Glory of tactics

Two hundred and fifty-three 3 rifle physical skills!

Before the game, Wuxiao was more optimistic about Tyranny, which was stronger on paper. Although the battle situation was completely opposite to their predictions, this result actually stimulated their enthusiasm for the next game.

"Regular season rankings don't matter! If Tiny Herb can beat Tyranny, we can also beat Excellent Era!" Fang Rui shouted.

Fang Rui has been under a lot of pressure these past few days. Although he had made a lot of detailed preparations, to be honest, he himself had no idea how effective these tactics would be. Therefore, Fang Rui took this opportunity to cheer himself and his teammates up.

The excitement in the conference room lasted for a while. When he saw the digital clock on the wall jumped to 22:00, Lin Jingyan clapped his hands and said, "Okay, everyone is almost done. It's our turn to play tomorrow. Until then, we will go on stage." Get excited. Now, let’s all go rest and stop discussing it.”

Including Lin Jingyan and Fang Rui, this was their first time playing in the second round of the playoffs. To say that I'm not excited or looking forward to it would be an understatement, but to say that I was so excited that I couldn't even sleep, that's not the case. They are all professional players, and they still have some basic self-control. The noisiest room also returned to quiet around midnight.

At this moment, hundreds of miles away, in the Zhiweiguan Building by the West Lake, there are still many windows with bright lights.

Xiao Shiqin took off his glasses, raised his hands and gently touched his head and face for a while, then stretched, turned his head and looked to the right side, where there was a lot of movement of the keyboard and mouse, and asked, "How long are you going to practice?"

The clicking sounds of the mechanical keyboard sounded like a storm. Sun Xiang straightened his back, shrugged his shoulders, swung his neck slightly, and stared at the screen with piercing eyes, not paying any attention to Xiao Shiqin.

The two have been working together for almost a year, and Xiao Shiqin is already familiar with Sun Xiang's character. He knows that he neither has a problem with him nor is he pretending to be cold. He is simply too absorbed in practice and did not hear his question. That’s all.

Xiao Shiqin stood up from his seat and walked over to ask again.

Before he got close, Sun Xiang felt the change in the light, quickly turned his head and glanced, asking: "What's the matter?"

Xiao Shiqin said: "It's very late, it's time to rest."

Sun Xiang's eyes moved slightly, he glanced at the lower right corner of the screen, nodded and said: "Okay, after this set of exercises, I will rest. Don't be too late yourself."

Xiao Shiqin smiled and said, "I'm almost there too."

The sound of footsteps moved, and the computer room became quiet again, with only the crisp sound of the keyboard and mouse.

From Hangzhou, where Excellent Era is located, to Jinling, where Wuxiao is located, although it is not as close as Suzhou Misty Rain, due to the developed transportation, it can arrive at noon and arrive at night.

The Excellent Era team arrived at the hotel next to the Olympic Sports Center just before evening. After having dinner and taking a short rest, the team walked into the venue.

The lounge arranged by the venue for the visiting team is in good condition and can also provide a conference room. Therefore, Excellent Era did not even book a hotel for this away game. It was as casual as stopping by for a stroll.

However, at eight o'clock, after the game started, the momentum displayed by Excellent Era's players was not casual at all, but instead seemed to be against the guests.

The first half was still an arena match. In the first round, Lin Jingyan faced Wang Ze.

After Excellent Era went through a major blood change, the age of its personnel was the first in the entire league. Therefore, you can be very flexible when arranging the order of players' appearances, and you don't have to worry too much about fatigue recovery.

Looking back at Wuxiao, if Lin Jingyan and Guo Yang want the ring team to appear, they must be placed at the front. Therefore, Wang Ze and Li Rui, who appeared in the first two battles, practiced a lot of targeted routines for the fighting system.

Xiao Shiqin's predictions on small matters were always very reliable. This practice was not in vain. He put it to use in the first game.

With the increase in playing opportunities in the past two years, Wang Ze's skills have improved by leaps and bounds. That is to say, the light on Sun Xiang and Xiao Shiqin was too dazzling.

Covering all his teammates. Otherwise, with Wang Ze's level and Excellent Era's record this year, it is entirely possible for him to occupy a position in the All-Star ranks.

Now, in this long-prepared encounter, facing the veteran master Lin Jingyan, Wang Ze fully demonstrated his superb skills, beating the league's number one gangster to a miserable state.

Lin Jingyan was discussing spear skills with his teammates the night before.

Zhou Zekai relied on the spear technique at a distance of three steps to go head-to-head with heroes from all sides without falling behind. This was almost the limit of this skill.

The other sharpshooters in the league who are good at this skill, such as Wuxiao's Shu sisters and He Wu's Wang Chixuan, are basically at the level of four steps. The level that Qin Muyun showed last night was slightly higher than them all, but it was not a qualitative breakthrough, and he had not yet reached the level of fully mastering the three rifle physical skills.

However, what Wang Ze showed tonight was the extremely complete three-gun physical technique!

The rapid fire is like a point, the stepping shot is like cutting, the green is like a thorn, the bullets are flowing, and it is more dazzling than the sword.

Knees are used to block, sliding shovels are used to dodge, spin kicks are used to swing, legs are flying, as if ghosts are asking for life.

Tang San used his gauntlet move of blocking the tiger and catching the double crescent moon, but was miserably defeated; he used the terrain to distance himself, but before he could take a breath, he was caught up again; he used steel and iron bones to try to make a comeback, but unexpectedly, his opponent Put out the gun stand and also activate the dominating state to fight head-on!

"Old Lin has been completely targeted." Fang Rui's expression turned ugly and he punched the table with hatred.

Gun Taijutsu is not an unsolvable technique. The lack of hegemonic body and rigid body state is the sharpshooter's biggest weakness when competing with melee professions. Although the stable gun mount can provide a dominant body, it loses mobility. At most, it can be regarded as a switch in fighting style, which does not bring much advantage.

If you were an ordinary player and suddenly encountered a sharpshooter who was practicing gun skills and used a stable gun mount, you might be panicked for a while, and then you would think to distance yourself, try to circle your back, and fight the sharpshooter again. However, Lin Jingyan was battle-hardened for a long time, as steady as an old dog, and his rhythm was not messy at all.

Tang San advanced and retreated, using the crafting skill Cloud Body extremely covertly, cutting to the left side of the match.

The hegemonic body that stabilizes the gun mount is different from other hegemonic skills in that it will not be destroyed by grabbing skills, but at the cost of this is the loss of flexibility.

Tang San launched the Overlord Combat Fist brazenly, attacking the sharpshooter's vitals with one punch and one claw. Even with the defense bonus, Match's health still dropped rapidly.

Lin Jingyan didn't panic, and Wang Ze didn't get confused either. The rifle couldn't hit the nimble Tang San, so the match instantly switched to the automatic pistol as the secondary weapon, and fired the ice bullets, a burst of wild fire. The blue torrent was in the ascendant, and endless grenades were scattered from the sharpshooter's other free hand like a goddess scattering flowers.

No one on either side of the battle gave in, and blood flowed. Tang San was a little more efficient, but the pit he planted in the early stage still allowed him to get red blood first.

The two teammates who were still in the lounge became nervous at this time, staring at the screen without even taking a breath.

Because they all know that the outcome will be decided!

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