Glory of tactics

Two hundred and fifty-eight plots

After sending away One Autumn Leaf, Yuhenfengkuang still had more than 40% of his health left. Even though he was going to fight another All-Star player from Excellent Era next, Qiu Fei still had some thoughts.

However, just one minute after tonight's eighth round started, Qiu Fei had already given up his previous thoughts.

"Xiao Shiqin is quite calm!" Seeing the passive scene of Excellent Era's vice-captain, the former player in this position said to the excited teammates beside him.

After playing away in Hangzhou last week, the Thunder have completed all games this season and started their summer vacation. Although the team was disbanded, there were still people who cared about the next game, so Liu Hao and Dai Yanqi, who had both money and leisure, unexpectedly reunited in the stands.

Seeing Xiao Shiqin being beaten by Qiu Fei, Dai Yanqi felt very uncomfortable and tried her best to cheer for the away team players in the crowd of home fans.

Liu Hao felt the unkind glances from all around him and tugged at the girl twice. Seeing that it had no effect, he had to pretend to shock her with shocking words, and then analyzed it in detail: "Don't look at Xiao Shiqin's situation. , but overall he takes the initiative. Let me ask you, is it difficult for Xiao Shiqin to defeat Qiu Fei? Not difficult. But if he continues his efforts and defeats Fang Rui? The possibility is quite slim. So, regardless of this How much blood can be destroyed in one game? As long as Qiu Fei is defeated, the mission is completed. If you look carefully, the way he is playing now is obviously wearing down Qiu Fei's state. This is obviously preparing for the subsequent team competition. .”

"Is this useful?" Dai Yanqi was dubious.

"Maybe it's useful, maybe it's not." Liu Hao spread his hands and said, "But if you have some free time, it's always good to save a few more coins."

The duel between Qiu Fei and Xiao Shiqin almost ended in a one-sided situation. Life Extinguisher consumed 79% of its HP, almost twice as much as its opponent, but no matter what, Wu Xiu finally scored one more point in the first half.

The intermission passed quietly amid the chatter of Lin Cang and Qi Yuxiang. Both of them felt that Excellent Era's players were a little out of shape tonight. In the team competition where the map advantage was more obvious, they would probably be more passive.

The team match begins and the map is drawn.

"I didn't expect that Wuxiao would choose this map! They did it again!" Qi Yuxiang shouted in surprise as soon as the map was revealed. It's not that the map is remote, but that it's too familiar.

Linhe Market supports all battle modes and is one of the most popular maps in the arena. However, the modes that players open the most rooms are team battles, individual battles, and hide-and-seek modes.

The team battle here is not the five-versus-five of the professional arena, but a group confrontation that can accommodate up to 16 versus 16, and the points are based on the total number of team kills within a certain period of time. Because the character will be resurrected in the base immediately after death, and it is very refreshing to fight and rush, so it is very popular among players.

Even professional players will sometimes open a small account and secretly go to the arena to play a few rounds of riverside team battles to relieve stress and relax.

"Playing a team match in a chaotic battle map requires very high command!" Lin Cang, a former professional player, pointedly pointed out: "The map is large, with a lot of cover, and battles are often indoors. It is not that difficult to command the overall situation. !”

Qi Yuxiang said: "For a mechanic, it's pretty good. He has a mechanical rotor and can be condescending and take charge of the overall situation. Oh, and he also has electronic eyes. He released the electronic eyes just after leaving the base."

Lin Cang said: "In extremely complex terrain, opening electronic eyes may not be a good thing, as it is easy to be attacked by sneak attacks."

Qi Yuxiang retorted: "It's not that easy to sneak up on Xiao Shiqin!"

While the two were talking, Excellent Era had completed the initial adjustments. The group of people who had originally dispersed moved forward together again, finally converging at the riverside.

Lin Cang commented: "I feel that Xiao Shiqin's layout

To be discussed. At least one or two people should be sent to the central area. If Wu Xiao was more reckless and surrounded him, he would soon be able to form a powerful pincer attack. "

"Could it be that Excellent Era wants to forcefully cross the river?" Qi Yuxiang said in disbelief. "It's unreasonable!"

The two rivers on the map are like a cross-shaped Y character. The two forks on the left have narrow water surfaces and are connected by arch bridges. After the merge, the water surface is wide and there is no bridge, so you can only swim or fly across it. But doing so can easily be blocked by opponents lurking on the shore.

Usually when players play this map, the melee fighters crowd towards the tributaries, while the mages and gunners bomb and snipe each other on both sides of the main stream. Anyone who tries to cross the river without opening their eyes will be blown to pieces in minutes.

Zhang Xinjie, who was watching the battle, said: "Xiao Shiqin's choice is not completely unreasonable. Everyone knows that you can't walk on the river. That's because the firepower on the bank was too strong during the chaos. Now it's only five versus five, and the firepower on the bank is not that strong. It's a forcible crossing. The price may be acceptable."

Han Wenqing next to him said coldly: "You all think of Lin Jingyan too simply. If Excellent Era rushes over, there will be no good results!"

Before Han Wenqing finished speaking, a bolt of lightning flashed out of the air and struck straight at One Autumn Leaf, which had just entered the water.

"Shaoguang has taken action!" Qi Yuxiang shouted, "He is hiding in a very hidden position, with only the tip of his staff showing. Even though Excellent Era has two gun types, they can't hit him."

"Gas consumption and speed increase, he is accelerating around the back. Yu Henfeng Kuang, who was beside him just now, is now returning to help at high speed. And Tang Sanda, who was originally dragging behind, is moving closer to Shaoguan. It seems that the roaring The plan was very thorough, and as soon as Excellent Era showed signs of overcoming the enemy, they made corresponding changes," Lin Cang said.

The elemental mage's thunder skill can chop down up to five thunderbolts in a row. Under Zhao Yuzhe's control, the position and distance of each lightning strike were deliberately changed.

The continuous attacks caused a lot of trouble for Sun Xiang. One Autumn Leaf struggled to swim on the water to avoid them, but he was still hit by a thunderbolt, which landed half of his body on the left side. Fortunately, Sun Xiang reacted very quickly and activated the mana shield in time to avoid being paralyzed by the electric shock and sinking to the bottom of the water.

Crossing the river with One Autumn Leaf was Match. In order to avoid becoming a target, Wang Ze did not try to cross the empty river directly with a flying gun, but chose to swim in the river together. Due to range and shooting angle issues, the sharpshooters had to wait until they reached the center of the river at the earliest before they could fire back.

Wang Ze couldn't take action, but he still had cover.

The creatures that set off a little later were not idle. Aerial storms, mechanical airdrops, interceptor groups, and more than a dozen flying machines flew out of the shack in a swarm, and rushed toward the wooden house on the other side that was constantly showing the light effect of the magic array.

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