Glory of tactics

One hundred and thirty-eight serial battleships

Tang San fights: Everyone reports their points.

Almost as soon as the picture was fully displayed, Lin Jingyan's first command order for this game's team competition came out. He had recognized the map, the chain of warships.

The wide sea surface is like a chessboard, with hundreds of large and small warships scattered at random. The warships are connected by iron cables, some are suspended in the air, some are submerged underwater, and some are hidden in the undulating waves.

There are usually small boats on the outside of the map, and there are more big boats towards the middle.

The birth points of the two teams of ten people are on the outer sampan boats, randomly distributed in their respective halves.

Rain hates the wind: 478, 241.

Qiu Fei reported his location, then took a look at the small map and found that his birth point was very far away. It was almost on the left side of the map near the center line, and it was quite far away from the nearest fuel consumption root.

Yuhenfengkuang: w2g?

Since he was very unfamiliar with this map, Qiu Fei did not dare to act rashly and sent out a phrase to ask Lin Jingyan how he should act.

Tang San hit: 233, 308. First come to the big ship here to gather.

Qiu Fei observed the three ships nearby. The two iron ropes behind and on the side were both underwater. Only the one in front of them leading to the enemy camp was dangling in mid-air.

Of course, it is impossible for professional players not to practice water mapping. Swimming and fighting in the water is not difficult. But when they can avoid going into the water, they try not to enter the water.

This is not because the character is afraid of losing blood due to lack of oxygen, but because when moving underwater, the movement will be slowed down by the resistance of the water, making it difficult to resist attacks from the surface.

Qiu Fei thought quickly and decided to go around.

Under the beating of the sea wind and waves, the ship swayed slightly, and the iron cable suspended between the two ships swayed even more, often shaking as wide as a person's body.

If you want to walk on the iron rope, the operation is quite difficult, and you will fall if you are not careful.

Perhaps for ordinary people, swimming honestly is the right way to cross this map.

However, for a master like Qiu Fei, the difficulties caused by the map are just trivial and can be overcome with a little seriousness.

Yu Henfeng was holding a long stick and running quickly on the iron rope. The speed of advancement is only slightly slower than on flat ground. Her perspective rotated wildly, scanning her feet regularly, but most of the time, she was alert to the movements of the ships ahead and on the left and right sides.

Yuhenfengkuang can be born near the midline, and the opponent must have this probability, and the map is chosen by the opponent, so it is entirely possible that he will be discovered and ambush him immediately.

The non-attributed dazzling pattern produced by the automatic dazzling text flew out. Qiu Fei did not immediately break it into pieces and step on the movement speed halo as usual, but kept it by his side in case of emergency.

The battle mage jumped up and jumped from the end of the chain to the second ship. He looked around and found no one. Then Qiu Fei chose a horizontal iron rope and rushed decisively towards the third ship.

Time change: I found that I was making progress at every step, around 75 and 180, and was suppressing.

Fang Fengran actually started the game? Qiu Fei was slightly surprised. He was from Excellent Era after all, and when he heard the account, he remembered who the operator was.

Fang Fengran's strength is limited and he rarely has the chance to play, so when preparing for the game, he was not included at all.

But after thinking about it, Qiu Fei realized that today's map was really suitable for the gun type. Moreover, simple long-distance shooting is not enough to force out Fang Fengran's operational shortcomings.

Zhao Yuzhe reported that he had the upper hand because the elemental mage had a greater range than the sharpshooter. When the distance between the two parties gets closer, it will be the elemental mage who needs to read the attack, which will be more disadvantageous.

Since the exchange of fire started in one place first, the preset battlefield will naturally change. Lin Jingyan quickly adjusted the new gathering coordinates, and both he and Ruan Yongbin were closer to Zhao Yuzhe.

Reinforcements were sent immediately.

Lightning broke through the sky, ice cones shot out, and the magic of time and space showed off its power. After Bu Bu Weiying entered the attack range, he refused to give in. The bullets formed a fire whip and he was whipped back forcefully, forcing the elemental mage to activate the magic shield to maintain the frontal offensive firepower.

While on the road, Qiu Fei estimated the positions of both parties on the small map. In the roaring team battle system, Qiu Fei has a high degree of tactical freedom. Lin Jingyan gave him no less treatment than Huang Shaotian, and he could decide whether to outflank his opponent's rear.

Soul Healer: Be careful, the match is coming.

Oil-hungry roots: Discovering One Autumn Leaf.

The messages about his teammates that flashed out continuously helped Qiu Fei make up his mind in an instant. Qiu Fei could almost guess where the priest in the back row of Excellent Era should be.

As soon as he wanted to leave, Yu Henfeng Kuang suddenly stopped, retreated to the last ship, shattered the Xuan pattern, and then changed direction and plunged deep into the enemy camp.

The change in Qiu Fei's route caused a burst of exclamation from the spectators.

Pan Lin shouted: "It's over! He actually saw it! Incredible!"

Li Yibo also shouted excitedly: "Yu Henfeng rushed towards the warship where Zhi Ying was! He shouldn't have the perspective to see the opponent's position, but I don't believe it. This is just pure consciousness! The one closest to Zhi Ying Life is extinguished, and there are still three ships between us. No one can stop Qiu Fei from killing Shadow Weaver! Excellent Era has a bad start, and the priest may not even have any effect and will have to leave!"

From a third-party perspective, the audience could clearly see that the priest of Excellent Era was lying on the deck, crawling like an earthworm, retreating in the direction from which he had just come up.

Zhang Jiaxing also had a bad time. As a core member of the team, the pastor was born in a corner and was out of touch with the larger team. After finally arriving at the battlefield, he had just boarded a large ship. Before he showed his head, he saw the rain and wind rushing past in front of him. He was so frightened that he quickly retracted and secretly prayed that he had not been exposed just now.

After being a teammate for a while, Zhang Jiaxing naturally knew clearly how capable Qiu Fei was. He knew that he was really going to be discovered. Facing Yuhenfeng Kuang alone, he might not be able to survive even half a minute. While calling his teammates to come over for support, Zhang Jiaxing also operated his priest to retreat.

Zhang Jiaxing was very cautious during a series of movements, for fear of being seen by Qiu Fei. However, he was afraid of nothing, and he found that Yu Henfeng Kuang had run too far, turned around, turned around, and rushed towards him.

"It's over! It's over!" Zhang Jiaxing muttered, but he did not sit still and wait for death. He maneuvered the priest to lean against the side of the ship, and then prepared his charging skills. As soon as they meet each other, jump up and flip into the water, dragging as many teammates as possible to support them.

Apart from being frightened, Zhang Jiaxing also wondered when Qiu Fei saw him. You must know that Shadow Weaver's movement when uploading to the ship is very small, and the observation is through the gap in the female wall. From a distance, there should be nothing unusual.

"What bad luck!" Zhang Jiaxing sighed dejectedly, but his eyes became sharp. The cross in Zhiying's hand was slightly raised, ready to give Yu Henfeng Kuang a showdown as he was about to board the ship.

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