God! I Turned Into a Turtle

Chapter 1774: Dominant Super Ancient God


The super ancient **** collided with the giant tortoise, blasting countless bright rays of light, which spewed out in the sky of the True God Realm like fireworks in a prosperous age.

They merged in the bright light and became stronger.

It wasn't until a super ancient **** exuding dominating pressure slowly walked out of the radiant light that the radiant light slowly dissipated.

The super ancient god, with a current-like silver light flowing all over his body, the silver light slowly emanating from his skin.

That silver-white hair swayed slightly, like a galaxy shaking, hiding a coercion and anger that the universe couldn't bear.

The silver crystal on the forehead exploded with a chichichi, and the silver light stream gushed out all over the body.

His silver eyes stared at the Forbidden Lord who just flew out from the explosion of the pseudo-space-time wheel, full of murderous intent.

"The first ruler to dominate the pinnacle!"

The taboo lord backed away in horror, his body struck by fear.

He is just an ordinary master, and he has not yet reached the peak, how can he surpass the peak among the first masters?

What's more, this is still a super ancient god, and it makes him feel troublesome when he is infinitely close to the master.

On the ground, Di Xiwei covered her face and wept, a former friend beside her was gone, and even Yue Sangworm was gone.

She didn't know whether it was joy or sadness, her eyes were confused and painful.

"This time, you should be able to win, right?"

She murmured, her eyes were covered by mist, and she looked at the super ancient **** dimly.

"Can win!"

A very deep voice that resembled Ye Que echoed in the Realm of God.

It was the super ancient **** who spoke.

The White God Staff he was holding also turned into a silver electric current at this moment, and finally wrapped his whole body.

"This time, no one can save you! Taboo Master!"

The super ancient **** suppressed his grief, and walked towards the Lord of Taboos in anger and deep coldness. Every step he took could shake the void and shake the true **** world.

"Ruler of taboos, everything started because of you, then everything ends because of you!"

The super ancient **** was confused for a moment, so many people sacrificed just to kill a taboo master, is it really worth it?

Roar! !

The Lord of Taboo covered the sky with his palm, pressing down on the super ancient **** in a dark way.

The super ancient **** came back to his senses, whether it was worth it or not, he had the answer in his heart, but he didn't dare to say it, because the price behind it was too heavy.

The only thing he has to do now is to kill the taboo master.

boom! !

The super ancient **** soared into the sky, turned into a silver light beam, pierced through the giant palm, and saw the Lord of Taboo fleeing to the dark void beyond the Realm of God, he immediately killed him.


He stepped on the long river of time and space, jumping one after another, as if he wanted to go back to the end of time and space to explore the mysteries of life, but in a short while, he caught up with the taboo master.

With a bang, the super ancient **** appeared in front of the taboo lord, his fist contained silver current, gushing out a coercion that could crush the eternal era, and pierced the taboo lord's chest.

The taboo ruler spattered blood, roared and turned into a dead spirit, jumped into the long river of time and space, and fled quickly. He was terrified and almost died just now.

The super ancient **** who ruled the pinnacle in the first generation was so strong that he was shot through the chest without even seeing him clearly.


The river of time and space surged, and the super ancient **** distorted the river of time and space, and came to the source of the river ahead of time. His fists bombarded with a dazzling silver glow, and smashed on the back of the taboo ruler.

ah! !

The screams crazily shouted from the mouth of the taboo master.

It was too miserable for him, he was directly beaten to a serious injury, and he was not as strong as before.

"Let me go!"

The taboo master groaned, turned into a dead spirit again, escaped from the hands of the super ancient god, and then used both hands to strike out the nirvana finger, the nirvana fist, the eternal lore technique, the worship of the dark lord, and the suppression of the source of darkness.


The super ancient **** shattered the nirvana finger with one punch, swung the nirvana fist with one hand, stepped on the eternal lore technique, smashed the Lord of Darkness powerfully, and smashed the suppression of the dark things in the fury, and finally took the posture of absolute king , overlooking the severely wounded and bleeding Forbidden Master.

"Let me go, I will give you a key, the key that can unlock the ultimate mystery."

The Taboo Master coughed blood and flesh, his internal organs were shattered, and he could have recovered, but the power contained in the super ancient **** was too terrifying, and it actually restricted the recovery, which was a tendency to make him die.

He was scared and wanted to make peace.

"Just for this, you bloodbathed countless epochs, and let the Conferred Gods epoch repeat the grief of the past epoch?"

The indifferent face of the super ancient **** was instantly furious, causing the pupils of the taboo ruler to shrink violently, and great terror arose in his heart.


The taboo master turned into darkness for an instant, and disappeared in the depths of darkness and nothingness in an instant.


The super ancient deity turned into silver and white for an instant, the light bent slightly, and instantly intercepted the taboo master in the extreme depths of darkness and nothingness.

As soon as the two met each other, they couldn't help but talk, and it was another fierce battle, and in the end the taboo master was defeated.

The super ancient **** smashed the head of the forbidden ruler, split open the chest of the forbidden ruler, crushed the heart of the forbidden ruler, and tore apart the whole body of the forbidden ruler with absolutely terrifying bombardment.

"Don't kill me, if you and I cooperate, we will enter the final mystery, which contains the secret to enter the source **** world, and can also obtain the inheritance of the mystery, becoming a treasure above the master."

Even though he was torn apart, Juggernaut's consciousness was still coming out. Although he was very weak, he still tried his best to send out tempting and bewitching magic sounds, bewitching the super ancient god.

"Go to your treasure!"

Ye Que was furious, and poured the full power of the super ancient **** into his right fist, and with a bang, it hit the ruler's remnant body, shaking the darkness and nothingness on the spot.

The taboo master screamed, only half of his head survived the bombardment, the rest of his body was smashed into powder, and finally dissipated into nothingness.

"I'll give you the key, save my life!"

The taboo master was so scared that he didn't even dare to talk about the conditions, he just asked for a chance to save his life.

He has ruled the True God Realm for countless epochs, and he has never known fear. For the first time, he tasted that death is so frightening.


The Super Ancient God pinched half of his head, with indifferent silver pupils, he looked at the half of the ruler's head as if he was looking at a dead person, his eyes were full of coldness, hatred, anger, indifference and killing intent.

At this moment, Juggernaut was even more afraid.

"I'll give you the key, and you don't have to spare my life. Let me go to reincarnation, and reincarnation is fine."

Half of Juggernaut's head trembled, and his lips trembled uncontrollably.


The super ancient **** used force, crushing the half of his head with his hands.

"Let me reincarnate, even if I become a beast, please."


"You deserve it too?"

The super ancient **** shouted loudly, and crushed Juggernaut with all his might.

"Hey, Tangtang, a master, can help you alleviate so many difficulties, but you are still useless."

A gloomy and obscure voice suddenly spread between the super ancient **** and the master.

The super ancient **** turned his head suddenly, and saw the barbarian **** standing beside him with his hands behind his back, his eyes were deep and full of deep contempt.

"Who are you?"

The super ancient **** punched him.

"Dare to attack this seat, you are treasonous, you should be punished."

The barbarian god's words follow the law, and as soon as he utters a word, there is an inexplicable strange power, which shatters the right arm of the super ancient god, and even shakes the super ancient **** back.

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