively. The difference in points is mainly due to the difference in one-on-one strength, as the score in the first half shows.

Nine months ago, the last Jiangnan Derby was also played at Yanyu’s home court. At that time, Wuxiao lost 2:8, and the score was ugly.

This time the roaring comeback has gone through quite detailed preparations in terms of team competition tactics, and everyone wants to avenge their past humiliation.

Compared with that game, the personnel of both sides have changed to some extent.

Yanyu's veteran Xu Ru retired, and the sixth player Lu Yining stepped up.

On Wuxiao's side, substitute Cavaliers player Lin Zhenhe retired, and the two main players, Fang Rui and Qiu Fei, both changed careers.

Although the tactical systems of both teams will not be overturned and rebuilt, changes in personnel will always bring something new.

After the team competition started, both Yanyu and Wuxiao focused on attacking the opponent's changed position.

After Xu Ru retires, how to fill her vacant position is a difficult problem facing the two captains of Yanyu, Chu Yunxiu and Li Hua. This is the main reason why Yanyu's record was turbulent at the beginning of this season.

Chu Yunxiu tried a variety of lineup changes, and suffered defeats and bitter battles. In the end, she stabilized this position and chose Lu Yining to start instead of Bai Qi, who was equally powerful as him.

The main reason is that Lu Yining's sharpshooter has more tactical functions than Bai Qi's swordsman.

In the front row of Yanyu were Sun Liang, who had been an All-Star once, and Li Hua, who was currently an All-Star. If you add a melee swordsman, the tactical changes will be limited.

However, the mid-range and long-range sharpshooters were able to stay behind when Chu Yunxiu launched the assault, covering and supporting the attack, and protecting the treatment.

The rise of Zhou Zekai proved that sharpshooters also had strong melee abilities, which influenced many subsequent sharpshooters.

However, Lu Yining still uses the traditional medium and long-range suppressive sharpshooter style. He has studied gun skills, but is not proficient in them. Of course, Yanyu's team doesn't need their substitute sharpshooter to be good at close combat.

Retired Xu Ru's role on the court is also mainly to provide support and cover.

To replace the Summoner, the best profession should actually be the Mechanic. However, in the league, excellent summoners are as rare as mechanics, and they are a type that cannot be bought.

Xiao Shiqin's transfer was an exception. It seemed very sudden, but secretly they had been hooking up for an unknown amount of time before completing the deal. Tactical status, the right to speak in the team, as well as the funds and personnel transactions involved in the transfer, almost every one of these items cannot be afforded by Yanyu.

Yanyu has no new summoners or mechanics to introduce, so they can only tap their own potential and transform Lu Yining's play style.

In the dozen rounds of games that have ended this season, Lu Yining's concealment has defeated the mechanical tracking and predator more than once. The former can be said to be a low-level universal weapon of the gun type, while the latter can only be cast through crafting skills.

Mechanic is the most special one in the gun system. Most of the profession-specific skills can be used not by guns, but by relying on the prop machine box placed in the package.

The mechanical box takes up a lot of weight, so almost all guns that don't use the mechanic will give up this item after turning.

In order to achieve the tactical effect of only two skills, a lot of weight was added, which in turn led to a decline in the character's strength. Lu Yining's sacrifices,

Only those who know how can see it.

This season, his personal data has dropped a lot compared to last season. The honor of Best Sixth Man cannot help him enter the All-Star ranks.

However, Yanyu's team competition became better and better with the integration of Lu Yining. In the last round away game, Tiny Herb was overthrown, and it was because of his silent efforts.

Being in the same province, Wu Xiao and Yan Yu were natural enemies, and Lin Jingyan always tried to figure out Yan Yu's tactics. Lu Yining is the key point for Yanyu to connect the past and the future. How could he not see it?

Qiu Fei's mission today is no longer to pester the opponent's top priority, but to stare at Lu Yining!

Before the game, Lin Jingyan said to Qiu Fei: "In this team competition, Li Hua should be left to Fang Rui to deal with, Chu Yunxiu should be left to me and Xiao Zhao, and you focus on Lu Yining. No matter what happens to our other positions, Don't worry about it, just send Lu Yining away!"

Qiu Fei's tactical ability is quite average, and his overall outlook is also average. His advantage is his strong execution ability. Since Lin Jingyan said that he should concentrate on dealing with Lu Yining, he controlled Yu Henfeng to pursue Yu cover up and attack fiercely, and ignored other things. Even when Feng Xiangming's floating light and gold were exposed alone in his field of vision, Qiu Fei didn't take a second look.

Without Qiu Fei, it will be more difficult for Wuxiao to play other positions.

Fang Rui held Li Hua and Sun Liang alone. The strength of these two people was not inferior to him, and together they beat Fang Rui to the point of moaning.

Gas-hungry root opened the steel and iron bones early to save his life. As a result, the ninja Lin Ancao was shocked and could not get close. However, a boxing master who has reached the sky in eight steps still has steel and iron bones, and Fang Rui is still at a loss after a round of strong attacks.

Fang Rui's gangster style of play was unconventional. He rarely stood still when facing the enemy, and used every move to attack the right one.

The root of fuel consumption is always short and fast running horizontally, supplemented by rolling jumps, and doing back-circling with half the effort.

This style of play can easily make the opponent dizzy when dealing with inexperienced rookies. But in front of experienced veterans, simple movement rarely takes advantage.

In a one-on-two situation, opponents can take care of each other. It will be more difficult to achieve results if the fuel-consuming root jumps up and down.

Fang Rui tried his best to use the oil-consuming root to roll on the ground, and secretly fired a poisonous needle, breaking the steel frame of the Eight Steps to the Sky. But before he could connect with a flying brick, the gangster had to jump back to avoid Lin Ancao's back-to-back head-binding technique.

The fighter plane disappeared as soon as it appeared, and he recovered from the stiffness after eight steps to the sky. Even though he no longer had a tyrant body, the tyrannical judgment and huge power of the Overlord Fist forced Hao Jigen to continue to dodge.

Even if the steel and iron bones were not afraid of being blown away and reducing the damage, Fang Rui was not willing to take advantage of this attack. Although since the beginning of the war, the fuel consumption has mainly been due to counterattacks and exchanges, and there has been no combo attack by the opponent, the rogue's health is still very unhealthy, and he is about to fall below half health.

Wuxiao's healer couldn't even care about Fang Rui. If it weren't for his support, Lin Jingyan and Zhao Yuzhe would have almost been defeated by Chu Yunxiu alone!

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