Glory of tactics

One hundred and eighty-one Don’t be remote

What Pang Bo said makes sense, but it doesn't sound good. Suddenly, boos broke out in the venue, and several protest calls were made to the studio.

Fortunately, Li Yibo completed the rescue on his own without the need for the director to wake him up. He said: "It's just a 10% difference, which is nothing against the Korean team. I can't count how many times I have seen similar reversals. As long as there is a drop of blood, as long as Desert Guyan has not fallen, Tyranny still has hope of winning!"

Li Yibo spoke boldly, but he still felt a little guilty in his heart. After all, Qiu Fei was not an ordinary person.

The Rookie of the Year last year is an All-Star this year.

Those who have held these honors in the past - Wang Jiexi, Zhang Xinjie, Zhou Zekai, Yu Feng, Sun Xiang - are all popular figures in the glory circle today.

Except for Zhang Xinjie, who is on the same team and is a priest, the strength of the other people is only a hair's breadth compared to Han Wenqing.

Now the younger Qiu Fei is 10% ahead of Han Wenqing, who is one year older. No matter how confident Li Yibo is in his old captain, he still feels confident in his heart. Reason told him that Han Wenqing could only hope for a miracle if he wanted to win.

"High kick, forward kick, whirlwind kick, eagle step! Punch!" Li Yibo stubbornly announced the skills performed by Desert Guyan, and suddenly his voice raised by half, and he shouted, "Opportunity! Strike with bare hands!"

"It's a pity that I didn't hit it." Pang Bo continued, "Yu Henfeng's crazy attack was interrupted only halfway and was changed to a sky strike. Desert Guyan went to catch the sky strike, but a dazzling missile flew out from under the stick. Grain! Qiu Fei's little skills were very clever, and Han Wenqing fell into passivity. We can see that Qiu Fei's apm curve is still floating around 560. But Han Wenqing's is less than 400. Boxing is afraid of young strength. Ah! What a terrible future!"

Pang Bo's two sighs became a footnote to the last period of this arena match.

Han Wenqing fought tenaciously. Not only did he make no mistakes, but he also had ingenious designs and used cowardice to impress the battle mage.

But Qiu Fei used his force to defeat the King of Fighters' final counterattack.

When he found that he couldn't avoid the trap, Qiu Fei fired eight dazzling patterns in just one second. The boxing master was so damaged that he had no choice but to give up the pursuit.

Yu Henfeng stood up from the ground, straightened his long stick, pointed at the stubborn opponent opposite, and launched another charge. Although he was red-blooded and might be taken away by his opponent's attack, before that, Desert Guyan had no chance to use his ultimate move.

6% versus 1%, just parrying could kill Desert Guyan.

The game time was fixed at 4 minutes and 46 seconds. The roaring Qiu Fei defeated Captain Tyranny and won the arena match. The score in the first half was fixed at 2:3, with the away team leading.

Back in the lounge, several young teammates were still very excited, but captain Lin Jingyan poured cold water on them in time, reminding everyone that there was still the second half of the game to play.

The glory format, the team competition in the second half, accounts for half of the points. Once you lose, you either lose or draw.

Some people have always felt that this competition system is unreasonable and have called for the adoption of a new competition system. However, after research and study, there are many options, but none is more suitable than the current one.

It is also said that the team competition system of foreign leagues is slightly different from the domestic one. There are no substitutes, and six players start at once. However, after research, it is still the domestic competition system, with more tactical changes.

So after so many years, this matter has been all thunder and no rain, and it is still the same thing now.

Tyranny's record in home team competitions this year is quite terrifying, with no defeat in the previous thirteen home games.

Zhang Xinjie's preparations before the game were very meticulous. Even if the map he chose could not fully exploit his own advantages, it would still be the most uncomfortable for his opponent.

In the last round, Wuxiao caught Yanyu off guard with his dual magic guns. The street fighting map chosen by Tyranny this round completely made the long-range professions unable to perform in an environment.

As soon as he entered the map, Lin Jingyan issued an order to retire the starter, Zhao Yuzhe, and replace him with substitute Guo Yang.

This year Wuxiao is stronger and has a better record, but for Zhao Yuzhe personally, his playing time has dropped significantly.

In the current team competition, Fang Rui, Qiu Fei and Ruan Yongbin are the unbeatable main players. Zhao Yuzhe, old captain Lin Jingyan, Guo Yang, Guo Haoran and the Shu sisters competed for the remaining two main players and one substitute.

Originally, as Zheng Yong's only long-range player after his retirement, Zhao Yuzhe's position as a substitute was secure even if he did not play the main role. But now that the Shu sisters have shown great strength and unique tactical effects, he sometimes can't even sit on the bench.

Although this situation only happens once or twice occasionally, Zhao Yuzhe has already felt the threat and has been training much more seriously recently.

Now that he saw such an environment on the map, although Zhao Yuzhe was reluctant, he still walked into the substitution area obediently to make room for Guo Yang.

Lin Jingyan responded very quickly, but a small delay already caused them to lose the opportunity.

Tyranny was the first to seize the advantageous position, and then at a corner, he pressed forward.

Suddenly encountering the enemy, the roaring formation immediately responded. Tang San, who was walking in the front, retreated slightly; behind him, Yu Henfeng Kuang pushed forward; Gui Mi became invisible and prepared to take the lead; Qi Yun Shui followed the spirit healer and walked two quick steps into the middle of the group.

Wuxiao's formation changes were quite reasonable, with clear layers, strategies and protection. However, Tyranny attacked with all his strength in the first attack, leaving no room for error.

Cun Jin and Steel Iron Bone activated him immediately, and Desert Guyan went straight towards Yuhen Fengkuang, as if he wanted to avenge the one-shot attack on the ring just now.

Boundless Sea followed closely behind the King of Fighters, using his back to block him, and launched his moves secretly and silently.

Two people also surrounded him from behind.

Surprisingly, Zou Yuan was not among them. The first one is the swordsman Jian Fengzhi and the operator Yu Tian, ​​while the other one is Song Qiying and his Changhe Sunset.

A large amount of text instantly appeared on both sides' channels, informing their teammates of the opponent they were facing.

Lin Jingyan had just hit "Hua?" when he saw Yu Henfeng Kuang, who was charging, stagger suddenly, revealing his boss's flaw. He quickly removed the tiles that were holding him, slid forward, and struck twice with uppercuts and slaps. He first helped Qiu Fei receive the fierce double tiger palms of Desert Guyan, and then he also opened the steel and iron bones with a wave of his arms. Fight with the boxing master.

Qiu Fei didn't realize that Han Wenqing actually asked Zhao Yang to use his Sky Splitting Palm to help in the flanking attack, and he suffered a hidden loss. If Lin Jingyan hadn't rescued him in time, he would have lost half of his blood right away.

After standing firm, Yu Henfeng Kuang launched a counterattack against Boundless Hai. Wu Xuan's lines rushed to his face to block his sight, and then he was stabbed by lightning from the angry dragon.

The damage of Raging Dragon's Heart Piercer is not high, but the effect is very powerful and debilitating. The normal response is to either parry or avoid.

However, Zhao Yang had no intention of hiding at all, and directly hit back with a thought dragon wave, forcing Yu Henfeng to roll crazily to avoid it.

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