Glory of tactics

One hundred and twenty-one New Year’s Eve

Although Yuhenfengkuang's early exit did not affect Wuxiao's final victory, Qiu Fei still blamed himself. After returning to the base, he reviewed the game over and over again, reflecting on every decision he made, analyzing every operation he made, and improving his awareness and skills, not wanting this scene to happen again in future games.

Lin Jingyan saw that he looked wrong on the plane, so he originally planned to enlighten him when he came back. However, seeing how hard he worked, Lin Jingyan gave up the idea and went to prepare for the next round of competition.

Wuxiao's opponent in the next round is still not strong, it is Mingqing, the relegation team last season.

Mingqing's record in December was disastrous, scoring only two small points in three rounds. However, after facing Tiny Herb, Blue Rain and Excellent Era in succession, no one in the relegation zone dared to say that they could do better.

And in these three rounds, Mingqing seemed to be willing to give up. In the last round, when they met their direct competitor Yueyun, they immediately started to tremble. With a 7:3 game, he consolidated his position as the leader of the relegation zone.

In this year's league, teams at all levels have a distinct feeling.

The top eight playoff teams all have over 100 points before the All-Star weekend. And now in ninth place, Void, who has played one more round, has not yet reached 90.

301, Huangfeng and He Wu could barely keep up with Void, with points between 80 and 74.

The relegation zone is actually divided into two parts.

From Mingqing to Yueyun, five teams were huddled together, with only an 8-point difference between them.

If we follow last year's situation, Baihua, which was eventually relegated, will actually be similar to the current Mingqing. But looking at how the top players are competing for points this year, the relegation line may be significantly lowered to around 100.

The three teams currently stuck in the relegation quagmire, Fengluo, Linhai and Shiguang, currently average less than 2.5 points per game. It seems to be much better than last year's Xuanqi, which was at the bottom, but the key to relegation is no longer the efficiency of scoring points, but just how to score more points than the two brothers.

The league entered a new stage after the All-Star Weekend, and so did the Challenge Tournament that Happy participated in. All online competitions ended, and twenty teams were finally selected to enter the offline competition.

From more than 10,000 to 20,000 teams, to the last 20 teams, in the long months of single elimination, Xingxin did not meet Baihua in advance. Xingxin's luck was pretty good, but this good luck was in the offline competition. It’s gone.

In the group stage and knockout stage, as long as they still want to go to the league, as long as they keep winning, Baihua is the hurdle that they will definitely encounter, and they will have to overcome it sooner or later.

As for whether Baihua would be eliminated early by the other two teams with the same professional background, Ye Xiu had never considered this possibility. Just like Shuanghua over there, they never thought that Ye Xiu and Su Mucheng would not be able to meet them.

The group draw on the 18th is crucial. Although each group has two qualifying spots, an early encounter will allow Happy to reveal many of his cards.

Tang Rou, Mo Fan, An Wenyi, and Wei Chen are all types with very obvious characteristics, and they are also particularly easy to target. Especially the first three require high-intensity formal competitions to accumulate experience. The later they meet Baihua, the better their condition can be adjusted. Moreover, Wei Chen actually needs some games to restore his competitive state and regain his feeling for the game.

The training ended on Saturday afternoon. Even though there was a league match against Mingqing in the evening, Qiu Fei was still distracted by Happy's group situation and made a special phone call to inquire.

The result was God's wish, and Xingxin entered Group B, which was in two halves of Group C with Baihua, and they had to wait until the finals to meet them.

After receiving the good news, Qiu Fei was extremely excited during the evening match. He was the first to appear in the ring, and then he solved the whole problem by himself.

Shi Zhibo, Wan Yifu and Wei Guangji's two swords and one spear are all mainstream professions in single combat. However, the three of them combined were able to knock out more than half of Yu Henfeng Kuang's health.

Wan and Wei were even more unbalanced in their mentality, and they also performed abnormally in the subsequent games, causing their already weak team to lose in 10 minutes.

In this game, Qiu Fei played a rare one-on-three performance, which was so majestic that he was naturally named the best player in this round. All of a sudden, the praises came pouring in. And because Qiu Fei's contract is about to expire, there are several reports claiming that the wealthy Samsara and Tiny Herb are interested in bringing in this young player whose strength is close to that of the Five Saints.

However, Qiu Fei is not a fish. He still clearly remembers how he was ridiculed and ridiculed by the media just a week ago. Ignoring them doesn't mean that Qiu Fei is emotionless. He has a good record and he has more confidence to speak.

Qiu Fei logged into Weibo, which he seldom uses, and wrote: I had a great time during the days of Wuxiao, but now I won’t go anywhere.

As usual, Qiu Fei clearly expressed his willingness to stay, and the club should respond positively and expedite negotiations on a new contract.

Wuxiao was not rich, but that was only compared to those wealthy families. With a maximum salary comparable to Fang Rui's, offering another one wouldn't cause too much pressure.

After all, veterans such as Lin Jingyan have retired or are about to retire, and many newcomers have been promoted, leaving a large amount of salary space. In addition, the team has performed well in the past two years and its income has increased. There is no reason why the club should not offer a large contract to retain the heroes who have changed the game.

However, the fact is that the process of the new contract has indeed stalled, but it is not because of rumors that there is discord within the team and some people are dissatisfied with Qiu Fei, but because of changes in the club's top management. It is said that even the major shareholder is about to be replaced.

This kind of news should also be an earthquake for a well-run team. However, since the incident occurred before the Chinese New Year, the first team and various departments were not affected at all. Everyone dispersed and went back to their homes.

Because Qiu Fei had promised to go home this year, he didn't delay. He simply packed his luggage and set off on his way home alone.

The life of the first team seems busy, with many things to do, and they have to travel all over the place to play games, but when you look deeper, it is much more regular than his days in the training camp.

I have a plan for my daily routine, rest, and diet. After my trumpet level reaches full, I rarely stay up late anymore. In addition, Qiu Fei insists on exercising every day, both in physical condition and mental outlook. Qiu Fei is in excellent condition and has grown steadily. Normally I don't feel it, but when I got home, I discovered that I was already 1.78 meters tall, which was taller than my eldest and second brother who had already grown up.

Lou Guanning, a group of young men from the capital city, was not satisfied with being able to make waves in online games, so they had to form their own team to play in the professional league.

The second-generation people in the south are similar. There are not a few who play Glory, but there is a slight gap in their level.

On the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Qiu Fei, a great all-star player, was invited to be a gunner and play a betting match without any honors.

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