Glory of tactics

Three hundred and twenty-four missed opportunities

There was no need to wait for Zhang Xinjie to change his order. As soon as he saw the appearance of Qi Chong Yunshui, Zou Yuan knew that the tactics they had just adopted were no longer suitable for implementation.

The muzzle of Huafansijin gradually deflected, relying on the reaction force of the Gatling gun to forcefully change the direction of movement. It turned around smoothly and without any smoke, and moved closer to Boundless Sea and Changhe Sunset.

This hand, in the eyes of a discerning person, is extremely stunning.

Su Mucheng couldn't help but said: "What a beautiful flying gun!"

Ye Xiu nodded and said, "Zhang Jiale was nothing more than this when he was at his peak."

A grenade was thrown out and landed in the open space in front of Qi Chongyunshui.

Guo Yang saw it clearly and recognized that it was a deflation-type grenade. He had no choice but to stop and wait for the grenade to explode before starting it again.

It was only then that Zhang Xinjie's new command popped up on the screen.

The stone does not turn: gather fire and attack Tang San.

A moment too late, Shi Bu Zhuan and Yu Hen Feng Kuang appeared one after another.

Qiu Fei looked at the charging priest, shook his head regretfully, and controlled the battle mage to rush towards the ammunition expert.

Tang San relied on the steel and iron bones that he opened first for a while, and then became more and more difficult as the boxer also activated this skill. When he saw Boundless Hai's arms flaring up and being surrounded by lightning, Lin Jingyan immediately used his hand speed to send a command on the channel.

Tang Sanda: Milk.

The air flow surged, the shadows of fists filled the sky, and the fire flashed continuously. With Zou Yuan's support, Zhao Yang and Song Qiying, one punched the Changhong Qi Penetration, and the other punched the lightning speed punch.

Lin Jingyan only felt that the light effects in front of him were colorful, and he couldn't recognize his opponent's attack line for a moment. Fortunately, Lin Jingyan was used to seeing scenes of flowers and blood. He was powerless to deal with all possible attacks, but he was not helpless.

Relying on the effect of his domineering body, Tang San swung his hands round, and threw countless props around like raindrops. Most of the props, such as bricks, gasoline bottles, fishing nets, and poisonous mines, were blown up in the air, but there were also some large and small props that passed through the fist wind fighting spirit and explosion, and passed through in the opposite direction.

Song Qiying was completely unprepared for Lin Jingyan's counterattack. After punching at the speed of lightning, he launched the Tiger Dance. Suddenly, his vision went dark, and only the status bar and skill bar remained on the screen. Then he realized that he had been blinded.

Zhao Yang was an old man. He had already covered his eyes with his hand, but unexpectedly a poisonous needle flew towards the ground and pricked his foot, breaking his body. Then by accident, he was hit by an anesthetic needle. In an instant, Unable to move.

The gangster's wide-area skill was only useful for Street Storm. Lin Jingyan never expected that his counterattack would be so lucky that he knocked both Boundless Sea and Changhe Sunset into abnormal states. Naturally, he didn't follow up with any back-ups. He controlled Tang San to roll backwards and move closer to the spirit healer.

"Lin Jingyan is too soft!" Pan Lin commented.

"After all, Tang San took the last few big moves for real. If he doesn't replenish his health, his remaining health won't last long. Don't forget, the skill Zou Yuan created tonight is Barre Special sniper attack." Li Yibo said.

Li Yibo's statement has some truth, but some people think it is unfounded.

Shu Kexin smiled and said: "What are you afraid of Barrett? If you want to get a headshot in the light of hundreds of flowers, Zhou Zekai doesn't even have the ability!"

Shu Keyi beside her shook her head and said, "That's not necessarily true. Zou Yuan seems to be in good condition tonight!"

As if to verify Dashu's statement, Hua Fansijin passed over the two fighting type companions and took the lead in chasing Tang San.

The line of fire is extending, the blood is being shed, and the holy light is coming.

The large healing technique and the small restoring technique, Ruan Yongbin's treatment accurately covered Tang San's head, and did not miss it as he rolled on the ground.

The gangster who received support immediately became energetic, jumped on the ice sculpture base, and then jumped to attack.

Bloody claw marks cut through the colorful explosions of light. Under the light and shadow, there was nothing. Then, the fire shot into the sky and shot into the gangster's abdomen.

Hua Fansijin rolled back, and the timer grenade left behind dealt a heavy blow to Tang San, knocking his blood volume that had finally risen to less than half again.

"Lin Jingyan is anxious." Han Wenqing, who was sitting in the lounge, said, "In other words, he is tired. He showed signs of fatigue earlier than we expected."

"Great!" Yu Tian shouted happily, but seeing that the captain's face was still serious, he quickly stopped and sat up straight and continued to look at the screen.

Zhang Xinjie on the court felt a trace of regret in his heart. He also didn't expect that Zou Yuan's casual trap would actually have a big effect. Because Yuhenfengkuang was approaching fiercely, Zhang Xinjie recalled Changhe Sunset and felt that it was not reliable yet, so he decided to close the formation and ordered Huafansijin to retreat so that both sides could support each other, and then let Boundless Sea advance to the front.

Tyranny dominates with its overall offense, but Zhang Xinjie's best tactic is defensive counterattack.

Adjustments have been made. The most important thing is to stick to it. Analyzing right and wrong is something that needs to be done during the review after the game.

Shi Bujuan continuously waved the backlit cross to restore blood to the severely injured boxer.

The successor to the King of Fighters, who had been knocked down several times tonight, had lost some of his energy, but his defense didn't require much energy, so he managed to stay on track for a while.

Yuhenfengkuang made three consecutive attacks, but failed to cross Changhe Sunset's defense line.

Zhang Xinjie looked at six directions, moving, treating, and commanding, one thing after another, one action after another, all in a row, without any panic, and with smoothness and ease, which fully demonstrated that after the God of Healing retired, he firmly occupied the title of the first priest. reason.

After calculation and rechecking, it was determined that the battle on the main battlefield would be a long stalemate. Zhang Xinjie immediately turned his attention to another battlefield.

The Stone Does Not Turn: Lotta?

Lotta: 68, 53.

Bai Yanfei's news was returned very quickly, which fully demonstrated that he is still doing well so far.

However, the loss of nearly 30% of his health and the consumption of almost half of his mana also showed that it was not that easy for him to fight Fang Rui in a one-on-one battle.

In contrast, Fang Rui was sweating a little.

The gangster hits the element. The gangster gets beaten when he gets closer, and the element gets beaten when he gets closer.

This is how it should be.

However, as a player who debuted in the same year, Bai Yanfei was very familiar with Fang Rui. Even if he changed his profession, his attack ideas were still the same.

Xiu Yougen came to Luo Ta's side twice, but Luo Ta successfully escaped twice.

One time by teleportation, the other time by Haolong Pojun!

The moment he was hit by the combat skill, Fang Rui couldn't help but want to question, which magic profession can create a purely physical skill?

Of course, luckily Fang Rui didn't really ask on the channel, otherwise Bai Yanfei's answer would make him vomit blood.

Because the answer is: Your magician!

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